Beyond Major: Getting Targeted Search Results

One of the biggest hurdles we face as career services professionals is interpreting for employers and students. No, we’re not from different countries where we speak different languages, but we do speak different languages, in a way. During my years in career services, one common thread I have seen is that students almost always identify themselves by their major. Often a conversation’s first questions include “what’s your name? Great to meet you! What’s your major?” I did it myself and took pride in telling others that I was a German major. Problem was, I didn’t really think a whole lot about what I was going to do with it. I was too busy being proud that I was unique, because not many students majored in it (shout out to all meine deutsche Freunde!).

But I have a secret…want to know what it is? Hint: it’s something I learned (way too) late in the game, and I’m offering it to you now, so you get a leg up.

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Safety First: Fraudulent Employers and Scams’s a bummer, but it’s true: scammers are in the job market just as much as you are. But instead of wanting to find jobs, they want to “hire” you to work for them. And by work for them, we usually mean provide access to your bank accounts and other personal information. I’m sure you’ve heard about others who have been victims of identity theft. Don’t let this be you. In order to keep yourself safe, you need to know how to spot a scam and what to do if you’re approached by a fraudulent employer. Continue reading

FutureLink for Student Employment to this point, we’ve talked pretty exclusively about using FutureLink for the job or internship search.

“That’s great,” you tell me, “and I’m definitely interested in that down the road. But I’m a first year student and I just need a JOB. You know, something to help pay for my textbooks, lunch out with my friends, and nights out on the town.”

Don’t worry, FutureLink has you covered for that as well!

In addition to internships and full-time opportunities, FutureLink also houses student employment. Yes, like the kind where you just need to make some money to cover your expenses. Here’s what you need to know about part-time jobs: Continue reading

Myth Busting: Timing Your Job Search

Question: When is the best time to look for a job when you’re getting ready to graduate?

Student Answer: I plan to start looking 1 to 2 months before graduation. The market has picked up and it shouldn’t be that hard to find something.

Career Services Answer: Busted. How about more like six to nine months?

I realize that we’re still at the peak of summer. Many internships just hit their halfway point, study abroads are still in full swing, new first year student orientation is still going strong on campus, and autumn hasn’t yet come to the ‘Shoe. They call it the Lazy Days of Summer for a reason, right? But here I am, telling you that if you’re graduating next spring (!), you probably ought to start thinking about the job search now.  Continue reading

Happy 4th of July!

Fireworks - July 4Happy Independence Day! 239 years ago, the founding fathers of our country declared that thirteen British colonies would become the world’s newest nation. All fifty six men had day jobs, of course. Thomas Jefferson, the primary author, was a well known gentleman farmer and lawyer, John Hancock a businessman, and Samuel and John Adams, politicians.

I expect many aspects of the job search were a bit different in the 1770s than they are today, but the one thing that hasn’t changed: it’s all about who you know. In the 18th century, apprenticeships to family or friends of family were common. After completing training, many young people were hired on by those employers or someone else they knew. Today, apprenticeships have widely been replaced by internships, externships, job shadows, and other forms of on-the-job learning, but how you find them is still all about who you know.  Continue reading

Benefits to Using FutureLink

LoveFutureLink – how do I love thee? Let’s count the ways!

I often get questions from students about why they should use FutureLink. Remember a few days ago when we talked about how many job boards there are on the internet? What makes this job board better than others? Is it even better than the others? I’ll let you in on a secret: there really isn’t a perfect job board (even FutureLink, my dearest love, has its flaws). There’s no such thing as best and worst. What you need to consider is how a particular job board can be helpful to you. We can talk about that some other time.

For now, let me suggest FutureLink as a great place to start your job search. Here are my top five reasons to fall in love with FutureLink:

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Your Job Search: Reality Sets In

Picture this: you are home for the holidays. Presents are wrapped and Mom is cooking up a storm. Grandma and Grandpa just arrived and Great Aunt Esther just asked you “So, what are your plans for after graduation?”

Freeze. Cue panic. Yes, Virginia, you are graduating next semester. How are you going to find that coveted job? Heck, any job for that matter? Student loans are going to come due and living with Mom and Dad sounds about as amazing as jumping into Mirror Lake in January. Sober. What are you going to do? Where are you even going to start? Isn’t there some kind of guru to help?RGB_Lockup-12

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