Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age

One of the most useful things I used in this module, and really what every college student should utilize 😉 is how to minimize your distractions!

This generation is growing up in a world full of distractions and technology is the biggest culprit because almost all of our time is used on a digital platform. Leisure time consists of social media, streaming services and at work or school we conduct everything virtually. Our new innovative technology can make everything easily accessible, but it can also be a source for distractions from notifications or other apps. Fortunately, theres plenty of ways to eliminate these distractions and form better habits for productivity, you just have to actually practice them!

Our lesson provided 4 Tips for “Reducing Digital Distractions…” (Slide 22,

  1. Turn off notifications. So silence your phone or put it on do not disturb…or…God forbid we turn it off completely.
  2. Only check your email at designated times of the day. You can carve out time to check your email the same way you would for an assignment.
  3. Place your phone in another room when working.
  4. Set a timer for focused time and one for break time.

For example, this week I have already challenged myself to hone in on my work time with 100% focus. I have integrated these tips into my work space with a sticky note that has all 4 tips listed like a checklist. That way every time I sit down to work, I can run down the list and check off distractions as I eliminate them! I finally wrapped up my projects for the week and a graduate school application just because I eliminated my distractions to remain focused in completing my assignments. Every day that I have started my work with this checklist, I have had no problem completing my tasks on time.

This is a habit that is critical to future success and sharpening any skill, no matter what your occupation is. Eliminating distractions allows you to focus on what is at task and important in the present moment. Eradicating this from your space will ensure the best possible focus for academic and professional work so you can maximize your learning/working potential. You can easily practice these now and in the future by keeping that sticky note somewhere where you put in work!

Based on what I read from this module, I would encourage students who will one day be working professionals, to work on developing these habits now. Of eliminating distractions when it is time to work! Focus is something you will need for the rest of your life if you want to do anything meaningful. Learning that now will allow you to do stellar work as a student and prepare you for the professional level. Write that sticky note and give it a shot 🙂 it may be more beneficial than you think.