2022 Martin, S.A., Peterman, Lipps, G.L. Jr., Gibbs, H.L. Determinants of population connectivity in Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes (Sistrurus catenatus) inferred from landscape genetic analyses of replicated landscapes. Ecological Applications
2022 Ochoa, A. Hassinger, A.B.T., Holding, M.L., Gibbs, H.L. Genetic characterization of potential venom resistance proteins in California ground squirrels (Otospermophilus beecheyi) using transcriptome analyses. Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. doi: 10.1002/jez.b.23145.
2022 Campbell, C.J., Nelson, D.M., Gates, J.E., Gibbs, H.L., Stevenson, E.R., Johnson, B., Nagel, J., Trott, R., Wieringa, J.G., and Vander Zanden, H.B., 2022. White-nose syndrome pathogen detected on migratory tree-roosting bats. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. doi: 10.7589/JWD-D-21-00160.
2022 Mason A.J., Holding M.L., Rautsaw R.M., Rokyta D.R., Parkinson, C.L., Gibbs H.L. Venom gene sequence diversity and expression jointly shape diet adaptation in pitvipers. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39: msac082.
2021 Sousa L.F., Holding M.L., Del-Rei T.H.M, Rocha M.M.T, Mourao R.H.V, Chalkidis H.M., Prezeto B., Gibbs H.L., Moura-da-Silva, A.M. Individual Variability in Bothrops atrox snakes collected from different habitats in the Brazilian Amazon: new findings on venom composition and functionality. Toxins 13: 814.
2021 Ochoa, A. and Gibbs, H.L. Genomic signatures of inbreeding and mutation load in a threatened rattlesnake. Molecular Ecology 30:5454–5469.
2021 Bauder, J., Anderson, C., Gibbs, H.L., Tonkovich, M, Walter, W.D. Landscape features fail to explain spatial genetic structure in white-tailed deer across Ohio, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management 85: 1669-1684.
2021 Almeida, D.D., Viala V.L., Nachtigall P.G., Broe, M., Gibbs H.L., Serrano S.M.,Moura-da-Silva A.M., Ho P.L., Nishiyama-Jr M.Y., Junqueira-de-Azevedo I.L.M. Tracking the recruitment and evolution of snake toxins using the evolutionary context provided by the Bothrops jararaca genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U.S.A. 118 (20) e2015159118.
2021 Holding, M.L., Strickland, J.L., Rautsaw R.M., Hofmann E.P., Mason A.J., Hogan M.P., Nystrom G.S., Ellsworth S.A., Colston T.J., Borja M., Castañeda-Gaytán G., Grünwald C.I., Jones J.M., Freitas-de-Sousa L.A., Viala V.L., Margres M.J., Hingst-Zaher E., Junqueira-de-Azevedo I.L.M, Moura-da-Silva A.M., Grazziotin F.G., Gibbs H.L., Rokyta D.R., Parkinson C.L. Phylogenetically diverse diets favor more complex venoms in North American pitvipers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U.S.A. 118 (17) e2015579118.
2021 Michael P. Hogan, M.P., Whittington, A.C., Broe. M., Ward, , M.J., Gibbs, H.L. Rokyta, D.R. The chemosensory repertoire of the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) reveals complementary genetics of olfactory and vomeronasal-type receptors. Journal of Molecular Evolution 89:313–328.
2021 Martin, S.A.; Lipps, G.J., Jr.; Gibbs, H.L. Pedigree-based assessment of recent population connectivity in a threatened rattlesnake. Molecular Ecology Resources 21: 1820-1832.
2021 Wieringa, J.G., Carstens, B.C., and Gibbs, H.L. Predicting migration routes for three species of migratory bats using species distribution models. PeerJ 9:e11177
2020 Wieringa, J.G., Nagel, J., Nelson, D.M., Carstens, B.C., and Gibbs, H.L. 2020. Using trace elements to identify the geographic origin of migratory bats. PeerJ 8: e10082.
2020 Monopoli, M., Wieringa, J. G., Nagel, J., Nelson, D., Gibbs, H.L. Sequencing whole mitochondrial genomes to assess genetic divergence between proposed silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) populations. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources 5: 3838 – 3839.
2020 Mora-Obando, D., D. Salazar-Valenzuela, D. Pla, B. Lomonte, J. A. Guerrero-Varga, S. Ayerbe, H.L. Gibbs, J.J. Calvete. Venom variation in Bothrops asper lineages from north-western South America. Journal of Proteomics 229: 103945.
2020 Gibbs, H.L., L. Sanz, A. Pérez, A. Ochoa, A.T. B. Hassinger, M. L. Holding and J. J. Calvete. The molecular basis of venom resistance in a rattlesnake-squirrel predator-prey system. Molecular Ecology 29: 2871-2888.
2020 Ochoa, A., Broe, M., Moriarty Lemmon, E., Lemmon, A.R., Rokyta, D.R., and Gibbs, H. L. Drift, selection and adaptive variation in small populations of a threatened rattlesnake. Molecular Ecology 29: 2612-2625.
2020 Kuan-Yu Chen, P. T. Euclide, S. A. Ludsin, W. Larson, M. G. Sovic, H. L. Gibbs, and E. A. Marschall. RAD-Seq refines previous estimates of genetic structure in Lake Erie walleye. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149: 159-173.
2019 Salazar-Valenzuela, D., U. Kuch, O. Torres-Carvajal, J.H. Valencia, and H.L. Gibbs, H.L. Divergence of tropical pitvipers promoted by independent colonization events of dry montane Andean habitats. Journal of Biogeography 46: 1826-1840.
2019 Smiley-Walters, S., Farrell, T.M., H. L. Gibbs. High levels of functional divergence in toxicity towards prey among the venoms of individual pigmy rattlesnakes. Biology Letters 15: 20180876. [PDF]
2018 Sovic, M., A. Fries, S. Martin, H.L. Gibbs. Genetic signatures of small effective population sizes and demographic declines in an endangered rattlesnake, Sistrurus catenatus. Evolutionary Applications (in press). [PDF]
2018 Holding, M.L., M. J. Margres, D. R. Rokyta, H. L. Gibbs. Local prey community composition and genetic distance predict venom divergence among populations of the northern Pacific rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31: 1513-1528. [PDF].
2018 Denton, R.D., Morales, A.E., and Gibbs, H.L. Genome-specific histories of divergence and introgression between an allopolyploid unisexual salamander lineage and two ancestral sexual species. Evolution 72: 1689-1700. [PDF]
2018 Amazonas, D.R., J. A. Portes-Junior, M.Y. Nishiyama, C.A. Nicolau, H. M. Chalkidis, R. H. V. Mourão, F. G. Grazziotin, D. R. Rokyta, H. L. Gibbs, R. H. Valente, I. L. M. Junqueira-de-Azevedo, A. M. Moura-da-Silva. Molecular mechanisms underlying intraspecific variation in snake venom. Journal of Proteomics 181: 60 – 72. [PDF]
2018 Gibbs, H.L., M. Sovic, D. Amazonas, D. Salazar-Valenzuela, H. Chalkidis, and A. Moura-da-Silva. Recent lineage diversification in a venomous snake through dispersal across the Amazon River. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 123: 651-665. [PDF]
2018 Chen, K-Y., E.A. Marschall, M.G. Sovic, A.C. Fries, H.L. Gibbs, and S.A. Ludsin. assignPOP: An R package for population assignment using genetic, non- genetic, or intergrated data in a machine-learning framework. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 439-446. [PDF]
2018 Smiley-Walters, S.A., T.M. Farrell, and H.L. Gibbs. The importance of species: pygmy rattlesnake venom toxicity differs between native prey and related non-native species. Toxicon 144: 42-47. [PDF]
2018 Bay, R.A., Harrigan, R.J., Underwood, V.L., Gibbs, H.L., Smith, T.B., Ruegg, K. Genomic signals of selection predict climate-driven population declines in a migratory bird. Science 359: 83-86. [PDF]
2017 Nelson, D.A., B.M. Nickley, A. Poesel, H.L. Gibbs, and J.W. Olesik. Inter-dialect dispersal is common in the Puget Sound white-crowned sparrow. Behaviour 154: 809-834. [PDF]
2017 Camargo. C., H.L. Gibbs, M.C. Costa, L.F. Silveira, A.P. Wasko, and M.R. Francisco. Triploidy in a sexually dimorphic passerine provides new evidence for the effect of the W chromosome on secondaryy sexual traits in birds. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 1475-1480. [PDF]
2017 Smiley-Walters, S., Farrell, T. and Gibbs, H.L. Evaluating local adaptation of a complex phenotype: Reciprocal tests of pigmy rattlesnake venoms on treefrog prey. Oecologia 184: 739-748. [PDF]
2017 Poesel, A., A.C. Fries, L Miller, H.L. Gibbs, J.A. Soha, and D.A. Nelson. High levels of gene flow among song dialect populations of the Puget Sound white-crowned sparrow. Ethology 123: 581-592. [PDF]
2017 McElroy, K., R.D Denton, J. Shabrough, L. Bankers, M. Neiman, and H.L. Gibbs. Genome balance in a triploid trihybrid vertebrate. Genome Biology and Evolution 9:968-980. [PDF]
2016 Denton, R.D., K.R. Greenwald, and H.L. Gibbs. Niche partitioning among sexual and unisexual Ambystoma salamanders. Ecosphere 7: e01579. [PDF]
2016 Hudson, P.E., R.D. Denton, M.L. Holding, and H.L. Gibbs. Repeatability of locomotor endurance in the Small-mouthed Salamander (Ambystoma texanum). Herpetological Review 47: 583-586. [PDF]
2016 Denton, R.D., Greenwald, K.G., and Gibbs, H.L. Locomotor endurance predicts differences in realized dispersal between sympatric sexual and unisexual salamanders. Functional Ecology 31: 915-926. [PDF]
2016 Holding, M.L., Drabeck, D.H., Jansa, S.A. and Gibbs H.L. Venom resistance as a model for understanding the molecular basis of complex coevolutionary adaptations. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56: 1032 – 1043. [PDF]
2016 Daly, M., and Gibbs, H.L. Integrating perspectives on animal venom diversity: An introduction to the symposium. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56: 934-937. [PDF]
2016 Sovic, M.G., Fries, A.C., and Gibbs, H.L. Origin of a cryptic lineage in a threatened reptile through isolation and historical hybridization. Heredity 117: 358-366. [PDF]
2016 Hellmann, J.K., Sovic, M.G., Gibbs, H.L., Reddon, A.R., O’Connor, C.M., Ligocki, I.Y., Marsh-Rollo, S., Balshine, S. and Hamilton, I.M. Within-group relatedness is correlated with colony-level social structure and reproductive sharing in a social fish. Molecular Ecology 25: 4001-4013. [PDF]
2016 Pomento, A.M., Perry, B.W., Denton, R.D., Gibbs, H.L., and Holding, M.L. No safety in the trees: Local and species-level adaptation of an arboreal squirrel to the venom of sympatric rattlesnakes. Toxicon 118: 149-155. [PDF]
2016 Holding, M.L., Biardi, J. and H.L. Gibbs, H.L. Coevolution of venom function and venom resistance in a rattlesnake predator and its squirrel prey. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B 283: 20152841. [PDF]
2016 Zinenko, O., Sovic, M., Joger, U., Gibbs, H.L. Hybrid origin of European Vipers (Vipera magnifica and Vipera orlovi) from the Caucasus determined using genomic scale DNA markers. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16: 17. [PDF]
2016 Gibbs, H.L. and Denton, R.D. Cryptic Sex? Estimates of genome replacement in asexual mole salamanders (Ambystoma sp.). Molecular Ecology 25: 2805–2815. [PDF]
2016 Sovic, M.G.; Carstens, B.C.; Gibbs, H.L. Genetic diversity in migratory bats: Results from RADseq data for three tree bat species at an Ohio windfarm. PeerJ 4: e1647. [PDF]
2016 Saccucci, M.J., Denton, R.D., Holding M.H., Gibbs, H.L. Polyploid unisexual salamanders have higher tissue regeneration rates than diploid sexual relatives. Journal of Zoology 300: 77-81. [PDF]
2016 Holding, M.L., Kern, E.H., Denton, R.D. and Gibbs, H.L. Fixed prey cue preferences among Dusky Pigmy Rattlesnakes (Sistrurus miliarius barbouri) raised on different long-term diets. Evolutionary Ecology 30: 1-7 [PDF]
2015 Anderson, C.S., Prange, P. and Gibbs, H.L. Origin and genetic structure of a recovering bobcat (Lynx rufus) population. Canadian Journal of Zoology 93: 889-899. [PDF]
2015 Camargo, C. de, Gibbs, H.L., Costa, M.C., Del-Rio, G., Silveira, L.F., Wasko, A.P. and Francisco, M.R. Marshes as “Mountain Tops”: Genetic Analyses of the Critically Endangered Sao Paulo Marsh Antwren (Aves: Thamnophilidae). PLOS ONE 10: e0140145. [PDF]
2015 Hellman, J.K., Ligocki, I.Y., O’Connor, C.M., Reddon, A.R., Garvey, K.A., Marsh-Rollo, S.E., Gibbs, H.L., Balshine, S., and Hamilton, I.M. Reproductive sharing in relation to group and colony-level attributes in a cooperative breeding fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B 282: 20150954. [PDF]
2015 Fries, A.C., Nolting, J.M., Bowman, A.S., Lin, X., Halpin, R.A., Wester, E., Fedorova, N., Stockwell, T.B., Das, S., Dugan, V.G., Wentworth, D.E., Gibbs, H.L., Slemons, R.D. The spread and persistence of influenza A viruses in waterfowl hosts in the North American Mississippi Migratory Flyway. Journal of Virology 89: 5371-5381. [PDF]
2015 Sovic, M.G., Fries, A.C., Gibbs, H.L. AftrRAD: A pipeline for accurate and efficient de novo assembly of RADseq data. Molecular Ecology Resources 15: 1163-1171.[PDF]
2014 Denton, RD, HL Gibbs, and TC Glen7n. Development of 31 new microsatellite loci for two mole salamanders (Ambystoma laterale and A. jeffersonianum). Conservation Genetics Resources 7:167-170. [PDF]
2014 Camargo, C, C Mariellen, C Costa, GC Del Rio, HL Gibbs, TC Glenn, U Bagal, LF Silveira, AP Wasko and MR Francisco. Novel and cross-amplified microsatellite loci for the critically endangered Sao Paulo marsh antwren Formicivora paludicola (Aves: Thamnophilidae). Conservation Genetics Resources 7: 129-131. [PDF]
2014 Salazar-Valenzuela, D., Mora-Obando, D., Fernández, M. L., Loaiza-Lange, A., Gibbs. H. L., and Lomonte, B. 2014. Proteomic and toxicological profiling of the venom of Bothrocophias campbelli, a pitviper species from Ecuador and Colombia. Toxicon 90: 15-25. [PDF]
2014 Denton, RD, LJ Kenyon, KR Greenwald, and HL Gibbs. Evolutionary basis of mitonuclear discordance between sister species of mole salamanders (Ambystoma sp.). Molecular Ecology 23: 2811-2824. [PDF]
2014 Lamonte, B, W-C Tsai, J.M. Ureña, L. Sanz, D. Mora-Obando, E. E. Sanchez, B. G. Fry, J.M. Gutiérrez, H.L. Gibbs, M.G. Sovic, J.J. Calvete. Venomics of New World pit vipers: Genus-wide comparisons of venom proteomes across Agkistrodon. Journal of Proteomics 96: 103-116. [PDF]
2013 Gibbs, H.L., L. Sanz, M.G. Sovic, and J.J. Calvete. Phylogeny-based comparative analysis of venom proteome variation in a clade of rattlesnakes (Sistrurus sp.). PLoS ONE 8: e67220. [PDF]
2012 Munafo, K. M. and H. L. Gibbs. Lack of stable-isotope differences between Canada Goose populations nesting in the subarctic and temperate zones. Condor 114: 491-499. [PDF]
2012 Gibbs, H.L. and J.E. Chiucchi. Inbreeding, body condition, and heterozygosity-fitness correlations in isolated populations of the endangered eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus c. catenatus). Conservation Genetics 13: 1133 – 1143. [PDF]
2012 Poesel, A., D.A. Nelson, and H.L. Gibbs. Song sharing correlates with social but not extra-pair mating success in the white-crowned sparrow. Behavioral Ecology 23: 627-634. [PDF]
2012 Wooten, J.A. and H.L. Gibbs. Niche divergence and lineage diversification among closely-related Sistrurusrattlesnakes. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 317-328. [PDF]
2012 Greenwald, K.R. and H.L. Gibbs. A single nucleotide polymorphism assay for the identification of polyploid unisexual Ambystoma Salamanders. Molecular Ecology Resources 12: 354-362. [PDF]
2011 Gerard, D., H.L. Gibbs, and L.S. Kubatko. Estimating hybridization in the presence of coalescence using phylogenetic intraspecific sampling. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 291. [PDF]
2011 Poesel A., H.L. Gibbs, and D.A. Nelson. Extrapair fertilizations and the potential for sexual selection in a socially monogamous songbird. Auk 128: 770-776. [PDF]
2011 Gibbs, H.L., L. Sanz, J.E. Chiucchi, T.M. Farrell, J.J. Calvete. Proteomic analysis of ontogenetic and diet-related changes in venom composition of juvenile and adult Dusky Pigmy rattlesnakes (Sistrurus miliarius barbouri). Journal of Proteomics 74: 2169-2179. [PDF]
2011 Gibbs, H.L. and J.E. Chiucchi. Deconstructing a complex molecular phenotype: population- level variation in individual venom proteins in eastern massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus c. catenatus). Journal of Molecular Evolution 72: 383-397. [PDF]
2011 Kubatko, L.S., H.L. Gibbs, and E.W. Bloomquist. Inferring species-level phylogenies and taxonomic distinctiveness using multilocus data in Sistrurus rattlesnakes. Systematic Biology 60: 393-409. [PDF]
2011 Gibbs, H.L., M. Murphy, J.E. Chiucchi. Genetic identity of endangered massasauga rattlesnakes (Sistrurus sp.) in Missouri. Conservation Genetics 12: 433-439. [PDF]
2010 Kubatko L. S. and H. L. Gibbs. Estimating species relationships and taxon distinctiveness in Sistrurus rattlesnakes using multilocus data (Chapter 12, pgs. 193-207). In Estimating Species Trees: Practical and Theoretical Aspects, edited by L. L. Knowles and L. S. Kubatko, Wiley-Blackwell.
2010 Chiucchi, J. E. and H. L. Gibbs. Similarity of contemporary and historical gene flow among highly fragmented populations of an endangered rattlesnake. Molecular Ecology 19: 5345-58. [PDF]
2010 Anderson, C.S., Gibbs, H.L, and J. Chiucchi. Nineteen polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, Sistrurus c. catenatus. Conservation Genetics Resources 2: 243-245. [PDF]
2010 Gibbs, H.L. and Diaz, J. Identification of single copy nuclear DNA markers for North American pit vipers.Molecular Ecology Notes 10: 177-180. [PDF]
2009 Anderson, C.D., Gibbs, H.L., Douglas, M.E., Holycross, A.T. Conservation genetics of the Desert massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus edwardsii). Copeia 2009: 740–747. [PDF]
2009 Greenwald, K.R., Gibbs, H.L., Waite, T.A. Simple land cover models reliably predict isolation of salamanders in a fragmented landscape. Conservation Biology 23:1231-1243. [PDF]
2009 Tieleman, B.I., Versteegh, M.A., Fries, A., Helm, B., Dingemanse, N.J., Gibbs, H.L., Williams, J.B. Genetic modulation of energy metabolism in birds through mitochondrial function. Proceedings Royal Society of London, Series B. 276: 1685-1693. [PDF]
2009 Gibbs, H.L. and Mackessy, S.P. Functional basis of a molecular adaptation: prey-specific toxic effects of venom from Sistrurus rattlesnakes. Toxicon 53: 672-679. [PDF]
2009 Weatherhead, P.J. Knox, J.M., Harvey, D.S., Wynn, D., Chiucchi, J., Gibbs, H.L. Diet of Sistrurus catenatus in Ontario and Ohio: effects of body size and habitat. Journal of Herpetology 43: 693–697. [PDF]
2009 Gibbs, H. L. Sanz, L. and Calvete, J.J. Snake population venomics: Proteomics-based analyses of individual variation reveals gene regulation effects on venom protein expression in Sistrurus rattlesnakes. Journal of Molecular Evolution 68: 113-125. [PDF]10.1007s00239-008-9186-1-2lhpbfs[PDF]
2009 Poesel, A., Gibbs H.L, Nelson, D.A. Twenty-one novel microsatellite DNA loci isolated from the Puget Sound white-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis. Molecular Ecology Resources 9:795-798. [PDF]
2009 Francisco, M.R., Gibbs H.L., P. M. Galetti, Jr. Patterns of individual relatedness at blue manakin (Chiroxiphia caudata) leks. Auk 126:47-53. [PDF]
2009 Howes B.J., Brown J.W., Gibbs H.L., Herman T.B., Mockford S.W., Prior K.A., Weatherhead P.W. Directional gene flow patterns in disjunct populations of the black ratsnake (Pantherophis obsoletus) and the Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii). Conservation Genetics 10: 407-417. [PDF]
2008 Poesel A., Nelson D.A., Gibbs, H.L., Olesik, J.W. Use of trace element analysis of feathers as a tool to track fine-scale dispersal in birds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63:153-158. [PDF]
2008 Mylecraine, K.A., Bulgin N.L., Gibbs H.L., Vickery P.D., Perkins D.W. 2008. Limited genetic structure and evidence for dispersal among populations of the endangered Florida grasshopper sparrow, (Ammodramus savannarum floridanus). Conservation Genetics 9:1633 – 1638. [PDF]
2008 Howes B.J., Brown J.W., Gibbs H.L., Herman T.B., Mockford S.W., Prior K.A., Weatherhead P.W. Directional gene flow patterns in disjunct populations of the black ratsnake (Pantherophis obsoletus) and the Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii). Conservation Genetics (in press). [PDF]
2008 Gibbs H.L., Rossiter W. Rapid evolution by positive selection and gene gain and loss: PLA 2 venom genes in closely related Sistrurus rattlesnakes with divergent diets. Journal of Molecular Evolution 66: 151-166. [PDF]
2008 Colbeck GJ, Gibbs HL, Marra PP, Hobson K.A., Webster, M. Phylogeography of a widespread North American migratory songbird (Setophaga ruticilla) . J ournal of Heredity 99: 453-463. [PDF]
2008 Mylecraine, K.A., Gibbs H.L., Anderson C.S., Shieldcastle M.C. 2008. Using 2 genetic markers to discriminate among Canada goose populations in Ohio. Journal of Wildlife Management 72: 1220-1230. [PDF]
2008 Durrant K.L., Marra P.P., Fallon S.M., Colbeck G.J., Gibbs H.L., Hobson K.A., D. Ryan Norris D.R., Bernik, B., Lloyd, V.L. and Fleischer, R.C. Parasite assemblages distinguish populations of a migratory passerine on its breeding grounds. Journal of Zoology 274:318-326. [PDF]
2008 Moksnes A., Røskaft E., Rudolfsen E.G., Skjelseth S, Stokke B.G., Kleven O., Gibbs H.L., Honza M., Taborsky B, Teuschl Y., Vogl W., Taborsky M. Individual female common cuckoos Cuculus canorus lay constant egg types but egg appearance cannot be used to assign eggs to females. Journal of Avian Biology 39: 238-241. [PDF]
2007 Francisco, M.R., H. L. Gibbs, M. Galetti, V.O. Lunardi, P. M. Galetti, Jr. Genetic structure in a tropical lek-breeding bird, the blue manakin (Chiroxiphia caudata) in Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Molecular Ecology 16: 4908-4918. [PDF]
2006 Ellison K., Sealy S.G., Gibbs H.L. Genetic elucidation of host use by individual sympatric bronzed cowbirds (Molothrus aeneus) and brown-headed cowbirds (M. ater). Canadian Journal of Zoology 84: 1269-1280. [PDF]
2006 Boulet M., and Gibbs H.L. Lineage origin and expansion of a Neotropical migrant songbird after recent glaciation events. Molecular Ecology 15: 2505-2525. [PDF]
2006 Boulet, M., Gibbs, H.L., Hobson, K.A. Integrated analysis of genetic, stable isotope, and banding data reveal migratory connectivity and flyways in the Northern Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia; aestiva group).Ornithological Monographs 48: 29-78.
2006 Sanz L., Gibbs H.L., Mackessy S.P., Calvete, J. Venom proteomes of closely related Sistrurus rattlesnakes with divergent diets. Journal of Proteome Research 5: 2098-2112. [PDF]
2006 Gibbs H.L., Corey S.J., Blouin-Demers G., Prior, K.A., Weatherhead, P.J. Hybridization between mtDNA-defined phylogeographic lineages of black ratsnakes (Pantherophis sp.). Molecular Ecology 15: 3755-3767. [PDF]
2006 Donovan, T. J. Buzas, P. Jones. H.L. Gibbs. Tracking dispersal in birds: assessing the potential of elemental markers. Auk 123:500-511. [PDF]
2005 Weatherhead, P.J., K. Kissner, and H.L. Gibbs. Experimental assessment of ecological and phenotypic factors affecting male mating success and polyandry in northern watersnakes, Nerodia sipedon. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 59: 207-214. [PDF]
2005 Stiver, K.A, P. Dierkes, M. Taborsky, H. L. Gibbs, and S. Balshine. Relatedness and helping in fish: examining the theoretical predictions. Proceedings of Royal Society of London, Series B 272: 1593-1599. [PDF]
2005 Schriver, W.G., J.P. Gibbs, P. Vickery, H.L. Gibbs, T. Hodgman, P.T. Jones, and C. Jacques. Concordence between morphological and molecular markers in assessing hybridization between Sharp-tailed Sparrows in New England. Auk 122: 94-107. [PDF]
2005 Blouin-Demers, G., H.L. Gibbs , and P.J. Weatherhead Genetic evidence for sexual selection in black ratsnakes (Elaphe obsoleta). Animal Behavior 69: 224-234. [PDF]
2004 Francisco, M.R., P.M. Galetti Jr., and H. L. Gibbs. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the Blue manakin, Chiroxiphia caudata (Aves, Pipridae). Molecular Ecology Notes 4: 758-760. [PDF]
2004 Woolfenden, B.E., C. McLaren, S.G. Sealy, and H.L. Gibbs. Community levels of parasitism: Use of three common hosts by a brood parasitic bird, the Brown-headed Cowbird. Ecoscience 11: 238-248. [PDF]
2004 Schulte-Hostedde, A.I., J.S. Millar, and H.L. Gibbs. Sexual selection and mating patterns in a mammal with female-biased sexual size dimorphism. Behavioral Ecology 15: 351-356. [PDF]
2004 Skjelseth, S., A. Moksnes, E. Røskaft, H.L. Gibbs, M. Taborsky, M. Honza, and O. Kleven. Host preference and egg constancy in the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus – a study using microsatellite DNA markers. Journal of Avian Biology 35: 21-24.
2003 MacDougall-Shackleton E.A., L. Blanchard, S. Igdoura, and H. L. Gibbs. Unmelanized plumage patterns in old world leaf warblers do not correspond to sequence variation at the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) locus. Molecular Biology and Evolution 20: 1675-1681. [PDF]
2003 Bulgin, N.L., H.L. Gibbs, P. Vickery, and A.J. Baker. Ancestral polymorphisms in genetic markers obscure detection of evolutionarily distinct populations in the endangered Florida grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum floridanus). Molecular Ecology 12: 831-844. [PDF]
2003 McLaren, C., B.E. Woolfenden, H. L. Gibbs, and S.G. Sealy. Temporal patterns of multiple parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) on Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Canadian Journal of Zoology . 81: 281-286. [PDF]
2003 Smith, T.B., P. Marra, M.S. Webster, I. Lovette, H.L. Gibbs, R.T. Holmes, K.A. Hobson, and S. Rohwer. A call for feather sampling. Auk. 120: 218-221. [PDF]
2003 Blouin-Demers, G. and H.L. Gibbs. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the black rat snake (Elaphe obsolete). Molecular Ecology Notes 3: 98-99. [PDF]
2003 Woolfenden, B.E., Gibbs, H.L., Sealy, S.G. and D.G. McMaster. Host use and fecundity of individual female Brown-headed Cowbirds. Animal Behaviour 66: 95-106. [PDF]
2002 Schulte-Hostedde, A.I., J. S. Millar, and H.L. Gibbs. Female-biased sexual size dimorphism in the yellow-pine chipmunk (Tamias amoenus): sex-specific patterns of annual reproductive success and survival. Evolution 56: 2519-2529. [PDF]
2002 Weatherhead, P.J., M.R. Prosser, H.L. Gibbs, and G. P. Brown. Male reproductive success in northern water snakes determined by microsatellite DNA analysis. Behavioral Ecology 13: 808-815. [PDF]
2002 Prosser, M., P.J. Weatherhead, and H.L. Gibbs. Genetic determination of the mating system and sexual selection in northern water snakes (Nerodia sipedon). Behavioral Ecology 13: 800-807.
2002 Woolfenden, B.E., Gibbs, H.L., and S.G. Sealy. Opportunity for sexual selection is high in both sexes of a brood parasitic bird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 52: 417-425.
2002 Kasumovic, M.M. H.L. Gibbs, B.E. Woolfenden, S.G. Sealy, and H. Nakamura. Primary sex ratio variation in two brood parasitic birds: Brown-headed cowbird and the common cuckoo. Auk 119: 561–566. [PDF]
2001 Schulte-Hostedde, A.I., H.L. Gibbs, and J.S. Millar. Microgeographic genetic structure in the in the yellow-pine chipmunk (Tamias amoenus). Molecular Ecology 10: 1625-1631. [PDF]
2001 Gibbs, H.L and P.J. Weatherhead. Insights into population ecology and sexual selection in snakes through the application of DNA-based genetic markers. Journal of Heredity 92: 173-179. [PDF]
2001 Woolfenden, B., H.L. Gibbs and S.G. Sealy. Demography of a brood parasitic bird, the Brown-headed Cowbird. Auk 118: 156-166.
2001 King, R.B., W. B. Milstead, H. L. Gibbs, M. R. Prosser, G. M. Burghardt, and G. F. McCracken. MicrosatelliteDNA markers reveal multiple paternity and allow discrimination of maternal and genetic effects on garter snake behavior and morphology. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79:121-128.
2000 Lougheed, S.C, H.L. Gibbs, K.A. Prior, and P.J. Weatherhead. A comparison of RAPD versus microsatellite DNA markers for assessing population structure in the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. Journal of Heredity 91: 458-463. [PDF]
2000 Gibbs, H.L., R. Dawson, and K.A. Hobson. Limited differentiation in microsatellite DNA variation among northern populations of the Yellow Warbler: Evidence for male-biased gene flow? Molecular Ecology 9: 2137-2148. [PDF]
2000 Gibbs, H.L., M. Sorenson, K. Marchetti, M. Brooke, N.B. Davies, and H. Nakamura. Genetic evidence for female host-specific races of the common cuckoo. Nature 407: 183-186. [PDF]
2000 Price, T.D., I.J. Lovette, E. Bermingham, H.L. Gibbs, and A.D. Richman. The imprint of history on communities of North American and Asian warblers. American Naturalist 156: 354-367. [PDF]
2000 Schulte-Hostedde, A.I., H.L. Gibbs, and J.S. Millar. Microsatellite loci suitable for parentage analysis in the yellow-pine chipmunk (Tamias amoenus). Molecular Ecology 9: 2180.
2000 Hobson, K.A., H.L. Gibbs, R. Dawson, S. van Wilgenburg, and H. den Hann. Sexing hatching-year Yellow Warblers using plumage characteristics: insights using plumage characteristics. American Bird Bander 25: 8-12.
2000 Milot, E., H.L. Gibbs, and K.A. Hobson. Phylogeography and genetic structure of northern populations of the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia). Molecular Ecology 9: 667-682.
1999 Lougheed, S.C., H.L. Gibbs, K.A. Prior, and P.J. Weatherhead. Hierarchical patterns of genetic population structure in black rat snakes as revealed by microsatellite DNA markers. Evolution 53: 1995-2001.
1999 Alderson, G., H.L. G ibbs, and S.G. Sealy. Determining the reproductive behaviour of individual brown-headed cowbirds using microsatellite DNA markers. Animal Behaviour 58: 895-905.
1999 Gibbs, H.L., L.M. Tabak, and K. Hobson. Characterization of microsatellite loci for a Neotropical migrant songbird, the Swainson’s thrush (Catharus ustulatus). Molecular Ecology 8: 1551
1999 Yezerinac, S.M., H.L. Gibbs, J.V. Briskie, R. Whittam, and R. Montgomerie. Extrapair paternity in a far northern population of yellow warblers. Journal of Avian Biology 30: 234-237.
1999 Prosser, M.R., H.L. Gibbs, and P.J. Weatherhead. Determination of microgeographic population structure in the northern water snake using microsatellite DNA markers. Molecular Ecology 8: 329-333.
1999 Alderson, G., H.L. Gibbs, and S.G. Sealy. Usefulness of DNA microsatellite markers for parentage and kinship studies in an obligate brood parasitic bird, the Brown-headed Cowbird. Journal of Heredity 90: 182-190.
1998 Gibbs, H.L., K.E. Gibbs, M. Siebenmann, and L. Collins. Genetic differentiation among populations of the rare mayfly, Siphlonisca aerodromia Needham. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 17: 464-474.
1998 Marchetti, K., H. Nakamura, and H.L. Gibbs. Host race formation in the Common Cuckoo. Science 282: 471-472.
1998 Gibbs, H.L., L. DeSousa, K. Marchetti and H. Nakamura. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite DNA loci for an obligate brood parasitic bird, the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Molecular Ecology 7: 1437-1439.
1998 Price, T.D., H.L. Gibbs, L. De Sousa, and A. Richman. Different timings of the adaptive radiations of North American and Asian warblers. Proceedings of Royal Society of London, Series B 265: 1969-1975.
1998 Gibbs, H.L., K. A. Prior, and C. Parent. Characterization of DNA microsatellite loci from a threatened snake, the eastern massasauga rattlesnake and their use in population studies. Journal of Heredity 89: 169-173.
1997 Gibbs, H.L., K. Prior, P.J. Weatherhead and G. Johnnson. Genetic structure of populations of the threatened eastern massasauga rattlesnake, Sistrurus c. catenatus: evidence from microsatellite DNA markers. Molecular Ecology 6: 1123-1132.
1997 Hobson, K.A., H.L. Gibbs, and M.L. Gloutney. Preservation of blood and tissue samples for stable-carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis. Can. J. Zool. 75: 1720-1723
1997 Dawson, R., H.L. Gibbs, K.A. Hobson, and S. Yezerinac. Isolation of microsatellite DNA markers from a passerine bird, the Yellow Warbler. Heredity 79: 506-514.
1997 Prior, K.A., H.L. Gibbs, and P.J. Weatherhead. Population genetic structure in a threatened snake: biological and management implications. Conservation Biology 11: 1147-1158.
1997 Jones, D. A. and H.L. Gibbs. Inter- and intraspecific variation in a portion of the mitochondrial ND6 gene in cuckoos. Condor 99: 815-818.
1997 Gibbs, H.L., P. Miller, G. Alderson, and S.G. Sealy. Genetic analysis of putative host races in the Brown-headed Cowbird: Evidence from mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA markers. Molecular Ecology 6: 189-193.
1997 Jones, D.J., H.L. Gibbs, T. Matsuda, M. Brooke, H. Uchida, and M. Bayliss. The use of DNA fingerprinting to determine the possible mating system of an obligate brood parasite, the Common Cuckoo. Ibis 139: 560-562.
1996 Gibbs, H.L., M. Brooke, and N.B. Davies. Analysis of genetic differentiation of host races of the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus using mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA variation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 263: 89-96.
1994 Weatherhead, P.J., R.D. Montgomerie, H.L. Gibbs and P.T. Boag. The cost of extra-pair fertilizations to female Red-winged Blackbirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 258: 315-320.
1994 Gibbs, H.L., A.W. Goldizen, C. Bullough and A.R. Goldizen. Parentage analysis of multi-male social groups of Tasmanian Native Hens: Genetic evidence for monogamy and polyandry. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology35: 363-371.
1994 Gibbs, H.L., K.A. Prior and P.J. Weatherhead. Genetic analysis of threatened snake species using RAPD markers. Molecular Ecology 3: 329-337.
1993 Gowaty, P. and H.L. Gibbs. DNA fingerprinting and behavioural ecology: two cultures arise. Auk 110: 252-255.
1991 Gibbs, H.L., P.T. Boag, P.J. Weatherhead, B.N. White and L.M. Tabak. Detection of a hypervariable DNA locus in birds by hybridization with a mouse MHC probe. Molecular Biology and Evolution 8: 433-446.
1991 Galbraith, D.A., P.T. Boag, H.L. Gibbs and B.N. White. Sizing bands on autoradiographs: A study of precision for scoring DNA fingerprints. Electrophoresis 12: 210-220.
1990 Gibbs, H.L., P.J. Weatherhead, P.T. Boag, B.N. White, L.M. Tabak and D.J. Hoysak. Realized reproductive success of polygynous Red-winged Blackbirds revealed by DNA markers. Science 250: 1394-1397.
1990 Gibbs, H.L. Cultural evolution of male song types in Darwin’s Medium Ground Finches (Geospiza fortis).Animal Behaviour 39: 253-263.
1989 Gibbs, H.L. and P.R. Grant. Inbreeding in Darwin’s Medium Ground Finches. Evolution 43: 1273-1284.
1988 Gibbs, H.L. Heritability and selection on clutch size in Darwin’s Medium Ground Finches. Evolution 42: 750-762.
1987 Gibbs, H.L. and P.R. Grant. Oscillating selection on Darwin’s Finches. Nature 327: 511-513.
1987 Gibbs, H.L. and P.R. Grant. Ecological consequences of an exceptionally strong El Nino event on Darwin’s Finches. Ecology 68: 1735-1746.
1987 Gibbs, H.L. and P.R. Grant. Adult survivorship in Darwin’s Ground Finch populations in a variable environment. Journal of Animal Ecology 56: 797-814.
1987 Gibbs, H.L., S.C. Latta and J.P. Gibbs. Effects of the 1982-83 El Nino event on Blue-footed and Masked Booby populations on Isla Daphne Major, Galapagos. Condor 89: 440-442.
1987 Price, T.D. and H.L. Gibbs. Brood division in Darwin’s Finches. Animal Behaviour 35: 299-301.
1987 Gibbs, H.L. and J.P. Gibbs. Prey robbery by nonbreeding Magnificent Frigatebirds (Fregata magnificens).Wilson Bulletin 99: 101-104.
1986 Robertson, R.J., H.L. Gibbs, and B.J. Stuchbury. Spitefulness, altruism, and the cost of aggression: Evidence against superterritoriality in Tree Swallows. Condor 88: 104-105.
1985 Muldal, A., H.L. Gibbs, and R.J. Robertson. Preferred nest spacing of an obligate cavity-nesting birds, the Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor). Condor 87: 356-363.
1984 Gibbs, H.L., P.R. Grant, and J. Weiland. Breeding of Darwin’s Finches at an unusually early age in an El Nino year. Auk 101: 872-874.
1984 Price, T.D., P.R. Grant, H.L. Gibbs and P.T. Boag. Recurrent patterns of natural selection in a population of Darwin’s Finches. Nature 309: 787-789.
1982 Robertson, R.J. and H.L. Gibbs. Superterritoriality in Tree Swallows: A re-examination. Condor 84: 313-316.