- Global Awareness: One of my favorite and most transformative experiences that I had the chance to partake in was leading several trips to the Dominican Republic. On these, trips, I served as both a leader in my own ranks as a volunteer, but also as a leader to the young children in the village of Juan Tomas. My roles entailed both serving as an instructor of English as well as helping to build and refurbish homes and community centers throughout their town.
- Original Inquiry: During High School, I took two courses through a small college nearby to my hometown in English and second level writing. The course was very open-ended, and it provoked a lot of study and exploration in what I wanted to major in for college as well as set my eyes upon for a career. I became fascinated with synthetic tissue regeneration as well as cell-scaffolding; both of which find their realms in the study of Biomedical Engineering. Thus, I began researching new projects and studies conducted at the collegiate and graduate level across the nation, and became fixated upon the studies and success of Ohio State. From there, I knew where I wanted to begin my college journey and has transformed my experiences to this day.
- Academic Enrichment: I have taken several courses throughout my time at Ohio State in several realms: Engineering and Business. I have found my calling between the two and am currently pursuing that goal, however in the process I have learned so much about myself. Engineering taught me several tactical skills such as coding and mechanical design, which was implemented by team projects and the R & D process in the Fundamentals of Engineering curriculum for my first two semesters. In Business, I have learned so many skills in CSE 2111 that have transformed me and have reaped the fruits of my labor in that class in my personal projects, spending tracking, and other roles I serve.
- Leadership Development: As a second-year in Mount, I had the opportunity to pursue additional courses to aid me in my leadership journey. Engineering 4891 and Service and Community Integration 2571 have taught me so much about recognizing biases and stereotypes and enacting change at the personal level. The greatest lesson that I have taken away from these courses is that when the world looks dark and it seems like the efforts of only one person isn’t even enough to do anything; remember that it doesn’t have to be immediate fixes. Slowly doing your duty and making the small changes in your own life add up to a big change.
- Service Engagement: I also had the opportunity to serve and continue to serve with the Kindergarten Corps with the Schoenbaum Center here at OSU. In my roles here, I served as a tutor to two young Kindergarteners and developed lesson plans, organized learning materials, and read stories to these children and discussed the takeaways from them. I love working with kids, and their smiles and joy have impacted me greatly in my second year experience.