I wanted to make a word that I could use to describe myself in some way
At first, I ran through a lot of different random word combinations. Such as Did and Idiot to make Didiot, I thought this was a fun and simple combination however it was too simple.
I love the color green, so I began to find synonyms and descriptions of that color.
I played around with the words Viridian, Malachite, Damascus, and Monk. I mainly chose these words because I like them, At the start, most of my combinations were only focused on play
I was combining them into interesting-sounding words. At this point, I was making words first and worrying about the meanings later.
I also toyed with the fonts a bit, I would take a simple font like Times Now Roman and edit and warp it to make a more interesting font that I would then extrude. However, extruding most of these distortions made Adobe crash since the shape was too complex. I was especially fond of the Pucker and Bloat tool.
After enough consolation of differing words, I decided on the word Viridian and condition. Since both of the words had a similar sound and spelling, they could easily be combined to make a word. Viridition; A green condition, An obsession with the color green.
For my final composition, I wanted to express the Word through an interesting font while having a simple dictionary definition to make the word seem more official. I used the google dictionary engine as a model for my formatting.
While making the final composition I found this Phonetic alphabet to use for my project, I found the alphabet from the Neography Subreddit. Using a basic dictionary definition model with phonetics allowed me to see the project from a more complete perspective. Because up until this point I was unsure about the final composition.
After establishing the structure, I was able to continue with the exploration of the fonts. I initially had an iteration of a font that was slightly distorted text however, I felt that it was too simple of a design. So I used the Curvature Tool to draw my own letters. This result allowed me to create a much more interesting and dynamic font. after tweaking the settings and extruding the font I wanted to add a small motif that would complete the font with the definition. So I decided to color each letter of the word a different shade of green to emphasize the definition.
This project was an interesting way to develop one’s Adobe Illustrator knowledge and apply it in an interesting way. This project, despite it being more graphic design-focused, had a light-hearted and intriguing concept. The idea to combine two words gave me a lot of fun just thinking of the possible combinations. This project was an enjoyable way to broaden my knowledge of the Adobe program.