Image Design for Teaching REDUX! Every Monday in October

image of digital ad for workshop sessions. shows camera, session days time, and contact infoThis summer, we offered our first ever Image Design for Teaching bootcamp — an all day training over the best practices, policies, accessibility, image resources, copyright, and Photoshop skills needed to create informative and organizational images for teaching. The enrollment requests are plentiful, and we’re offering it again, but in a new format.

This round will be a month long series occurring each Monday at 1:00. The sessions will each allow for some hands-on practice time during which participants can play around with the skills we’ve just covered while having access to support staff from the Office of Distance Education & eLearning. Sessions one through three will build on each other, with each using the skills from the previous one. The fourth session will focus on building images for Carmen and using prefabricated templates, and this one only requires attendance of Session 1 as a prerequisite. Group size for each session is limited to ten seats in order to allow for effective teaching and support as we cover new tools.

Participants who complete the series will takeaway:

  • resources on copyright
  • resources on fair use
  • resources on where to find “good” or nice looking images that are available for use
  • slides on image best practices and accessibility that they may share with their department
  • a folder of Carmen-fitted Photoshop templates to drag and drop images into
  • an entire set of image designing skills that can be used on any Digital Union computer (all have Adobe Photoshop)

Have questions? Email Tara Koger (

Ready to sign up? Registration is open now and may fill quickly, so log in today:

Monday, October 5th: Image Design for Teaching Series, Session 1: Photoshop Tools Introduction & Basic Image Adaptation

Skill Level: Basic
Tools Covered: Layers, Layer duplicating, Rasterizing, Brush Size-type-hardness, Transform, Cropping, Adding Text, Adding Shadows/effects; opacity, JPEG and PNG export
End product: Attendees will be able to bring an image, crop or adjust lighting, and add text and lines to diagram and title. 

Monday, October 12th:Image Design for Teaching Series, Session 2: Basic Image Diagramming and Intermediate Editing

Skill Level: Basic/Intermediate
Tools Covered: Background removal, adding background, Adjustment Layershealing, layer duplication, transforming, masking, blendingLevelsAdding Lines, texture overlay, selection tools
End product: Attendees will be able to remove background images, add in other backgrounds, add text and lines to diagram, and title. 
Prerequisite: Must attend Session 1 (“Photoshop Tools Introduction & Basic Image Diagraming for Teaching“) OR be proficient in those skills.This workshop will not cover preliminary skills tools taught in Session 1. 

Monday, October 19th: Image Design for Teaching Series, Session 3Advanced Diagramming – Bring Your Own Images

Skill Level: Basic/Intermediate
Tools Covered: Background removal, adding background, healing, layer duplication, transforming, working with text in detail, masking, blending, color changes
End product: Attendees will be able to remove background images, add in other backgrounds, add text and lines to diagram, and title. 
Prerequisite: Must attend Session 1 (“Photoshop Tools Introduction & Basic Image Diagraming for Teaching“) OR be proficient in those skills.This workshop will not cover preliminary skills tools taught in Sessions 1 & 2. 
Skill Level: Intermediate
Tools Covered: Using a template, masking layers to other layers, importing previously authored images, resizing images (Aaron)
End product: Completely customized images for learning purposes designed to use in Carmen or other LMS as section headers 
Prerequisite: Must attend Session 1 and Session 2 in this event series OR be proficient in those skills.This workshop will not cover preliminary skills tools taught in Session 1 and 2. 

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