After this year, my career choices have gotten a little hazier. My plan since my Sophomore year of high school has been to attend law school. But now, I am becoming less and less sure of that choice. Since starting studying my Psychology degree, I have realized that I love to help people on an individual basis. I believe that I would be a good counselor or clinical psychologist. This career choice is not possible if I decide to go to law school. Both of these choices are fairly similar: I have the opportunity to help someone on an individual basis who is facing a crisis. But these are two completely different situations. If I become a lawyer, I help someone through trial, and if I become a psychologist, I help someone through a mental health problem. I believe that it would probably be harder to be a psychologist because I would form personal connections with people who are dealing with severe problems. But attorneys make substantially higher salaries than psychologists, and I have planned to become an attorney for a while now. Furthermore, I have more experience with law-related fields since I have done multiple internships thinking I would become a lawyer. I have a lot to consider about my future in the upcoming year.