Education Abroad

Program Overview

I participated in the Alpha Zeta Partners study abroad program to Piracicaba, Brazil.  This six-week program took place during the Spring semester of 2017.  While in country, we spent three weeks taking courses at ESALQ.  The topics we covered were history, culture, language, economics and government.  The second three weeks of the program we spent applying the information learned in the classroom to first-hand experiences around the southern part of the country.  We visited many agricultural operations and even saw a couple wonders of the world.

The trip had several focuses.  To begin, the course topics were definitely areas in which were thoroughly explored.  In addition, we also spent time reflecting on leadership, service, and our global perspective while in Brazil.

Pre-Departure Reflection

I found out about this program from other friends who had been in AZP in the past and they spoke so highly of the program that I had to experience it for myself.  I applied for several scholarships that made the financial burden quite a bit easier and luckily I didn’t rack up any sort of debt by participating in this program.

Previously I had been to Nicaragua and this experience made me imagine Brazil in the same way.  However, Brazil was much more developed and quite a bit different than Nicaragua.

January 5th, 2017:

“One of the things I am most excited about for this journey is experiencing even more off the beautiful Brazilian culture.  One thing that I am most anxious about is the language barrier.  It is difficult not being able to answer or understand people who come up and want to talk to you in public.  I really hope I catch on in our Portuguese class and, by the end, am able to get by on my own if I have to in public.”

While Abroad Reflection

In order to give the best sense of my experiences abroad, I thought it would be most interesting to provide a few sections of my journal from Brazil.

January 6th, 2017:

“A global mindset isn’t just simply an awareness of cultures and regions from across the globe, but it is an understanding and a respect for the people and culture of the world’s societies.  Often I feel that my mindset is changed by simply visiting another country, though this may be true, one must still focus on digging deeper into understand of who the people are and what about their culture is unique and important to them.  This is important because if one doesn’t come to respect another’s culture as an international leader, he or she will be ignorant to the fact that the culture has so much to learn from and brings much to the table when it comes to moving our world forward.  Yet the piece that sets this ahead of simply awareness is the need to utilize the strengths and abilities across the globe in making those decisions and advances that will benefit our world as a whole.”

January 23rd, 2017:

“Racism is still an issue in parts of the U.S. and I think if everyone had the experience I did, there would never be another racist though go through anyone’s mind ever again.  After my weekend with these amazing Brazilians it is impossible for me to do anything but simply love all people.”

After Return Reflection

– In the future you will be interviewing for a job in your field of study.   Let’s assume that during the interview, the interviewer noticed your 6-week study abroad experience on your resume.  She asks you about the experience and to describe 2 things that you gained from the experience that makes you an exceptional candidate for the position.  Please keep your description in the context of your future career/job rather than general statements.

  • I hope to be in a sales position and Brazil made me understand that people (no matter how different they may be) all have typically good intentions. If you are patient, caring, and compassionate, you can get through to anyone and build positive and productive relationships.  These relationship skills are vital when it comes to becoming a successful sales representative.  A good example of this was when I was at my homestay.  I stayed very optimistic and was nothing but nice from the beginning.  My family really respected that and it made for an amazing weekend.
  • The second thing I have learned is be accepting and have an open mind. If I get a position in international sales, it will be important to have the understanding that others may do things differently than I do and that is okay.  There is always more than one way of doing things and it’s important that you are respecting of other culture and ideas.  In Brazil I learned this most with the professors that we had.  They had a unique way of teaching things and it taught me to be accepting of others differences.  For example, they lectured for hours on end and sometimes were not very interactive so instead of getting frustrated, I learned to try to focus on the most important/interesting facts to stay engaged during class.


– List and thoroughly describe 1 key leadership insights to yourself and why it’s important to your future success as a leader.

  • The leadership insight I picked up was my ability to be adaptable as a leader. I had to live out of my suitcase for 6 weeks and had to be able to function effectively in many different environments.  We first had to adapt to the new academic setting and being around a group of people for an extended period of time.  Not to mention, we had to be adaptive to function in the culture when we went out to eat or out to different farms and coops.  This experience was full of adaptations and after this experience I will be able to functions in many different environments with many different people as a sales representative.


– Identify two things you gained the most from during the study abroad program.

  • One thing that I gained the most from was the Brazilian way of living. While doing my research project, Matthew and I found the quote that “Americans live to work, while Brazilians work to live”.  I personally thought this was huge.  I find myself stressing out and sweating the small stuff in the American society.  In Brazil I was able to take a step back in order to reevaluate where my priorities are.  I feel that after this experience I will be able to live a healthier and more fulfilling life.
  • The second important thing I learned is that I have a passion for international learning. I gained so much from this experience that I think I want to apply for a whole semester abroad.  I still need to do some personal reflection and praying about this idea, but I would at least like to apply and see what opportunities I have available to me.


-Identify one thing that you gained the least from during the study aboard.

  • One thing that I gained the least from was the lack of independence. I felt some activities I would have gotten more out of if I could have had time to explore them on my own and at my own pace.  For example, I felt we wasted a ton of time at the Rural Show because we were forced to walk around in a big group and listen to things that weren’t intellectually interesting to many of us.  I appreciated the extension of time and finally having the opportunity to experience the show for ourselves.


-At different points we have talked about the importance of having a global mindset.  What does that mean to you now that you have completed the 6 week study abroad program?

  • Like stated in almost every response above, a global mindset includes so many things. It means being opened minded, compassionate, kind, and understanding of a culture, of a nation, and of the world.