Year in Review

The past two years have been a wild ride, and as the semester come to a close I find it apt to reflect on the Honors & Scholars’ G.O.A.L.S.

Global Awareness

Over the past two years, I have had the opportunity to be exposed to so many new cultures and ideas here at OSU. Having come from an overwhelmingly white small town, I have embraced the breadth of diversity available here at OSU, attending multiple multicultural festivals. Moreover, as a member of Music Producers Club here, I have been exposed to all kinds of cultures’ unique sounds. In the future, I look forward to taking courses focusing on global diversity.

Original Inquiry

As an advanced physics major, research has been an integral component of my education for the past two years. Starting in my freshman year, I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Kagan on high energy physics research. More recently, I have started to work with Dr. Gupta on condensed matter research and plan to continue my research over the summer.

Academic Enrichment

I have taken my academics very seriously during my time here at OSU. I am currently taking a graduate level (6000) physics course along with multiple honors 5000 level courses to properly prepare myself for my goal of pursuing a PhD in physics. Moreover, I have made a concerted effort to take GEs that relate to my interests. For instance, as a former debater who is very interested in political science, I took a 2nd writing course in the poli sci department that focussed on the power elites.

Leadership Development

I have also worked hard to develop my leadership skill over these years. This year I took up a tutoring position in the physics department and have learned a lot about how to effectively educate and instruct others. More recently, I have become the treasurer of the Music Producers Club here at OSU where I have had to take responsibility for the fiscal underworkings of the club.

Service Engagement

Lastly, I have been given numerous opportunities to give back to the community. I had the pleasure of participating Buckeyethon last year. This year I have been planning a STEP project wherein I will be producing free music production tutorials for newcomers to learn the ropes of what can be a daunting pursuit.

Overall, I’d say that my time here at OSU has been significantly characterized by my pursuit of my G.O.A.L.S.


As an honors Student at Ohio State University, I plan to fulfill all of the G.O.A.L.S. set out by the College of Arts and Sciences.

Global Awareness: I have been all around the world and am interested in the Study Abroad program here at OSU. Hopefully, I can participate in it in the years to came. Moreover, I am taking numerous courses they specifically focus on global diversity such as Economics 4100.

Original Inquiry: I am currently in the process of getting into a lab for physics research. By my senior year I plan on graduating with research distinction.

Academic Enrichment: I take my academic very seriously. I am taking numerous honors courses and getting an honors minor in Mathematics. By my senior year I will be taking graduate level courses.

Leadership Development: I am currently involved in both Sigma Pi Sigma and the Society of Physics Students and hope to continue my involvement in the physics community by tutoring next year.

Service Engagement: I would love to get more involved with service if my workload lets up. Currently, I am involved in Buckeyethon.


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About Me

10873420_10203341949010563_5621353648063639298_o[Your “About Me” is an introduction and should provide insight into who you are as a person and a learner.  This should include a picture of you that is appropriate in a professional/academic context. This information should be continually updated.  For more information, go to:  Delete these instructions and add your own post.]