
Module 7: Keys to Motivation for Online Learning

The most useful thing I learned in this module is that reducing distractions is extremely beneficial for success in college. A specific thing I am going to do is work with white noise in the background. This has helped me a lot. The white noise blocks out the noise I hear around me coming from the outside as well as when my family members are talking. I also noticed that the white noise has helped me to stay focused longer and not let distractions come to my mind. The use of white noise overall has been great a tool for studying. In the future I am going to put white noise on in the background when I am studying by using a white noise app, not youtube where I can easily be distracted by other videos. Some advice I have for students is to not listen to music through youtube because other videos are very distracting. I advise to try out a white noise app. I also advise students to get an attachment that blocks the availability of social media sites on your computer. I also advise students to try and limit in general their smartphone addiction. Try to go multiple hours without using it, or try putting notifications on silent. 

White Noise

Module 6: References

I learned many useful things in this module. One of the most useful things I learned was how to navigate the OSU library better. The OSU library is a great resource I was underutilizing. I have also learned that searching and researching are two different things. I learned that researching requires are close critical look at sources when trying to gather information on a subject. Another thing I learned is that research questions can not be answered with a simple yes or no. Some thing specific I have done is read interesting articles on the OSU library. This was really cool because the OSU library was a resource I never used to supplement my reading. Some ideas from this module I can put into practice is to conduct better research. I am going to look for credible peer reviewed articles when I need to find information on a subject. I am also going to use Easybib. Easybib is great resource to cite my sources correctly. I am so happy that I found out about this resource. Some advice I have for students is to utilize the OSU library as well as free resources such as Easybib. I also advise students to not stop at searching when trying to learn about a subject, but to conduct real research with a serious critical approach.


Module 5- Note Taking

I learned many useful things in this module. One of the most useful things I learned was that to be a good note taker you must be an active listener by avoiding distractions while the lecturer is speaking. I learned that to I must try to use deep processing when learning. Something specific I am going to do after taking notes is try to connect those concepts to expecoces I have had in my personal life. This has been a helpful strategy to me because when I try to connect the notes to my life I understand and remember the notes I took better. Some ideas from this module I can put into practice is trying to retrieve the information from my notes without looking at my notes. Another thing I can do start taking notes by hand only from now on. I am going to go to the store and buy pens and spiral notebooks for all my future note taking. Some advice I have for students is to go back to hand written notes among many other things. I suggest that students also write a summary at the end of their notes that sum up the main points of their notes. I advice students to also be present when taking notes and really be an active listener when the lecturer is speaking.

Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age

I learned many useful things in this module about how to counteract procrastination of the most useful things I took away from this module is to think about my immediate desire versus my ultimate to goal. Thinking this way made me realize that my immediate desires to play video games or eat ice cream do not contribute my ultimate goals of getting good grades and eating healthy. I have put into practice forcing myself to start assignments. This practice has significantly helped get my work done. I have realized that after starting the assignment the rest of the work does not seem so scary and that I can actually get the work done if I continue working. Some ideas I can put into practice is limiting my distractions when I am working on assignments. I will start putting my phone in another room and turning off the volume when I am working. Another idea I will put into practice is asking the question “How will I feel after doing it?”. This question is very motivating to me because I know I will feel better about myself when I complete an assignment. A piece of advice I have for students is to just get started on assignments. Dedicate ten minutes to just getting started and then see if you can work longer. I have experienced that the hardest part is getting started and after that the assignment becomes so much easier.

Module 2: Communicating and Collaborating

Hi everybody from this module I learned the importance of having strong online etiquette. After watching this video ( I realized that my online edicate is very important because what I post on social media or even email is online forever now, it is a direct representation of who I am. I am going to be more selective with my social media posting and always make sure I am using proper grammar when interacting with people online. I have put into practice abstaining from posting on social media in an effort to improve my online reputation as someone that does not constantly post just to post. improve amount people. After reading the other resources in this module I have come to the realization that students should try to keep emails brief and friendly, but not overly friendly at the same time. In future emails to my professors I am going to make sure I use proper greetings and goodbyes to start and end my emails such as Dear Professor, and Thanks, My Name. Based on what I have read from this module advice I have for students is that they should be careful about what they post on social media. A tip I have is to consult with an older family member or close adult friend before hitting that post button.



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