Hi, I’m Lily, and I am a member of the Politics, Society, and Law scholars program. I am currently undecided about my major, and am enrolled in the Exploration program. This year, I have decided on many G.O.A.L.S for myself in the short-term and the long-term. For global awareness, I want to start researching about all the opportunities that OSU has to offer with study abroad programs. For the long-term, I would like to take a trip and study abroad. For original inquiry, I want to participate in some kind of research project during my time at OSU. Academic enrichment is going to be so important to me this year. I want to figure out what my passions are, and how I can shape that into a career. Over the long-term, I want to find something that’s so interesting to me, that it doesn’t even feel like class. I hope to delve deeper into leadership during my time and OSU, and lastly, I want to get involved in many service projects that make me extremely passionate. This will help me stay engaged during service.