Machine Gun – Post Trip

England proved to be advanced in warfare weapons early on when they used machine guns in The Battle of Omdurman before their enemies had any weapons of such power and efficiency. Through museums and galleries in England I got to see of the weapons and the development of weapons in England over time. It was unbelievable being able to see real weapons that were used by soldiers in England so long ago. The amount of swords and armor stood out to me much more in person that they did in a textbook because it is then that I realized how brutal war must have been when soldiers had to be face to face with an enemy and fight to the death. I am used to thinking of war today as very strategic with the use of technology to pinpoint exactly where to strike from a distance with advanced weapons. The closest that the British troops had to this long ago was bow and arrows, canons, and weaker guns. This made me realize how huge of an advancement the machine gun that they used was. Fighting with the early weapons that I saw against an army armed with machine guns would be nearly impossible. I understand that England is not the dominant military force in the world today and that the United States has that reputation, but I can understand how huge England’s advancements were a long time ago.



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