Influences of Infant/Toddler Developmet

There are many things that can effect the development of infant and toddlers in the early stages of their life. More specifically, however, there are a few different categories that are more influential than others. Some of these different groups consist of a child’s environment, their nutrition, as well as their genetics. The significance of these levels are everlasting and can cause a great deal of change in a child’s life, and are therefore important to keep track of.

A child’s environment can set the stage for what the rest of their life looks like. Whether its family, home life, peers, as well as even the culture of their home, they can have a serious impact on a infants development. Research has been done that suggests neighborhoods that bear an abundance of poverty are a huge risk factor for the development of infants and toddlers, along with domestic violence and lack of parental education.

Nutrition also plays a massive role in the early development of children. With sufficient nutrition, a child’s brian, body, as well as internal health advances normally. However, lack of nourishment for an infant can be detrimental. Not only can it affect the growth of their physical bodies, but it can alter motor development, as well as their physical activity (Metwally et al., 2016).

Another major influence on child development, is the genetics of a, infant. Their mothers health has a huge effect on a child’s health when they are born. Ranging from maternal diabetes to mental illness, an infant’s health can be severely disturbed if not properly monitored. The major word in the previous sentence being monitored. With the right precautions, and with maternal care, an infant or toddler’s development can carry on perfectly normal.