Earth Month Challenge Proposal

For Earth Month Challenge, I have decided to focus on waste and toxicity for my challenge. Throughout my four weeks, I plan to challenge myself to try four different methods of saving my resources, reducing my waste, and reducing the toxicity I contribute to.

For the first week, my main challenge will be to only buy products with little to no packaging in order to reduce my landfill waste. For the second week, my challenge is to not use the disposable cups when I buy coffee, and if I buy coffee from the cafes at all, to use a reusable thermos. My third week will focus on eating and buying only all natural or organic products in order to reduce the toxicity from pesticides and highly processed food. For the last week of the challenge, I will challenge myself to not throw away any organic food waste, whether that is by not over-filling my plate or composting. These challenges will be cumulative.

I think the most difficult part of this challenge will be finding new products that I can buy that will suit these requirements. However, that is the main reason I chose this focus area, so that I can learn what products are best for the environment and how to better vote with my wallet.

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