Andrew Gochenaur


Global Awareness:

I plan on working toward the goal of Global Awareness by pursing a major that focuses on the events that happen across the world. My current major of interest is Political Science, which gives me a wide breadth of knowledge pertaining to international relations, globalization, and other such world events. In addition, I am pursing a yet undetermined major or minor in German, which allow me to interact with a culturally different group of people.

Original Inquiry:

I plan on working toward the goal of Original Inquiry by putting in the time and effort to be a critical thinker. I am very adamant about not using my computer to look up facts and information while I do my homework or study, as I would like to be able to discover a solution on my own. I have been giving serious thought to writing my own thesis pertaining to the international relationships between the Middle East and the rest of the world. For now, the best I can do is to develop the skills to think for myself.

Academic Enrichment:

I plan on working toward the goal of Academic Enrichment by remaining invested in my degree planning and areas of study. I want to explore all possible opportunities that are academically available to me. Not since my freshman year in high school have I felt this desire to actually learn in school. At OSU, I am given a myriad of classes to choose from, and I feel this desire to pick classes that both pertain to my own major and minor interests, but as well as to fulfill my own creativity and curiosity.

Leadership Development:

I plan on working toward the goal of Leadership Development by being a model citizen and a model student. I want to influence and teach others, and become the kind of person who people can follow. A large contributor to fulfilling this goal for me would be my current interest in becoming a member of the Air Force ROTC detachment here at OSU. I look forward to the discipline and leadership experience that the U.S. Air Force can provide for me while being a member of this program.

Service Engagement:

I plan on working toward the goal of Service Engagement by being an active member of my community. Service was a key part of the high school I attended and the community I grew up in. I have great interest in joining some of the service clubs in campus, but I also think that a random act of kindness each day is highly underrated. A simple smile to someone you walk by, or helping a struggling classmate goes a long way towards improving OSU community overall.

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