

I have been competitively riding horses since I was eight years old. Throughout all of my experiences on horseback, I have had many ups and downs. For years I struggled to become strong enough to guide a horse through a course of obstacles. I felt like I wanted to give up many times. However, I found a way to push through the hardships and work hard to achieve my goals. Eventually, after years of hard work and dedication, I began to see progress. I began to find confidence in my abilities. This enabled me to be successful both in and out of the show ring. This experience has enabled me to learn the true benefits of hard work and dedication. I plan to use this experience to help me get through the hardships of my coursework. During my first semester at The Ohio State University, I have come across some hardship in my General Chemistry course. However, I know that I will be able to overcome these difficulties with hard work and dedication. I plan to use my skills to study daily and create study habits that will set me up for success in the future. I know that with dedication and hard work, I will be able to receive the score I want in my General Chemistry class.