Throughout my first semester at Ohio State, through the Scholars program, I have been able to do community service, expand my leadership experience, and attend numerous floor and Scholars activities. In high school, I was never the most active student in clubs and activities, so this has been a pleasant change of pace for me as a college freshman. Since I was required to participate in a certain number of these activities my first semester, I was forced out of my comfort zone and I ended up enjoying it a lot. For this reason, I will most likely continue to participate in the available activities.
After my first semester, I also have a better idea of what kind of classes I want to take next semester and onward and so I will be able to take the most interesting classes possible. Next semester I am already taking a fictional writing course, which I am extremely excited for as I have only taken nonfiction or research writing classes in the past. I also got a job in a chocolate shop in Upper Arlington. Since I didn’t get a job on campus, I will be forced out of my comfort zone and into other areas of Columbus that I would otherwise not explore. In addition, there are a lot of opportunities in this job to move up into leadership positions. This would be my biggest leadership experience.
In addition to scholastic and career endeavors, I am so excited to take part in the S.T.E.P. program. I have already talked about taking a road trip with my closest friends over the summer of sophomore year. I cannot wait to plan this in more detail. If we ended up going on this road trip, it would be the first vacation I completely planned out myself. This would also constitute as a leadership experience as there would be no adults there to supervise us. It would be my first completely “adult” experience.
According to G.O.A.L.S., we are supposed to advance our global awareness, original inquiry, academic enrichment, leadership development and service engagement throughout our 4 years at Ohio State. So far, I have done a little bit of travelling through Servitecture and the Scholars D.C. trip. I plan to continue visiting new places and enriching my global awareness with the many programs Ohio State has to offer. I have also been able to do a lot of service work through Servitecture as well as the smaller scale projects offered through the Scholars program. Within the Psychology program, I have participated in a few research studies through R.E.P. and have gained a better understanding of the type of research psychologists and scientists do. I cannot wait to further my academic enrichment and develop my leadership skills through my new job and the clubs I join at school. I think I’m on the right track to achieve my goals.