Are you a 4-H’er interested in health? Do you see yourself potentially working in health one day? Nutritionist? Therapist? Nurse? Athletic Trainer? Geneticist?
What: Health University (HealthU) is a weekend camp in October focused on Healthy Living for 7th through 12th graders in Ohio 4-H. Join us at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp for a weekend as we explore four of the 10 Dimensions of Wellness and explore health-related careers. We will be exploring the following four tracks of wellness:
• Physical wellness allows a person to engage in activities of daily living without experiencing undue fatigue or exhaustion. The physical dimension of wellness is supported through health behaviors, which include exercise, eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol intake, not smoking, and getting adequate sleep each night.
• Emotional wellness involves recognizing, accepting, and expressing feelings. Adequate rest is required for wellness in this dimension. If an individual’s mental function is hindered by stress and lack of sleep, they may struggle with accurately assessing a situation which then triggers negative emotional responses and disrupts emotional wellness.
• Social wellness requires the ability to trust and respect other people and leads to the creation of supportive partnerships and friendships. Being socially well allows one to develop and maintain intimacy, and to have empathy and respect for others.
• Creative wellness allows a person to appreciate and/or participate in a diverse range of arts or cultural experiences, and to value and cherish the surrounding world. Freely expressing thoughts and emotions through dance, song, drawing, painting, or writing are some of the ways to engage in creative wellness.
Who: Any current 4-H’ers in grades 7 thru 12.
When: Friday, October 27 to Sunday, October 29, 2023
Where: Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp, 1362 Caves Rd, Jackson, OH 45640
Cost: $50 per youth (check or card)
Deadline: Register by 11:59pm on Sunday, October 8, 2023
Contact: Justin Bower,, with questions.