The Migration Conference 2017 Programme now available

The 2017 Migration Conference will take place in Athens, Greece from August 23rd to 26th, 2017. The Conference will be a forum for discussion where experts, young researchers and students, practitioners and policy makers working in the field of migration are encouraged to exchange their knowledge.

For those interested in the event, the programme is now available on their website at

“World on the Move” Conference

CALL FOR PAPERS: ‘World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change’: 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2017

The University of Manchester’s Migration Lab invites proposals for papers, workshops, exhibitions and performances which respond to and confront the relationship between migration and the various social, political, environmental and economic upheavals currently in process worldwide. We hope to include discussions around issues such as forced displacement, asylum, labour migration, trafficking, diaspora, integration, citizenship and their reciprocal relationships with conflict, economic inequalities, hardship, climate change, political change and social transformation. Proposal deadline: 30 April 2017. The following themes are intended as a guide.

Conference Themes

We invite proposals for papers, workshops, exhibitions and performances which respond to and confront the relationship between migration and the various social, political, environmental and economic upheavals currently in process worldwide. We hope to include discussions around issues such as forced displacement, asylum, labour migration, trafficking, diaspora, integration, citizenship and their reciprocal relationships with conflict, economic inequalities, hardship, climate change, political change and social  transformation. The following themes are intended as a guide:

  1. Home, Borders, Identities
  2. Media, Culture, New Populisms
  3. History, Agency, Institutions
  4. Languages, Narratives, Expressions
  5. Methodologies, Research and Practice

Key Dates

  • Abstract Deadline: 30 April 2017
  • Notice of Acceptance: 30 May 2017
  • Registration: 15 July 2017
  • Conference: 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2017

Visit the conference page for more information:

The Migration Conference Call for Papers

This conference may be of interest to those who study migration and mobility.

The conference will be hosted by Harokopio University Athens and will convene from Wednesday 23 August to Saturday 26 August 2017. This world congress of Migration Studies creates a forum where scholars, experts, young researchers and students, practitioners and policy makers are encouraged to exchange knowledge, share research and debate the issues that challenge existing modes and models of migration, discourses to understand human mobility, ponder about better policies and practices.

The TMC conferences are unique in their dynamic, complex and multidisciplinary approach and focus on migration and surrounding issues, challenges and solutions to them. The scientific programme organizes papers around thematic lines and streams weaved around regions, corridors, country cases as well as global and regional perspectives and theoretical takes on human mobility and population movements with all facets covered from motivations and mechanisms of migration to policies and integration, to irregular movements and demographic and geographic analysis without ignoring the non-movers, host and sending societies. The conference accommodates training workshops, public roundtable discussions, invited talks, oral presentations, poster presentations, special sessions and thematic workshops. The conference will start with the Opening Plenary in the late afternoon of August 23rd with keynote speeches by distinguished scholars in migration studies. In subsequent panels, a number of well-known scholars contribute to the debates over four days of stimulating exchange.

The Migration Conferences’ goal is to facilitate the inter-disciplinary exchange of knowledge and provide an outstanding opportunity to meet fellow researchers working on a wide array of topics and themes. Participants in the conference also have the opportunity to submit their work to special issues of the journals Migration Letters, Remittances Review as well as opportunities to contribute to the edited books published by Transnational Press London .

Visit The Migration Conference website for more information: