
Global Awareness: I would love to go on a mission trip in order to observe both diversity and culture around the world.
Original Inquiry: I will approach my professors and email doctors in order to let them know my interests in hopes of possibly assisting them in research opportunities. I recently was offered a position researching cancer biology spring semester, so I will pursue this chance.
Academic Enrichment: I will work hard in all of my classes by staying organized, and I will also get involved in outside scholarly clubs.
Leadership Development: I will join clubs that interest me and also pertain to my major.
Service Engagement: I will volunteer inside and outside the classroom. I also plan to attend the community commitment each year. Currently, I volunteer through Best Buddies and Pre-Health Club.

One major goal of mine is to get in on research opportunities provided by either professors or doctors. I also hope to achieve all A’s while staying involved in extracurriculars.