Field Season is in Full Swing!

We currently have Jeremy sampling differently managed agricultural ponds for water quality and fish and macroinvertebrate biodiversity; Bethany just returned from Uganda where she was investigating mate-choice between two populations of cichlids; Tiffany has been working on her cichlid diet analysis; Shib is dissecting eyes and brains of Round Gobies to look for parasites that cause cataracts; Chelsey is working closely with Lake Erie Charter captains to determine lure color choice of Walleye in different water conditions; Taylor has now reared 400 cichlids in the lab for behavioral studies under turbid and clear conditions; Andy is studying the optokinetic response of large Walleye under turbid conditions at Stone Lab; and Harrison is studying the swim performance of Emerald Shiners at Stone lab for his REU project. Quite the busy summer for the Gray lab! Stay tuned for weekly research spotlights on each project!