Lab News

**Now on twitter (@GolombLab, @juliedgolomb); follow us for current lab news!

July 2020 — Lab comings and goings
This summer we say goodbye to PhD graduate Dr. Xiaoli Zhang, who begins her postdoc at GWU with Sarah Shomstein; lab manager Chris Jones (beginning his PhD at Emory with Danny Dilks), and long-time undergraduate honors student Anisha Babu (beginning her PhD at U of Oregon with Brice Kuhl). And we welcome  new lab manager Lasya Pidaparthi (University of Virginia) and new PhD student Yong Min Choi (Yonsei University)!

April 2020 — Congrats, Chris & Anisha!
Congrats to lab manager Christopher Jones and undergraduate thesis researcher Anisha Babu for getting into top PhD programs! Chris will be off to Emory University’s PhD program in Psychology, and Anisha will be pursing her PhD in Psychology at University of Oregon.

February 2020 — Xiaoli defends her PhD!
Huge congrats to Dr. Xiaoli Zhang, PhD!

June 2019 — NSF grant funded
The lab was awarded a 3-year NSF grant to study visual feature perception during dynamic spatial attention and distraction, in collaboration with the Leber lab!

April 2019 – Paul awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
Congrats to Paul Scotti (joint Golomb & Leber lab grad student) for winning this prestigious 3-year fellowship!

April 2019 — more papers & student recognition

  • former postdoc Emma Wu Dowd publishes an exciting pair of papers (Dowd & Golomb, 2019 Psych Science; Dowd & Golomb, 2019 AP&P)
  • former lab manager Samoni Nag publishes her first paper (Nag, Berman, & Golomb, 2019 NeuroImage)
  • undergrad Anisha Babu wins a $10,000 Undergraduate Research Scholarship
  • undergrad Anisha Babu accepted into summer program in computational neuroscience at Carnegie Mellon
  • undergrad Deniz Ozkardas defends his research thesis
  • former research assistant Makaela Nartker is off to Johns Hopkins to begin her PhD in the Psychological and Brain Sciences program
  • undergrad Emma Megla accepted a lab manager position at Vanderbilt in Geoff Woodman’s lab

January 2019 — Early career awards (x3) for Julie

  • American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contributions to Psychology
  • American Psychological Foundation Robert L. Fantz Memorial Award for Young Investigators
  • Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences Early Career Impact Award [profile article]

December 2018 — exciting lab accomplishments

  • grad student Xiaoli Zhang publishes her first first-author paper (Zhang & Golomb, 2018 Visual Cognition)
  • grad student Paul Scotti wins Best OPAM Poster Award
  • grad student Jiageng Chen wins OPAM travel award
  • baby Micah joins the lab family!

October 2018 — Dan defends his PhD!
Huge congrats to Dr. Dan Berman, PhD!

August 2018 — New lab members
Welcome to our newest lab members: lab managers Chris Jones and Mo Starks, and grad student William Narhi-Martinez!

June 2018 — Julie gets tenure!

April 2018 — Congrats, Samoni & Matt!
Congrats to lab manager Samoni Nag and former undergrad Matt Heard for getting into top PhD programs! Samoni will be off to George Washington University’s PhD program in Psychology, and Matt will be pursing his PhD in the Neuroscience program here at OSU.

March 2018 — more papers & student recognition

  • grad student Dan Berman for publishing his first paper (Berman, Golomb, & Walther, 2017 PLoSOne)
  • former lab members Anna and Nonie for publishing more awesome papers from the lab (Shafer-Skelton & Golomb, 2017 PB&R; Finlayson & Golomb, 2017 Visual Cognition)
  • grad student Paul Scotti for winning a 2018 CCBBI Research Award for neuroimaging research
  • undergrad Jazmyn Agudelo-Mustafa for winning a prestigious Gilman International Scholarship
  • undergrad Anisha Babu for getting accepted to the summer research program at Cold Springs Harbor
  • undergrad Deniz Ozkardas for winning an Undergraduate Research Scholarship

Sept 2017 — Emma awarded NIH NRSA!
Huge congrats to Emma Wu Dowd for winning a prestigious 3-year NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Research Fellowship!

Aug 2017 — Welcome to the lab, Paul
Welcome to new graduate student Paul Scotti, who joins us from Sarah Shomstein’s & Steve Mitroff’s labs at GWU! Paul will be a joint student with our lab and the Leber lab.

May 2017 — Lots of congrats!

  • grad student Jiageng Chen for winning a 2017 Gibson Research Award for neuroimaging research
  • undergrad Janie Beaufore for successfully defending her  honors thesis
  • undergrad alum Avni Bapat on a first-authored paper (Bapat, Shafer-Skelton, Kupitz, & Golomb, 2017 AP&P)
  • undergrad Matt Heard for landing a full-time lab manager position in Yune Lee’s Speech, Language, & Music Lab at OSU
  • research assistant Makaela Nartker for landing a full-time lab manager position in Jeremy Wolfe’s Visual Attention Lab at Harvard Med School

December 2016 — New lab papers
Congrats to Anna Shafer-Skelton on her first first-author publication: “Object-location binding across a saccade: A retinotopic Spatial Congruency Bias” (Shafer-Skelton, Kupitz, & Golomb, 2017 AP&P) and to Nonie Finlayson on her first fMRI paper: “Differential patterns of 2D location versus depth decoding along the visual hierarchy” (Finlayson, Zhang, & Golomb, 2017 NeuroImage)!
OSU press release

July 2016 — Lab comings and goings
Welcome to new postdoc Emma Wu Dowd (from Duke University) and new lab manager Samoni Nag (Emory University)! And a heart-felt goodbye & good luck to former lab manager Anna Shafer-Skelton, who is starting grad school at UCSD!

April 2016 — Anna awarded NSF GRF!
Big congrats to Anna Shafer-Skelton for winning a prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Even more impressively, Anna was awarded the fellowship before even beginning grad school!

April 2016 — Press for J.Neurosci Paper
Our recently published paper in collaboration with Aleix Martinez’s lab (Srinivasan et al, 2016: “A neural basis of facial action recognition in humans”) just came out at Journal of Neuroscience and has been getting some press:
OSU Press Release
CBS News
Discover Magazine

March 2016 — Congrats to Xiaoli, Janie, & Emma
Congrats to grad student Xiaoli Zhang for winning a 2016 Gibson Research Award for neuroimaging research, and to undergraduate honors student Janie Beaufore for winning an Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship! Also congrats to incoming postdoc Emma Wu Dowd for being selected as an 2016-2017 OPAM organizer.

January 2016 — Good luck, Nonie
Good luck to Nonie Finlayson as she moves to London to start a postdoc with Sam Schwarzkopf at UCL. We’ll miss you!

November 2015 — Michela & Marina awarded undergraduate research grants
Congrats to senior undergraduate researchers Michela Paradiso and Marina Barboza who were both awarded prestigious SBS Undergraduate Research Grants for their projects in the lab!

August 2015 — Welcome to the lab, Jiageng
Welcome to new graduate student Jiageng Chen, who joins us from Marisa Carrasco’s lab at NYU!

August 2015 — R01 grant funded
The lab was awarded a 5-year NIH R01 grant for behavioral, fMRI, and EEG studies of spatial stability.

May 2015 — Avni defends her honors thesis
Congrats to Avni Bapat for successfully defending her undergraduate honors thesis, “The influence of object movement on location and feature processing.” Not only did she pass with flying colors, but she did so a full year early! Great work, Avni!

March 2015 — Congrats, Dan
Congrats to Dan Berman for winning 2 recent awards! The 2015 H. Dean and Susan Regis Gibson Research Award (for outstanding brain imaging research), and a Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences Summer Graduate Fellowship.

September 2014 — Lab comings and goings
We’ve got lots of new faces around lab these days. Welcome to new lab manager Anna Shafer-Skelton (joining us from Harvard Vision Lab), and new grad students Xiaoli Zhang (from Tsinghua University in China) and Dan Berman (from right down the hall in Dirk Bernhardt-Walther’s lab). And a huge congrats / we’ll miss you to former lab manager Colin Kupitz, who is starting a PhD program in Cognitive Science at UC Irvine!

July 2014 — Paper accepted at JEP:General
“The influence of object location on identity: A “spatial congruency bias”” is now in press at JEP:General, co-authored by Colin and Carina!

April 2014 — Adeel & Avni awarded summer research fellowships
Congrats to Adeel Tausif and Avni Bapat who were BOTH awarded Undergraduate Education Summer Research Fellowships to continue their research projects in the lab this summer!

February 2014 — Julie selected as a Sloan Research Fellow
Julie was selected as a 2014 Sloan Research Fellow in Neuroscience, an early-career award from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

December 2013 — Paper accepted at Psych Science
“Feature binding errors after eye movements and shifts of attention”, including some of the first data collected in the lab!

October 2013 — Welcome to the lab, Nonie
Welcome to our new postdoc, Nonie Finlayson! Nonie comes to us from Univ. of Queensland in Australia, and arrived just in time for her first American Halloween!

April 2013 — Congrats, Carina
Carina Thiemann was awarded a prestigious Summer Fellowship from the Office of Undergraduate Research (one of only 13 students university-wide) to hang out with us in the lab all summer!

Sept 2012 — Welcome to the lab, Colin
Welcome to our inaugural lab member, Colin Kupitz! Colin hails from Nevada, where he recently graduated from University of Nevada, Reno and worked in Gideon Caplovitz’s lab.