
Welcome Page


Table of Contents

  1. Project Management
    1. Team Working Agreement
    2. Individual Responsibility Agreement
    3. Project Schedule
    4. Meeting Notes
  2. Business Plan
    1. User identification and Interviews
    2. Electronic/Print Advertisement
    3. Pitch Video with Demonstration
  3. Software Documentation
    1. Introduction
    2. User Manual
    3. Program Description for Developers
    4. Final Algorithm, Flowchart, or Pseudo Code
    5. Final Program with Comments
    6. Discussion
    7. Conclusions and Recommendations
    8. References


Executive Summary

The primary objective of this project was to create a simple game in MATLAB and subsequently document the efforts of the team on this website. This required the team to communicate fluently to ensure everyone was doing their part on time.

The finished product was a Wild West edition of the traditional card game blackjack. To give the atmosphere of the Wild West players were referred to as “Cowboys”. What follows is a series of plays by each member of the game to try to get the closest score to twenty one without going over, the traditional rules of blackjack. The only prompts the players are given is the initial question of how many players and then the input of zero or any number over 1 to proceed or finish their turn. This game mainly ran on a series of nested for loops and if commands, more specific details can be found in the Program Description for Developers section of Software Documentation.

The second part of the project was the documentation of the project as well as the theoretical business side of selling this game. Interviews were conducted on peers before making the game to deciding on what game the team would create for an audience. To advertise the game there was short 1 minute sales pitch created as well as a poster advertising the game which can be found in the Business Plan section.

Overall, the team performed well. Communication was well used by all members of the team to complete objectives in a timely fashion. This resulted in a game that functioned smoothly and with no error. The corrections that could have been made were not problems with the code but rather a result of not having enough time to add more complex features. Obviously the more complex code is the easier it is for something to slip by unnoticed so keeping the code simpler allowed for a complete and finished project on time.