Sale animal designation for the Junior Fair Livestock (Donation) Sale is made in the Blue Ribbon Online entry, which is required for all animals exhibited at fair. This includes all 4-H/FFA members taking a steer, feeder calf, Gallon of Milk, market rabbit, turkey, “Pen of Three” broilers, market lamb, market goat, or market hog project. Designations will not be allowed after the entry form deadline. Changes are only permitted if the animal is chosen as Grand/Reserve Champion, if the animal dies at the fair, or if the animal doesn’t come to the fair.
Participation in the Fulton County Junior Fair exhibits and shows is NOT REQUIRED TO COMPLETE A 4-H PROJECT. It is the expectation of the Livestock Sale Committee and the Fulton County Fair Directors that you exhibit your own animal. Off grounds events are not considered special circumstances.
If you would like to exhibit your 4-H project in a booth at the fair and your club is not having a booth display this year, you can exhibit your project in the Miscellaneous Booth. Bring your project display to the Junior Fair Building at one of the following set up times: Tuesday, August 29, 5:00-9:00pm, Wednesday, August 30, 5:00-9:00 p.m. and Thursday, August 31, 12 Noon – 8:00 p.m. An exhibit card will be available for you to fill out. Please make sure you sign in with your name, club, phone, project grade, project name and the item you are exhibiting.
Grade Ribbons for Advisors who judged miscellaneous and animal projects will be available for pick up during Junior Fair Booth set up (times above).
We need adult volunteers from each 4-H club with a booth display in the Jr. Fair Building to help supervise the building. If your club has a booth, you must provide two representatives to share a two-hour block of time. This is a great opportunity to see friends, family, and neighbors as they pass through the building and also a chance to look at all the different projects that 4-H, FFA and other organizations have to offer youth in Fulton County. Sign up here: https://go.osu.edu/boothwatch.
August 31, 12 noon- 8:00 p.m.
All youth must have their animal health papers and DUNF (completed online, if needed) checked and their animals cursory inspected by the vets at the fair. To do this, all 4-H and FFA youth must enter the fairgrounds off County Road J, WEST of the Gerald Grain Elevator on Thursday. Failure to enter properly could result in forfeiture of premiums. Scurs: Fair veterinarian will be responsible to make the final determination on whether an animal with a scur will be allowed to show at the fair. Dairy market, market Boers, and pygmy goats may have scurs or horn regrowth under 1”. Breeding goats (dairy and Boer) must adhere to horned/dehorned breed standards. A vet slip will be provided by Vet at check-in to prove that animals went through Vet check-in. You will present the vet slip to the weigh master at weigh-in for market and breed animals to pick up back tag numbers.
It is mandatory for all Ohio Junior Fair market animal exhibitors to complete a Drug Use Notification Form (DUNF) ONLINE and attend a Quality Assurance Program before showing their animal at the Fulton County Fair. This is a mandate of the Ohio Department of Agriculture. It is mandatory for all Fulton County Junior Fair animal exhibitors to attend a Quality Assurance Program at least 45 days before showing their animal at the Fulton County Fair. This is a mandate of the Fulton County Livestock Sale Committee and an Ohio law. Quality Assurance Certification from the Ohio Beef Expo is accepted for Fulton County Quality Assurance Certification.
All animals coming into Ohio from Michigan have health requirements. For a copy of the Ohio State Regulation Health Requirements governing the admission of animals, stop by the Extension Office or go to the following website address: http://www.agri.ohio.gov
1.) Animals will be veterinary inspected at the gate off County Road J as usual and the proper paperwork collected (DUNF-online, vaccination records, poultry receipts, health papers, etc.). Please have all necessary paperwork complete and ready! No outgoing traffic will be allowed at this gate during check in!
2.) We will give veterinary attention to individual animals as requested by the exhibitor or parent to fulfill a valid veterinary-client-patient relationship. If we see animals that require veterinary care, we will attempt to contact the exhibitor, but it is the exhibitor’s primary responsibility to report sick animals.
3.) Exhibitor must fill out a “request for treatment” form at the veterinary building.
4.) Fair veterinarians will be on the fairgrounds from 5:00-6:00 p.m. for daily treatments and examinations that have been requested during the day. Please try to have the exhibitor or parent present at that time to answer any questions.
5.) Emergency treatments/examinations (not during the designated time) will be done as seen fit by the veterinarians.
6.) The exhibitor, a parent, Senior Fair Board member, or species director must contact the veterinarian for emergency treatments.
Non-market animals are removed from the fairgrounds after 7:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 7, except horses which are released after 12:00 p.m. on Thursday. Goats are released after 9:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 6.
Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF) are required on all market animals at the Fulton County Fair check-in/veterinarian inspection and for every animal treated during the fair, including non-market animals, animals treated by owners, and other veterinarians. It’s the owner’s responsibility to complete a DUNF online prior to arrival for the official fair veterinarian; if not, the exhibitor is responsible for any consequences.
All sheep are required to be Scrapie tagged or Scrapie tattooed before they enter the fairgrounds, no exceptions! Scrapie tags/tattoos are not available at the scales. All goats and sheep must have a Scrapie record card, Scrapie tag, and/or Scrapie tattoo with them at veterinarian check in when entering the gate on Thursday.
Junior Fair Health Requirements for sheep, stipulate there be no evidence of fungal infections. For a fungal infection to be considered noninfectious, the lesion must have no scale or crusting present and show some evidence of wool re-growth. If there are any questions regarding health issues, please contact the fair veterinarian prior to fair for a ruling. The official fair veterinarian’s decision is final.
Check-in at the fair: Animals will be cursory inspected at the gate. All animals will be more thoroughly examined early Friday morning. Fair veterinarians will closely inspect each animal at that time. The Fulton County Fair is a slick-sheared market lamb show. All market lambs must be slick shorn within 10 days of inspection at the gate. Any market lambs not slick shorn will be turned away. Market lambs must be slick shorn before they can enter the fairgrounds. If any animals show evidence of a contagious or infectious disease, they will be removed from the grounds as soon as possible.
All market and breeding sheep must have the ODA approved Scrapie ear tag of identification from the flock of origin before entering the Fulton County Fairgrounds. Scrapie record cards are available on the Junior Fair page of our website here. All market goats, dairy goats, pygmy goats and Boer/Boer cross breeding goats must be tattooed or have an identification tag before entering the Fairgrounds, which includes Scrapie ID.
Any adult helping a Junior Fair exhibitor with caring for their animal that is not a 4-H advisor, FFA advisor, parent or sibling must pre-register with the Fair Secretary’s Office. Older Junior Fair exhibitors should do their own. (This is an ODA Mandatory Grooming Rule)
- DUNF not required.
- Do not need to be blood tested or TB tested. They do not need a health paper unless they are from out of state. Out-of-state cattle must meet all requirements from ODA. Health papers are available from your vet.
- DAIRY COWS (lactating animal)
- DUNF required.
- DUNF not required.
- Must have been electronically ear tagged in June.
- Health papers are not required, although beef animals must be free from warts, ringworm, and other diseases.
- Must present proof of vaccination from the vet who supplied the animal with the vaccine. Two doses must be given before the fair. Mandatory weight range to be eligible for Grand or Reserve Champion is 350-600 lbs.
- DUNF required.
- Must have been electronically ear tagged in January.
- Health papers are not required, although beef animals must be free from warts, ringworm and other diseases.
- DUNF required.
- Must have been electronically ear tagged in June.
- All out-of-state hogs need a Pseudorabies test and a health paper.
- Broilers (Pen of 3 Market Chickens) and Market Turkeys – DUNF required.
- All other poultry species DUNF not required. Total Maximum weight for Pen of 3 is 21lbs.
- Broilers (Pen of 3 Market Chickens), Layers (Pullets), Fancy chickens- Bring Pullorum-Typhoid free 9-2 testing form or hatchery certificate/receipt proving purchase from NPIP facility.
- Ducks: A breeding duck exhibit is a breeding pair: 1 male & 1 female.
- Chickens: A fancy poultry exhibit is a breeding trio 1 male & 2 female. A layers (pullets) exhibit is 3 females. A pen of 3 market chickens exhibit is 3 males or 3 females.
- Turkeys: The suggested weight for turkeys is 25-50lbs. 1 male or 1 female.
- DUNF not required.
- Jump Release, if applicable, due to Fulton County Extension Office by June 1.
- Permission to Participate submitted through 4-HOnline enrollment, due April 1.
- Horse ID due to Fulton County Extension Office by June 1.
- Lease, if applicable, due to Fulton County Extension Office by June 1.
- DUNF not required.
- Permission to Participate is submitted through 4-HOnline enrollment, due by April 1.
- Vaccination Certificate completed by a Veterinarian due to Fulton County Extension Office by August 1.
- No health papers are needed, unless the goats are out of state. For registered goats, bring a copy of your registration paper. For all other goats, tail tattoo or ear tattoo will be recorded for Scrapie tracking purposes.
- All goats must have scrapie record card with them at vet check in when entering the gate on Thursday. Dairy market, Boer market, and any lactating goat – DUNF required. One per goat.
- Market goats must have been tattooed in June & recorded by Junior Fair Board. No Exceptions!
- Market Wether Goats – Mandatory Minimum of 50lbs. And born after Jan 1st of current year.
- Pygmy Goats – DUNF not required unless in milk.
- Market Rabbits (fryers and roasters) – DUNF required
- Fryer mandatory weight range of 3.5 – 5.5 lbs
- Roaster mandatory weight range of 5.5 – 9.0 lbs
- Must be healthy to enter.
- All MARKET and BREED rabbits must have a permanent and legible tattoo in the rabbit’s ear before checking in at the fair.
- How to Get a Permanent Tattoo for Your Rabbit
- For breed rabbits, there is a permanent tattoo kit available at the OSU Extension Office. Contact the office to make arrangements to borrow the tattoo kit by calling 419-337-9210.
- Market rabbits (roasters and fryers) must have been tattooed at the designated Junior Fair rabbit tattoo days.
- Roaster Tattoo Day-mandatory-June 3, 8-10am, Rabbit Barn-Fulton County Fairgrounds
- Market Rabbit Fryer Tattoo Day-August 5, 8-10am, Rabbit Barn-Fulton County Fairgrounds **must bring mother doe**
- Tattoo Verification at the Fair: At Weigh-In/Check-In for fair, the Junior Fair Board members will cross check ear tattoo numbers with tattoo day records. The ear tattoo number will be written on the 4-H member’s back tag and checked to the ear tattoo as the rabbit is removed from the show table. If a 4-H member is watching a rabbit for another exhibitor, they must have a note on their person with the animal’s ear number listed. Please note: Pet rabbits do not go to the Fair. They were judged at July still project judging. Those who missed judging will be judged within the clubs.
- Market Lamb – DUNF required.
- Breeding Sheep – DUNF not required.
- All sheep must have Scrapie record card with them at vet check in when entering the vet check gate on Thursday. Health papers are not required. Sheep with sore mouth or other diseases will not be allowed on the fairgrounds. If the owner wants these animals examined prior to the fair, a regular call fee will be charged. It is strongly recommended for sheep that tail docks should be able to be lifted with a pencil. Sheep must have an ear tag from flock of origin upon weigh-in to comply with Scrapie Disease Regulations. A Scrapie ear tag is mandatory on all breeding and market sheep for the Fulton County Fair. All market lambs must be completely slick shorn within 10 days of the show. Wool may be left below the knees and the hocks only.
Do not exercise animals in the pedestrian walkways, campsites areas and midway area. This is a safety concern for both the animals and the pedestrians! Out of courtesy to campers, please do not walk your animals in the camping area.
The Senior Fair Board will withhold premiums from 1.) Exhibitors that have dirty or unsightly pens; 2.) Exhibitors who move their animals from assigned pens without prior approval from the Senior Fair Board. Questions? Refer to the Fulton County Fair Book. There will be Clean Aisle Awards awarded again this year. Inspections will occur after 9 am; except Saturday for hogs it will be 5 pm and Wednesday for all species it will be 5 pm.
Junior Fair livestock exhibitors should take their empty trailers home after bringing their animal(s) to the fair. Livestock trailers will no longer be allowed to park inside the fence behind the cattle barn as a result of increased participation in open shows and needing to accommodate those participants. Parking for livestock trailers will be available outside Gate K.
If you are not camping at the fair and need a car pass to get you closer to the barns to bring in feed, you may pick up a load/unload car pass (one per family for large animals only, includes goats) at the Junior Fair Office during weigh-in time only.
Please cash your check promptly, as the bank representative and Senior Fair Secretary must balance the account books to be audited.
This dress code is for all Junior Fair animal exhibitors, except horses and dogs. Junior Fair horse exhibitors should consult the Uniform Horse Rules Book. Junior Fair dog exhibitors should wear dress clothes that complement the color of the dog and closed toe shoes.
This dress code should be followed for both the livestock show and sale.
- Dark pants or dark jeans. Shorts are prohibited.
- White collared shirt with sleeves. Button down shirts preferred. Youth with poultry and rabbit projects should wear long-sleeve shirts to avoid scratches.
- Hard soled shoes (work boots or cowboy boots). No tennis shoes or sandals. Exception: tennis shoes may be worn to show rabbits and poultry.
- No hats or caps.
- No clothing items with logos.
- Rabbit exhibitors may wear plain all white lab coats.
- No distracting accessories. This includes oversized, bright colored, and/or shiny studded jeans, belts, hair bows, and jewelry. Showmen are exhibiting animals and should not draw attention to themselves.
The Fulton County Livestock Shows are terminal market shows – no market animal goes home. All 4-H or FFA market animals weighed in at the fair will go to slaughter. “Extra” no sale animals, which are market animals other than designated sale animals, MUST be brought to the show arena on Thursday just after to selling that species to be loaded on a commercial carrier and hauled to market. This would include your second hog if you brought both a barrow and gilt to show. Feeder calves are not considered a finished market animal and are excluded from this rule. Failure to bring animals at the designated load time will mean loss of donation in sale ring on your other animal.
An Open Livestock Judging Contest will take place on Tuesday, September 5, at 12 noon in Spangler Arena. All 4-H and FFA members are welcome to participate. Classes will consist of dairy, beef, sheep and hogs. Prizes will also be awarded.