Mid-Month Action Plan

For our action plan so far we have been in contact with the sustains coordinator who believes it is best to get involved next semester. They are currently weighing compost in one dorm. We are hoping to sit in on one of their meetings and see how we can help. As of now, we purchased candy and made a survey that we are going to conduct on thursday. From 5 to 8, we are going to stand outside of morrill traditions with an ipad and ask people to take the survey in exchange for a piece of candy. We have also posted the survey on the Ohio State facebook page. At the moment there’s not much to do with this issue because the year is winding down and we need to collaborate with sustains. It does feel like we aren’t doing much because this is more of a long term change that can’t be accomplished in one month. At the beginning of the year when we started this issue, we thought we would have been able to accomplish more. Things changes once we realized how much goes into this and that the sustains group had something going. Beside that, I feel like I got caught up in my own work and life.  However, next year we will have to be able to stay motivated to work towards a compost initiative. Communication is definitely key with our group. We will need to establish people’s roles and be more punctual with our meetings and our goals. The biggest challenge is knowing how difficult this will be to turn into a reality. With such a large campus that has so many other concerns and priorities.. It will take a lot of dedication to make this happen. If we stay organized and passionate, I think we can bring about change in these next couple years.

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