
My Last Post and Last Week at Sport Clubs

The end of an era is surly upon me. These last 7 months have been quite the adventure I had the pleasure to shoot a plethora of events spanning all sports and seasons. I have had fun every step of the way and this internship at rec sports marketing has been a great learning experience for me. It is a wonderful feeling seeing your work transform into graphic art that serves and directs a student body.

My time here has mostly been spent adding to the vast archives of recreational photography the university has compiled in its over 100 years of sports and wellness. Our main yearly project, the rec sports 2014 handbook has been finalized and has been sent to print. I am officially recognized as the main contributor of photos to the publication.

During my time here my main challenge has been adjusting to the equipment. Having never used a camera as prestigious as a Canon MKii 5D before I made it a goal to become proficient in it and I have exceeded my expectations.

As my last assignment at sports club I am reshooting a tone of department head photos for our website. They are encompassing shots of all the separate facilities we have here at OSU. Below are a few examples of what will become new website banners shortly. Thank you for taking the time to check out my experiences and my photos. I hope seeing the chronicle of my story inspires others to become active within their community and make a difference by sharing photos. JOSExterior4 ARCNight1 RPACArch

Second to last post and I am saddened

My time here at Rec Sports Marketing is coming to a close. The proof for our 2014 handbook are complete and we are just waiting to hear back from the print shop for the final. Our initial print should be 15,000 but based on last years demand we may have to order more.

My job as a photographer however is still crammed full of activities. Group events last up until the last day of classes and in addition to that I’m reshooting department head photos for almost all of Ohio States buildings. It will just take me a solid sunday but i should be able to capture them all before May 5th.

IMG_6292This last week had a notable RPAC guest, Shelly Meyer joined in on a cycling class to help raise awareness for Peletonia, a cancer awareness cycling event within the city of Columbus.

I haven’t forgot about the blog…I swear

Boy has it been a crazy past 3 weeks. I feel as if every waking moment of my life is consumed with photos. Between my job as a professional photographer I’m averaging 1500 photos a week! Amongst all the photographing I’m heavily involved in the layout and design of the rec sports handbook which is testing all my skills in the Adobe Creative Suite. The book is almost finished thanks to 8 graphic designers and myself and will be sent off to UniPrint, OSU’s printing service by the end of this week.

Being our biggest endeavor as a department I think the handbook has been the most fun. I have really enjoyed being the resident photographer and watching my work get applied to posters and banners throughout Ohio State’s campus. I only have a few weeks left here at sport clubs and the rest of my time will be devoted to archiving events and shooting current event photos for our daily social media.

To make up for my absence of post the past weeks I have included three photos from some of the most exciting events. First is a photo of the Alumni Club soccer match followed by a picture of an OSU equestrian rider bringing here horse out of the stable. Finally a photo from “Muddy Buckeyes” a sibs weekend event in which participants went through an obstacle course consisting of rock walls, balance beams, zombies and much more! All these events were a bIMG_4813 IMG_5469 IMG_5698last and  the full galleries turned out great.

Since my schedule has severely slowed down look forward to the standard friday blog post this coming week.


A busy week back

Spring break was a much needed vacation even though I didn’t get a chance to leave campus much. This week is right back to full throttle in terms of events and activities. Since Monday I have covered co ed ice hockey, cricket and a bench press competition. This weekend is the Rec Sports Triathlon which will span throughout the day on Saturday. The whole facility is included in the triathlon and everyone is excited in anticipation for the event.

The following weeks will be similar in terms of events and edits, mostly working on handbook materials but as spring slowly emerges Im branching out to reshoot the majority of department banners for many of Ohio States websites. Attached is a picture of co-ed ice hockey from earlier this week. A related note and fun fact, some lady buckeyes competed and took home gold medals for ice hockey in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Enjoy!

Hands Full with the Handbook

The past week here at sport clubs has been a blast of adrenaline! Along with the regular schedule of events we are busy working on our yearly publication the Rec Sports Handbook 2014. Everyone in the department including  graphic designers, Photographers and videographers as well as promo teams all work together to collaborate on this event. After getting our budget approved we are well on the way to constructing the book. The layout and design are planned out and I have ben working hard finding, shooting and editing all of the best photos on hand for the publication. Ive never had the chance to work on something so profound and so inclusive before and I must say I’m excited!

The way things are organized here I should be the main contributor of photos for this publication and will be acknowledged accordingly. This is the starting point for me on being professionally published in print. This internship is shaping up to be both beneficial and fun and I couldn’t be more in place.

Next week won’t have a post due to spring break, I will be out shooting some of my own photo excursions. The photo attached is from scuba dive training certification. I took photos above water as well as dove in and took some video with a goPro. It was awesome and the underwater footage is in the process of being mastered for a Nationwide OSU Commercial!

Scuba Dive Certification

A Week of Festivities!

This week has been a particularly busy one in the Rec Sports office. This coming Saturday is National Rec Sports and Fitness day and we have been preparing for it all week with tons of fun activities and events.  Along with the standard fitness classes and events we have spent the week promoting the organization and all the great activities we have to offer. Today A centennial time capsule was unveiled and was followed by a photo shoot where students wrote some of their favorite things on whiteboards to be archived. For a set photo check out my Instagram! The weekend ill be full of events centered around the holiday as well. Im so pumped for whats coming up!IMG_1917

Happy Valentines Day!

As another week comes to a close here at rec sports we are happy to have a Valentines exchange in the office. Naturally my card box is plastered with a collage of photos from the start of the year. Aside from the fun and games, we are all hard at work getting ready for the yearly publication, the rec sports handbook. This week I had the chance to cover a Kayak Roll Clinic, Buckeye BarBELLES women’s fitness class and a rappel clinic. We are near the halfway point in the term and there are still so many photo opportunities to conquer. This weekend will be a great opportunity to tackle a few events and best believe I’m on the case. Here is a photo from the rappel clinic held at rpac. This was a strategic event to generate awareness of some of the many climbing adventures held at the OAC with hopes to get buckeyes involved.IMG_1471

A full weeks worth of activities

This week was a particularly busy one here in the office. With the exception of one snow day on wednesday we have been hard at work taking photos of everything and anything to update our photo catche. This week I covered Rhythm Ride Cycling, I am Wrestling intramural wrestling and Bench Building. Community program as well as student programs are going great and have a great deal of interest despite the super cold temperatures here in Columbus. Next week I will be doing my first stage promotional shoot, a massage therapy clinic that will be featured in our next activity packet. Next week I should have some photos to share!

Photo Frenzy!

Another week, another plethora of photo events to keep me busy. This week was occupied with a bunch fitness classes Including boxing body sculpt, cycle endurance and slacklining. Amongst all of these events I’m still making my way around campus to shoot new department head photos for the majority of the websites associated with Ohio State. Slowly but surely I’m making my way down the laundry list of events and locations to shoot. Bracing the cold of Ohio is just one of the many challenges photographers face in winter. Here is a photo of slacklining. Where people attach a ratchet strap between 2 points and balance themselves. Trying it myself I will be the biggest advocate that it is much harder than it looks!

Slack Line

Patience and Balance

The Laundry List

Its been another hectic week here at student life marketing. Im well on my way of tackling the laundry list of events and locations that need new photographs. At this point next year every single page header and photograph on all OSU sites will be updated. This past week i got to cover a few group fitness classes, but it was mostly filled with meetings and other very boring stuff. here is a photo of “Simply Strength” an aerobics class offered for free as par RPAC’S free community fitness programs offered this semester.Group Fitness Class