I can confidently say I would not be the person I am today without the Environment and Natural Resources Scholars program. I am thankful for the best friends that I made, the people I share passions with, the people I laugh with, the people I struggle with, the people I do life with. Because that is what college is supposed to be about. Finding yourself and growing as a person. Sure you grab a degree along the way too. It is really hard to pick just one highlight because from camping trips, backpacking trips, to sustainable thanksgivings to the Leadership council retreats, there are too many good memories to choose from. I can definitely say my backpacking trip freshman year was very memorable because I didn’t think I was physically strong enough as a person to do that type of thing. It pushed me physically and made realize you don’t have to be a perfect person to engage in outdoor adventure. At the same time it made me so much healthier in realizing I wanted to spend more time being outside and exploring. Around November of freshman year I went vegetarian and will continue to do so. This summer and through living off campus I am planning on incorporating more vegan recipes into my diet. If I were to give advice I would stay step outside out your comfort zone!!! Whether its sitting by someone on the first day at lunch. Asking people to go to dinner. Going on the backpacking trip, joining leadership council, Just do it!!! Is it scary and nervewracking in every aspect? Yes but it is 100% worth it. Thank you ENR Scholars! All my love.