Soccer Ticket – Post Trip

The futbol match that we went to in London was the first soccer game I have ever been to. I have been to plenty of basketball, baseball, and american football games in the United States so I was eager to compare the sporting events. We were served a nice lunch before the game, and even introduced to a former professional goalie which was an exciting start to the event.

In the stadium, I was very impressed with the energy and spirit of the crowd. They were almost all wearing clothes that supported their team. There were even cheers that almost everyone in the crowd seemed to know and do together.

The soccer game was much more exciting than I had expected. I found myself and those around me, who previously never watched much soccer, to be very focused and into the game. Every time something exciting was happening, the energy of the crowd itself would have me on the edge of my seat. There were only 2 goals throughout the entire game which sounds boring, but it was actually a lot of fun. Even though the match ended in a tie, the crowd gave the home team a standing ovation for their performance, which I respected rather than the fans being upset that the game did not result in a win. I find that at most of the sporting events I go to in America, winning is the only thing that will get the crowd to cheer for the home team after the game.



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