Year in Review

Semester in Review (1st Semester)

Over the course of this semester, I have definitely grown both academically along with as a student.  Academically, I have never been challenged this much. For starters, over the school year, I pulled my first all-nighter because I had to study. I also learned the proper way to study and take notes during class. I have also become far more involved in school along with clubs that were not sports that I was in. For example, before college, I had never sing anywhere except inside the shower, however, now I am on a capella team here. Biological Science scholars has also changed me. First of all, I learned the proper way to do many things such as create a resume, what ethics are considered during experiments, along with many other skills that otherwise I would not have learned till much later in college.

Year in Review (1st Year)

The first year was a lot of fun! Although I only had one and a half semesters on campus, I had some of the best experiences of my life. During this year I learned how to manage my time while alone (without my parents). This included simple things such as doing laundry immediately and not delaying it and included things such as finishing my work early so I could have fun on a Friday night! This was also the semester I emailed many professors to find research to later learn that it is harder than I had thought. All the professors that did seem interested had to cancel due to the pandemic. The year got cut short which wasn’t quite as fun but understandable.

Semester in Review ( 3rd Semester)

This semester was strange for me as all the professors had their classes online and this was my first time taking classes that were asynchronous. Usually, I would have class at a specific time and only at that time. This also however was my first time taking a Biomedical Engineering specific class which was very interesting and convinced me that this major was the right choice. I also took the hardest class that I had ever taken, Organic Chemistry 1. This taught me a lot about how I needed to change the way I study and how I manage my time!


Year in Review ( 2nd Year)

This semester was the hardest one so far. With all the classes being online, I had to make sure I studied on time and didn’t get behind. Usually, with a spring break, I am able to get ahead in classes giving me extra time for the final exam preparations however that was difficult this year with no designated full week of spring break. This year however has been very good to me for clubs as I have gotten more interactive roles in some of the Clubs that I am involved in. I have now gotten the executive position of Operations Manager in OSU Dhadkan, an a capella group, and have also become a Morale Captain for Buckeyethon. I’m very excited to see what I can do in these roles in the clubs. As of now, I am still looking for research which has gotten harder to find with a lack of funding across labs on campus due to COVID-19 but I am still optimistic.

Overall I have also seen an overall change in myself as I have begun to get better at focusing on assignments that I do not want to do. This was mainly due to a video I saw that emphasized a rule known as the 15-minute rule. This can be summarized as anything I don’t want to do but can be done in 15 minutes, should be done right away. I adjusted this rule to 1 hour and this has helped me get through many lectures for classes that I may not enjoy as much as others.

Currently, my plans for summer include taking 2 online classes, along with shadowing doctors in my hometown. I am very excited to have this opportunity as being in the hospital environment has been something that I have wanted to do for a very long time and therefore I am looking forward to it a lot!

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