
February 20, 2019

Congratulations to Kevin Conroy and Kelly Peterson in their excellent contribution to the OSU Denman Undergraduate Research Forum and for winning an award from the Sustainability Institute! We’re so proud!

Documenting the Prevalence of Internal Parasites in Bee Species Throughout Ohio“.

October 2, 2018

Bees in Space! Karen was interviewed by Rachael Penton of ABC 6 Columbus.

August 10, 2018

Goodell Lab in New Orleans at the Ecological Society of America annual meeting.

June 27, 2018

Goodell Lab in the news!

June 20, 2018

Congratulations to Megan Varvaro on successfully defending her master’s thesis: “The effect of simulated climate change on overwintering physiology in solitary bees and the impacts of floral and landscape resources on nesting“.

April 25, 2018

Congratulations Elliot O’Flynn (Undergraduate researcher, Zoology major) and Advisor James Hung on your Sigma Xi grant to support your summer research!

Investigating the role of flowering weeds as complementary resources for pollinating
bumble bees (Apidae: Bombus) in pumpkin fields

Elliot was recognized at the Sigma Xi banquet for his research grant!

April 24, 2018

She’s a winner! Audrey Bezilla
Denman Undergraduate Research Forum OSU Sustainability Competition: Ecosystem Services Award!

Congratulations to Audrey Bezilla Graduating OSU Zoology major on her Denman Award for her poster “Analyzing the Role of Roadsides in Bumble Bee Habitat”. Advisors: Jessie Lanterman and Karen Goodell

Here is the list of winners

Here is some press on Audrey’s award

August 7, 2017

Goodell lab in the news again this week. This time quoted in an article in the Toledo Blade. Link.

July 30, 2017

Interview of Karen Goodell by WOSU’s Debbie Holmes about the Ohio Bumble bee survey. Link.


July 11, 2017

Congratulations to Jessie Lanterman on defending her dissertationRe-establishment of Wild Bee Communities on Reclaimed Ohio Coal Mines“! Jessie will be joining the Goodell lab as a post-doctoral researcher working on the Rusty Patch Bumble Bee survey of Ohio funded by the ODOT.

May 11, 2017

Karen Goodell and Randy Mitchell (U. Akron) are funded by the ODOT for 2 years to document the distribution of the endangered Rusty Patch Bumble Bee and other bumble bees in Ohio.

May 1, 2017

The Ohio Bee Atlas opens to the public on iNaturalist. This collaboration between the National Parks Service, the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Cleveland Metroparks, The Ohio State University, and The University of Akron, and is a citizen science project to help us document the distribution of bees in Ohio. We are especially interested in photos of bumble bees in Ohio to help us document species distributions and assist us in locating suiable habitat patches for bumble bee surveys.  Please join.

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April 21, 2017

We are excited that Dr. James Keng-Lou Hung is joining the Goodell Lab as a post-doctoral researcher. He will be working on the USDA funded project “Navigating the trade-offs between pest management and pollinator conservation in cucurbits” in collaboration with Ian Kaplan (Purdue University) and others. Welcome James!


November 4, 2016

Goodell, K. and I. M. Parker, 2016, Invasion of a dominant floral resource: effects on the floral community and pollination of native plants. Ecology. Pre-print available

October 31, 2016

Post-doc position available in the Goodell lab: Job ad

September 1, 2016

SCRI grant funded! “Navigating the trade-off between pest control and pollinator conservation in cucurbits managed with neonicotinoid insecticides” PI- Ian Kaplan, Purdue University, CO-PIs:  Dan Egel (Purdue), Rick Foster (Purdue), Karen Goodell (OSU), Christian Krupke (Purdue), Elizabeth Maynard (Purdue), and Zsofia Szendrei (MSU).

October 25, 2016

Karen Goodell and Ingrid Parker got their Ecology paper accepted! Look out for: Goodell and Parker. Invasion of a dominant floral resource: effects on the floral community and pollination of native plants. Coming soon to Ecology.

August 22, 2016

Pollinator Display installed at The Wilds in the Johnson Center. Created by Karen Goodell and Jessie Lanterman and funded by the Ohio EPAIMG_2400IMG_2401









August 22, 2016

Lab Alum, Amy Iler, hired by the Chicago Botanic Garden, starting November, 2016. Congratulations, Amy!

August 7, 2016

Chasity Dills, our newest lab alum, graduates with a Masters in EEOB. Congratulations, Chasity!

June, 2016

Undergraduates Bobby Burkhart and Ben Green each received research fellowships. Bobby will study the use of stable C and N isotopes for tracking bee habitat use.  Ben will survey native solitary bees for the presence of honey bee viruses. Congratulations Bobby and Ben!

April 26, 2014

Lab Alum Amy Iler Interviewed by Carl Zimmer for The New York Times about her recent PNAS paper!