
Pilot Plant Activity – Dr. Mary Kay Pohlschneider FDSCTE1100

Apple pie baking is a favorite event by Mentors and Mentees, students use the Howlett Pilot Plant to formulate the recipe, prepare the apples, mix ingredients, fill pie shells and get them ready to share with their families on Thanksgiving day.



PLEASE NOTE: For all events occurring in food production facilities (Howlett Pilot Plant, Dairy Pilot Plant, Meat Laboratory, etc.), attendees will be expected to follow GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices). This includes but is not limited to tasks such as wearing closed-toed shoes and hair nets, listening to all faculty and staff instructions, and being aware of your surroundings.

Mentors and Mentees getting to know each other for FDSCTE1100



Welcome Lunch- 2023 

An annual event hosted by the Department of Food Science and Technology welcomes new and returning graduate and undergraduate students along with faculty and staff members.








Questions about the FST Peer Mentor program? Do you want to be more involved as a mentee or Peer Mentor? Contact Julie or call at 614-292-8897 for additional information.