Major Service Project




For my major service project I have been a volunteer at the James Cancer Center. I am a volunteer in the MICU/SICU and help with the family waiting to see their loved ones, and communicating with doctors and nurses.

As a result of this experience I have gained knowledge of how hospitals and ICU works in regards to trauma care. I have also gained the knowledge that death is a natural part of life and how to help the patients and the family with the last few days of life. Majoring in Respiratory Therapy, I feel this is preparing me and giving me great experience of what I may encounter in the future.

A person I interacted with that made a positive impact on my life was the charge nurse. Whenever I had questions about a patient or how to inform the family members, she was always willing to help me. She really taught me how to be strong but yet empathetic in trying situations.

Because of this service experience, I am empathetic.

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