Listserv Information

This is a REQUIRED listserv for Counselor Education Students at The Ohio State University. COUNSED is the student/faculty listserv for The Ohio State University Counselor Education program. All counselor education students at The Ohio State University must be on COUNSED in order to receive important program information and announcements.

To sign up for COUNSED, go to:


Doctoral students in Counselor Education must also sign up for the doctoral/faculty listserv, COUNSDOCS

To sign up for COUNSDOCS, go to:


Please note that these listservs is by permission only, so once you have signed up, it may take a few days to get the permission you need to actually join in the discussion.

Doctoral students may also wish to join OHCOUNSED, the listserv for OACES (Ohio Association for Counselor Education & Supervision). To join, go to:

This is an OPTIONAL listserv for Counselor Education students around the country and world. COUNSGRADS is an international listserv for graduate students in counselor education. COUNSGRADS has been developed to help graduate students from across the country and world communicate with one another. Students can talk about classes, internships, papers, and ideas about the profession. This is a very active listserv. Darcy Haag Granello, a counselor educator at The Ohio State University, was the creator of the listserv and was listowner from 1998-2024. The listserv is now housed at Texas A&M University, and the new listowner is Dr. Karl Mitchell.

To sign up for COUNSGRADS, go to: