Global awareness is crucial to one’s education because it allows for a greater understanding of different cultures. I plan to study abroad during my college career in order to experience and understand cultures that I am not familiar with. This experience will broaden my views on social and cultural concepts.
Original inquiry is crucial to one’s education because it allows for hands-on experience in many important topics. I have had the opportunity to participate in undergraduate research during my college career to gain experience in a laboratory. This experience has prepare me for my future career in the healthcare field. Along with teaching me valuable laboratory skills, this opportunity has taught me to be curious about different aspects of science and how to begin discovering new things both in and out of the laboratory.
Academic Enrichment is crucial to one’s education because it allows for an extension to learning in a classroom. I have explored this area by being a biological sciences scholar and by using many different resources available to me at Ohio State. The experience of being a scholar will be beneficial to my career goals of working in medicine because it has given me different opportunities and insight into the field. In addition, the exploration of resources on campus, such as tutoring and study groups, has helped me enrich my knowledge and abilities in the classroom.
Leadership development is crucial to one’s education because it allows for the development of teamwork. I spent my sophomore year as the Clothing Coordinator for the Hunt Seat Equestrian Team at Ohio State. This experience has helped me develop leadership skills that I can carry into my future profession. I learned valuable skills such as organization, communication, and time management. Handing clothing orders and money for a whole team of athletes was no easy feat! I currently am the Barn Ambassador for the Hunt Seat Equestrian Team. This position requires me to be organized, sociable, and flexible with my schedule to provide barn tours and orientation to new team members.
Service is crucial to one’s education because it allows for the appreciation of community. I plan on volunteering at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus during my college career. This experience will be beneficial because I will get hands on experience with patients and I will develop a good sense of community.