Selected Invited Presentations
Gallo, S. Immigrant families’ educational resources in schooling. Keynote speaker for the Mid-South Writing and Reading Conference at the MaryAnn Manning Family Literacy Center, Birmingham, AL (October, 2018).
Colares, E., Gallo, S. & Glockner, V. Niñas y niños migrantes: más allá de las fronteras. Co-panelist for the opening of our Dreaming up North exposition. El colegio de Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico (May, 2018).
Gallo, S. Immigration policies and students from undocumented families. Facilitation for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (September, 2017).
Glockner, V., Milanich, N., Santos Briones, C., & Gallo, S. Dreaming up North: Children on the move across the Americas Panel discussion. El Museo del Barrio, New York, New York (September, 2017).
Gallo, S. Estudiantes binacionales en Puebla. Invited talk at Programa de Inmigración Transnacional entre UC Fullerton y La Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico (January, 2017).
Gallo, S. Etnografía y los estudiantes binacionales en Puebla. Invited talk at Seminario Interinstitucional: Migración Internacional, Escuela, Familia y Retorno, Monterrey, Mexico (January, 2017).
Gallo, S. Invited panelist during event Conversatorio “Puertas abiertas en educación: la respuesta mexicana ante Trump,” Mexico City, Mexico (December, 2016).
Gallo, S. The educational consequences of parental deportation: Mexican immigrant children’s negotiations of family language policy and migratory decisions. Invited talk at UCLA’s Center for the Study of International Migration, Los Angeles, CA (April, 2016).
Gallo, S. Immigration practices and schooling for young Latino immigrant children. Invited First Friday Colloquium at the Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy, Columbus, OH (April, 2016).
Gallo, S. “You talk about cultures, you don’t talk about immigration” : Reflecting upon the ways that we incorporate immigration experiences into our courses. Invited presentation by EHE’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (March, 2016).
Gallo, S. Undocumented status and elementary schooling: Opening up implementational and ideological spaces. Invited presentation for session in honor of Nancy H. Hornberger at the Ethnography in Education Research Forum, Philadelphia, PA (February, 2016).
Gallo, S. & Hornberger, N. H. Immigration policy as language policy: Mexican immigrant families’ decision-making in search of biliteracy for their children. Presented in an invited colloquia at the Georgetown University Roundtable on Language and Linguistics, Washington, DC (March, 2015).
Gallo, S. Discourse analysis and the study of migration and education. Invited Keynote Panel Presentation at The Discourse Analysis in Educational Research Conference, Columbus, OH (May, 2014).
Enciso, P., Gallo, S., & Gort, M. Current scholarship on Latino educational achievement: Creating visibility and dialogue in schools for Latino youth. Invited presentation at the 2014 Ohio Latino Education Summit (March, 2014).
Gallo, S. The inclusion of undocumented Latin@ students at The Ohio State University. Invited Facilitator for The Office of Diversity and Inclusion Discussion Series on Diversity at OSU, Columbus, OH (November, 2013).
Selected Conference Presentations
Gallo, S. Understanding mixed-status siblings’ educational pathways across geopolitical borders. Presented at theAmerican Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada (April, 2019).
Gallo, S. Critical examinations of our approaches to research with (im)migrant children across the Global South. Presented at the Rethinking Child and Youth Marginalities: Movements, Narratives, and Exchanges Conference, Camden, NJ (March, 2019).
Gallo, S. How US-papers shape educational opportunities for mixed-status siblings in Mexican schools. Presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA (November, 2018).
*Somerville, J. & Gallo, S. Incorporating politicized funds of knowledge of children from mixed-status families: Critical civic education at the elementary school level. Presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA (November, 2018).
Gallo, S. Return migration and undocumented status in Mexican elementary schools. Presented at the Discourse Analysis in Educational Research Conference, Columbus, OH (May, 2018).
Gallo, S. Binational students and their teachers in Central Mexico. Presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, New York (April, 2018).
Gallo, S. Educational reflections of an unlikely transnational mother. Presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting in Mexico City, Mexico (March, 2018).
Gallo, S. & & *Ortiz, A. Learning about the realities of unauthorized immigration in the classroom: Lessons from recently returned binational students in Mexico. Presented at the 14thInter-American Simposio on Ethnographic Research in Education, El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico (September, 2017).
*Dabkowski, M. & Gallo, S.Collectively imagining the unknown: Mexican immigrant children’s understandings of life and schooling in Mexico. Presented at the 14thInter-American Simposio on Ethnographic Research in Education, El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico (September, 2017).
Gallo, S., Link, H., & *Somerville, J. The politicized funds of knowledge of children from mixed-status families: Connections to civic education. Presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas (April, 2017).
Gallo, S. The right thing(s) to do: Research with transnational children. Presented at the Childhoods in Motion: Children, Youth, Migration, and Education Conference, Los Angeles, CA (March, 2017).
Gallo, S. & *Dabkowski, M. The permanence of departure: Stance-taking in Mexican immigrant children’s school-based migration talk. Presented at the Discourse Analysis in Educational Research Conference, Columbus, OH (May, 2016).
Gort, M. & Gallo, S. Shifting Latina/o demographics and Spanish-immersion schooling : Opportunities and tensions in building upon Spanish-speakers’ resources in the classroom. Presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC (April, 2016).
Gallo, S. Family immigration narratives as acts of resistance: Tensions and possibilities. Presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC (April, 2016).
Link, H., Romero, D., Gallo, S., Arango, O., Lugo, D., Peregrina, Z., Arango, C., Trejo, A., Reyes, L., Trejo, V., Reyes, E., Jacobs, A., & Ruiz, T. Revolución arte: Researching our practice as educators, parents, and students at a community center in the new Latino diaspora. Presented at the Ethnography in Education Research Forum, Philadelphia, PA (February, 2016).
Gallo, S., Link, H., & Wortham, S. Latina/o children navigating documentation status in elementary school. Presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (April, 2015).
Link, H., Gallo, S., & Wortham, S. Stylized Spanish in the new Latino diaspora. Presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (April, 2015).
*Macías, L. F. & Gallo, S. “No me speak inglés” : Claims to Spanish-speaking identities in a Spanish immersion kindergarten. Presented at the Ethnography in Education Research Forum, Philadelphia, PA (February, 2015).
Gallo, S., Link, H., & Latino immigrant families from Marshall. Rompiendo el silencio: Las experiencias de familias inmigrantes con las políticas de inmigración y la esculea [Breaking the silence: Immigrant families experiences with immigration policies and schooling]. Presented at the Ethnography in Education Research Forum, Philadelphia, PA (February, 2015).
Gallo, S. Humor, resistance, and immigration status in father-daughter interactions. Presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC (December, 2014).
Gallo, S. The effects of gendered immigration policy enforcement on elementary children’s schooling. Presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (April, 2014).
Link, H. & Gallo, S. Exploring the borderlands: Elementary school teachers’ navigation of immigration practices. Presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (April, 2014).
*Indicates collaboration with a graduate student