
Principal Investigator


Dr. Rachel Gabor, Assistant Professor







Graduate Students

Haley McLean, M.S. Candidate (Fall 2020 – )







This could be you!

If you are interested in discussing opportunities for graduate research at the masters or Ph.D level, please email Dr. Rachel Gabor with a short statement of research/professional interests and your CV/resume.  Research in my lab uses primarily lab and field work to analyze hydrology and biogeochemistry of streams. Specific areas of focus include dissolved organic matter cycling and landscape disturbance (particularly urbanization) and its impact on water quality.  The ideal graduate student will have some experience with either hydrologic measurements of water sample collection and/or strong analytical chemistry lab skills.


Undergraduate Students

Holly Stanley, School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University. (June 2019 – December 2020)









Chris Vogler, School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University. (June2018 – March 2020)