
In order to access the spreadsheet of available grants please click on the link below and download to your own device.

VIEW AS A GOOGLE DOCUMENT (you can also download the file here as well)

How To Use:

  1. The tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet will show you the 3 categories of grants.
  2. Grants are listed in alphabetical order on the most left-hand side.
    1. A link to the respective website is available under the title.
  3. Some grants fund individuals/groups based on type of disability; eligibility can be found highlighted in green on the right-hand side of the spreadsheet.
  4. A short description/review of grant is provided in the column to the right of the Grant title; Important documentation needed for the application is listed here.

Please note that this was created in 2017-2018, therefore the list is not entirely exhaustive. There may be additional grants available at the moment. If you find any additional grant resources, please post in the forum under the topic “Additional Grant Resources” so that other athletes and families will have access to it as well.


Thank you,
