The ELT archives

Blast from the past!

Exploring Learning Technologies was a group of instructional technologists and instructional designers at Ohio State who would meet monthly to talk about emerging technologies and popular instructional design tools. Here’s a list of archived ELT meeting information. Some include videos about the learning technologies discussed.

5/10/21: Take a Good Look Around with ELT
3/4/21: Flying High with ELT – covering working with drones
3/27/21: ELT: Power Automate
11/1/19: ELT: Getting Started with Adobe Character Animator
11/1/19: ELT: PowerPoint Unleashed
7/19/19 ELT: Getting Started with Web Annotation – covering
6/21/19 ELT: Getting Started with H5P
4/17/19 ELT: Quality Assurance in Course Design
3/15/25 Podcasting Mini-Conference
2/7/19: A Closer Look at Transcription Services
1/18/19: Creating Video Discussions with Flipgrid – with Matt Yauk
9/4/18: ELT: Getting Started with the Padcaster
8/13/18: All Things Photography
6/11/18: ODEE Mixed Bag  – coving Turnitin, Proctorio, and the new Carmen Quizzing tool
5/18/18: ELT: All Things VR
3/28/18: A Closer Listen: Getting the Best Audio for your Project
3/28/18: Canvas Potpourri
3/8/17: Easier, Accessible, Better: Digital Book Publishing with Pressbooks
1/26/17: ELT: Getting to Know the Oculus Rift – at CETE at 1900 Kenny Road

Editing a SharePoint page and adding a Call to Action (CTA)


How can you add a Call to Action web part widget to a SharePoint page?

You might wonder how can you add a Call to Action (CTA) web part to an MS SharePoint page?
To add a call to action web part widget to a Microsoft SharePoint page, you can follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the SharePoint page where you want to add the web part.
  2. Click Edit at the top right of the page to enter edit mode.
  3. Hover your mouse above or below an existing web part and you’ll see a line with a circled +, like this: +.
  4. Click +, and then select Call to action from the list of web parts.
  5. Start typing in the Add your call to action text here field.
  6. Click the Edit web part icon to access the Call to action webpart toolbox.
  7. Customize the web part properties, such as the image, the button label, the button link, and the alignment.
  8. Save the changes.

If you need more detailed instructions, you can watch this video that shows how to add a call to action button to a SharePoint page using the call to action web part. The video covers how to:

  • Add a call to action button to a SharePoint page using the call to action web part
  • Customize the text, label, alignment, and background image of the button

How to check your SharePoint page for accessibility?

You can check your SharePoint pages with the WAVE tool from WebAIM. It will point out a lot of accessibility issues. For convenience you can get a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, or MS Edge that allows you to check a webpage in one click.

Additional resources for editing SharePoint pages:

Videos about the Call to Action webpart in SharePoint

The SharePoint Call to Action Web Part – YouTube video
Dive into SharePoint Web parts: Call to action – YouTube video
How to add a Call to Action Button to a SharePoint page – YouTube video

Articles about the Call to Action webpart in SharePoint

Use the Call to action web part
How to add an eye-catching Call To Action on SharePoint

Articles about accessibility and SharePoint

Resources for creating accessible sites in SharePoint Online
Add accessible content and links to a SharePoint Online site

Creating new SharePoint pages to be used in an MS Team

We can do a lot of editing of MS SharePoint pages inside MS Teams but we can’t create a new page there. We can only select pages to use in MS Teams itself.

To create a new SharePoint page to use in your Team you’ll need to access SharePoint in your browser:

  • In your browser: go to: and login.
  • Find the ‘site’ that you want to create your new page in, like the ‘FCS Educators – FCS Database’ Team.
  • Choose New > Page and then select ‘Blank’ page.
  • Click ‘Create’ and give the page a name. Delete your name from the author box if you don’t want it there.
  • Hit ‘Publish’ to make your page available to Teams.
  • Go to ‘Share > Copy link to page’ if you need to URL of the new page to paste into a link.

Resources about MS SharePoint pages and MS Teams:

Create and use modern pages on a SharePoint site – an article from Microsoft with a video showing on to create a new page in Sharepoint. The video also shows adding images, sections, and web parts in a page.

How to Build a Website in Microsoft Teams – Using SharePoint! – a YouTube video showing how MS Teams can be enhanced by adding SharePoint pages.

How To Add a SharePoint Page To Microsoft Teams – a YouTube video showing how to add a SharePoint page as a tab in an MS Teams channel.

Use the SharePoint Team collaboration site template – an article from Microsoft outlining how MS Teams are powered by Sharepoint sites. At least one Sharepoint template page is included in each MS Team.

How to Create a SharePoint Team site – a YouTube video from 2021 showing how to add a SharePoint Team Site. MS Teams automatically creates an underlining SharePoint site when you create a new team.