About Me

My name is Angelina Globokar and I am a student majoring in Journalism on a Pre-law track at The Ohio State University. My future academic plans at Ohio State include pursuing a minor in French. I am also interested in diversifying my language skills to include Spanish and possibly another language. During my time here at Ohio State, I hope to get an internship for a major news company as well as work as a reporter for The Lantern. I value the progression of my skills in organization, leadership, public speaking, and problem-solving as they contribute to my academic development. In high school, I was the President of the Speech and Debate team, President of Film Club, Student body Vice President, a Varsity Athlete, a member of the Dance Team, and a College-Credit-Plus student. I was also a member and student leader for two academies within my high school called The Jackson School for the Arts (JSA) and The Jackson Academy of Global Studies (JAGS). As my capstone project for JAGS, I taught French to elementary school students and presented my research on the benefits of early childhood language education. One of my most transformational experiences from high school was when I traveled to Eastern Europe with both academies. I documented my experiences through a video diary and was able to share this with incoming academy members as well as parents and teachers in my community. Earlier in my high school career, when my community was experiencing drastic spikes in dangerous mental health, I was able to rally the students of my class in JSA to create an anti-bullying video.  I directed, filmed, and produced this project in order to spread awareness about anti-bullying and suicide prevention. I was extremely proud to make this video and be apart of this movement. My video was shown at the annual arts extravaganza fundraiser for JSA, an event that yearly draws in thousands of community members and families. After closing this chapter of my life,  I can look back gratefully at the opportunities I was afforded and I am excited to start writing my next chapter at Ohio State. Although I am still getting acquainted with life at Ohio State, I am currently involved in the Politics, Society, and Law Scholars Program and the Land Grant Opportunity Scholars Program. As a twin, I have always struggled to figure out and be recognized for my individuality, however, I am excited to make my unique mark on Ohio State during my time here. I look forward to applying myself to the many opportunities that Ohio State will provide for me and I am certain that my strong work ethic will push me to make the impact I would like to have on my new community.