List of Ohio Colleges of Pharmacy

The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy

University of Cincinnati (UC) James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy

Northeast Ohio Medical University College of Pharmacy

The University of Toledo-Health Science Campus College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

The University of Findlay College of Pharmacy

  • Has a nice fixed nav-bar on scroll-down

Cedarville University School of Pharmacy

Ohio Northern University (ONU) College of Pharmacy

Ohio Pharmacy Schools and Statistics

Make a Good Impression, Keep Your Content Fresh

Site visitors will be more likely to return to your website if the content is updated often. Site editors should review pages in their site for freshness at least once a month. If the site is large and time to focus on certain areas and review all content is short refrain from mentioning specific dates or months. For example don’t use phrases like “New for October 2007”, rather use more generic language that doesn’t make it obvious that the content may be out-of-date. To aid in organizing a site updating plan website author can create a frequency of update document or spreadsheet to keep track of when sections should be reviewed. Some areas may typically be updated annually or quarterly, the site editor can note these review times in their frequency of update document.

Keeping times and dates in a central calendar database is another strategy for increasing efficiency in content updating. In this method rather than having to edit every page that mentions a date they would just have to update it in one place. Content Management Systems (CMS) offer a lot of efficiency shortcuts by centralizing data and allowing it to be reused/placed in multiple areas. Some systems may also provide reminders to editors to update content after a period of time has passed. Site authors could also better manage content updates by keeping a special projects calendar with reminders. Many organizations have events that reoccur around the same times each year. These events may be added to a frequency of update project calendar.

Fresh content is key. If site author continues to provide meaningful content updated on a regular basis visitors are more likely to have a good impression of the website and the organization behind it. Conversely sites that are obviously out-of-date may leave users with a bad impression of the site’s company or organization and may influence the user’s decisions to buy, collaborate, or join the organization. For college and university websites if descriptions of academic programs or departments are out-of-date prospectives students may decide to look to enroll elsewhere. Websites are a great communications tool but they are most effective if the content is well cared for.