New Technologies Page

My first technology tool is Trello. Trello is a way to organize your schedule throughout the week. It can let you outline all the work and interactions you have each day and the exact time it will occur. Some advantages that trello has is ability to put a large amount of information on it and how much space it has. One disadvantage it is has it can be a little confusing to access everything in an efficient way.  Overall it allows you to put a lot of information in your schedule and is easily organized. Here is an example of what trello looks like.

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The second technology tool is Study Manager. I like this one the best because it is very easily organized and easy to use. You can put in each study event and the exact setting you will be in. It is all on your phone and notifies you every study event. The app goes into major detail when it ask what your study session is like. For example it ask where you are, who you are with, and what is the noise level. It makes sure you are doing you work when it takes a picture of your study place. Some people might find this app and this way of scheduling very difficult to use but I didn’t think that what the case.  Unfortunately I could not find a picture.

Third technology tool I’m going to be talking about is OneNote. This is an easy way to organize all of your school work and especially your notes. It allows you to pull up notes easily and go over them or add to them. One pro to using OneNote is the easy ability to incorporate different resources into your to-do list. I use this when the professor in the class doesn’t give you the time of day to take notes. I believe this to be a million times easier than hand taking notes. You can take your notes, store them, and then pull them back up whenever it is time to study. Way easier than carrying around different sheets of paper or a big binder full of stuff. One con of OneNote is that it can be a little bit difficult to search for the different notes taken. If yo miss something you might fall behind even more when trying to play catch up. Overall it is a very good way to study, take notes, and stay organized.

OneNote app updates on Windows 10 and iOS with a fresh new icon ...