Beginning First

Beginning First


Order Code: BF
Grades: Beginning 1st
Levels: Levels C-D / 3-5

  • Super-Saver 50 copies of 8 Titles / 400 bks
  • Full 25 copies of 8 Titles / 200 bks
  • Mini 5 copies of 8 Titles / 40 bks


Each page in this set has one to three lines of text. The text is supported by pictures and predictable patterns, making the books easy reading to enjoy and practice at home.


To order, visit the official KEEP BOOKS website.


Books in This Set


  • Gingerbread Girl (Levels:- GR: C | RR: 3)
  • Keeping Warm (Levels:- GR: C | RR: 4)
  • Making a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich (Levels:- GR: C | RR: 4
  • Lunch Box (Levels:- GR: D | RR: 5)
  • Let’s Pretend (Levels:- GR: D | RR: 5)
  • My Snowman (Levels:- GR: D | RR: 4-5)
  • Max’ Birthday (Levels:- GR: D | RR: 5)
  • Party Time (Levels:- GR: C | RR: 3)