The Gibbs Lab was one of multiple labs recently awarded a NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity (US) – FAPESP BIOTA (Brazil) grant to study venom evolution in venomous snakes from North, Central and South America (NSF Abstract). The grant is a collaboration between research groups at Florida State University (Darin Rokyta), University of Central Florida (Chris Parkinson), Instituto Butantan (Inacio Azevedo, Ana Moura, and Erika Hingst-Zaher) and USP (Hussan Zaher).
Author: Barbara Shardy
PhD position in Molecular Basis of Coevolution
The Gibbs Lab in the Department of EEOB at Ohio State University is interested in recruiting a Ph.D. student, to begin in Fall 2017, to develop a dissertation project that focuses on the molecular basis of coevolution between venomous snakes and their prey. The student would be part of a group conducting collaborative research to identify the genetic, protein and functional basis of the traits that mediate interactions between rattlesnakes and their mammalian prey in an ecological context (for example, see Holding et al. 2016. Proc R Soc B 283:20152841) with the specific focus of the dissertation being flexible depending on the research interests of the student. The student would also have the opportunity to be involved in a recently-awarded NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity grant on snake venom evolution that involves collaborations between institutions in the US and Brazil.
The ideal applicant would have prior research in population genetics or molecular ecology, molecular laboratory skills, strong quantitative skills and proficiency or interest in learning basic bioinformatics. Field experience with vertebrates would be beneficial. A Master’s degree is preferred but not required.
The student would join an active lab which applies genomic techniques and bioinformatics analyses to a wide range of questions in the evolutionary biology and conservation genetics of snakes, birds, and salamanders. The Department of EEOB provides year-round financial support (~ $28K/yr plus benefits and tuition) for PhD students for the duration of their program.
Interested students should contact Dr. H. Lisle Gibbs, Department of EEOB, Ohio State University at with a statement of interest, a CV, transcripts and GRE scores if available. I will start reviewing applications on 15 October. Please see the lab ( and department ( websites for more information.