Second Semester Explore Columbus Assignment

Exploring Columbus with Dayna: Zest Juice Co

For my Second-Semester Explore Columbus Assignment, I chose to take my mentee to Zest Juice Co in Grandview. My mentee is Dayna Snow, a first-year Political Science major. This shop was in a nice area only about 5-10 minutes off campus. It is in the Grandview area, and Dayna had never been to the Grandview area! My mentee and I planned to meet up and do our Explore Columbus assignment on April 6th, however we did not choose where we wanted to go ahead of time. Planning our Explore Columbus project was not as difficult as we expected it to be. I am at home this semester, which is about 2 hours away from campus. Dayna was aware of this, but we both kept in contact and decided that we wanted to do our Explore Columbus in person. Similar to last semester, we wanted to give ourselves plenty of time before the semester ended, so that we were not planning around exams last minute. I had to travel down to Columbus for a composite picture day for my sorority, so I texted Dayna ahead of time to see if she was available that day. It worked out that she was available, and we made a plan that I would pick her up on Tuesday, April 6th. At about 3:30 that day, we were trying to decide between coffee, smoothies, or ice cream. Dayna said that she was in the mood for smoothies, and I knew just the place to go. Zest Juice Co has been on my list of places to go for a while now, and Dayna said she had never heard of it. I was looking forward to checking out the location and sitting inside the shop with Dayna. I picked Dayna up around 4:00 and we drove there. Parking was easily accessible, which is hard to find in Columbus. We both agreed that even though the shop was only a few minutes from campus, it felt like a completely different world. Zest Juice Co is in a plaza right next to a Buffalo Wild Wings and across the street from a very beautiful yoga studio. We were both pleasantly surprised by how nice and clean it was inside the shop, and we found a nice seat by the window. We were the only two people sitting in, so it was nice and quiet. The menu was a bit overwhelming at first, but both of us decided on smoothies and sat down to talk. We both agreed that the smoothies were a bit pricey, but it was well worth it for the clean products used in the smoothies. We sat there for about an hour and a half and talked about our second semester experiences. We discussed the Covid vaccine quite a bit, because she had just gotten her Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and I was getting my Pfizer vaccine in a week. We talked about our optimism for fall semester and about her new role in the leadership council of ACES. I am the outgoing Communications chair, and Dayna is the incoming Communications chair so we talked a lot about the position! I gave her some tips and told her about some things I wish I would have known. We also completed our second-semester interview assignment for the mentorship program while we were there. When it was time to leave, we both agreed that we would definitely go back to Zest Juice Co, because it seemed like a great place to study and their smoothies were excellent. We were both very interested in trying their Smoothie bowls in the future. We drove back to campus and I dropped Dayna back off at Smith-Steeb so that she could go out to dinner with her friends! It was awesome getting to catch up with Dayna, especially after a semester at home. It was a beautiful day, so on our way back to campus we were able to see many people out on the Siebert Lawn and South Oval. We even saw her roommate crossing the street in front of us! Overall, we would both go back to Zest Juice Co, and recommend it to a friend. Their smoothies were great, the atmosphere was nice, and it was very easy to get to! There are many different locations of Zest Juice Co, but we would especially recommend the one in Grandview because it was very big and located in a nice area. I had a great time exploring this Columbus smoothie and juice shop with my mentee, and highly recommend this experience to others!

Second-Semester Mentee Interview

My mentee and I, Dayna Snow, chose to go to Zest Juice Co to combine our second-semester interview and explore Columbus assignment. While we were there, we talked about how Dayna’s semester has been and her recent experience getting the Covid vaccine. She expressed that she is optimistic about a normal college experience in the fall. The questions that I chose to ask Dayna are as follows:


Are you enjoying your major? Why or why not?

This was a question that I was especially excited to ask Dayna because she had recently changed her major. Dayna was in the process of changing her major when we met up first semester, so I was eager to hear how she was doing in her new major. She said that she was genuinely enjoying this major more than she enjoyed her original major. She is now a Political Science major, and she likes it because she is learning a lot about the world in general. It is something that she is genuinely interested in, so it doesn’t really feel like schoolwork when she’s in her classes. I expressed that this is how it should feel. I am excited to keep checking in on her progress in her major and I hope she continues to enjoy it as much as she expressed when we talked.


What class on your current schedule is most challenging and why?

Dayna found Data Analytics to be her most challenging class so far. It is a GE class for Political Science. This class involves coding, and the coding is very specific. While I was not able to provide help with this because I am not a math person and have never attempted coding, I validated how she was feeling about this class and encouraged her for a great end to the semester in this class. She expressed that she is excited for it to be over because she is almost done with math in college.


Do you think you will keep the same involvement next year, why or why not?

This question was a difficult one to answer, since this year has been unprecedented and, as Dayna expressed in our first meeting, it was hard to get involved as a freshman. I figured that this would be difficult because I personally enjoyed the involvement fair when I was a freshman, and their involvement fair was completely virtual and somewhat confusing. Dayna said that she does look forward to getting a little bit more involved next semester, but for the most part she is content with her current involvement. We also discussed that she will be more involved in ACES, because of her new position on the leadership council. I celebrated the accomplishment of this leadership role with her and highlighted some of the things that I loved about my role as Communications chair on leadership council this year. I will use what I know about her excitement for involvement and try to send her opportunities to get involved in the future.


What recommendations do you have for improving the ACES program?

Dayna did not really have any recommendations in this category, because she has enjoyed her experience in the scholar program so far. Her only recommendation, as expected, is more in-person events. Of course, that will depend on the precautions in the fall semester. We were both optimistic that she will get to experience more in person events for her second year in the ACES program. She also mentioned that more interactive community meetings could be helpful, since many people in her grade in the program do not know each other. Her and her roommate live on the sixth floor of Smith-Steeb instead of the fifth, so it has been difficult for them to meet other ACES.


Have you had the chance to explore your desired career through internships, field experiences, etc?

Dayna just changed her major from Early Childhood Education to Political Science this semester, so she has not had a chance to check career opportunities or internships out yet. However, in her survey class, she had to look at Handshake for an assignment and saw many cool internships and career opportunities for the future. One cool internship that she looked into was for NPR. I look forward to seeing the opportunities that open for Dayna in the future as she gets deeper into her new major.


What is your favorite memory from last semester?

Last semester, during a nice day, Dayna and her friends went to the Short North and got sushi together. During this little adventure off campus, they also checked out some of the cool local shops located in the Short North. I shared with her some of my favorite places in the short north, and we discussed our experiences with transportation to get there.


I have enjoyed connecting with Dayna this year through the Mentorship program, and I look forward to continuing building our friendship in the future.

Explore Columbus with my Mentee

Explore Columbus with Dayna:

Dayna and I chose The Roosevelt Coffeehouse for our Explore Columbus assignment. We visited this coffeeshop on November 2nd, 2020. I made sure to choose this date because I knew how difficult waiting until the end of the semester could be, as well as how unpredictable it may be with Covid. We chose this place because it is my favorite coffeeshop in Columbus and Dayna was very excited to check it out. We went on this Explore Columbus trip with another mentee/mentor pair, Ryleigh and Eliza! Ryleigh and I picked Eliza and Dayna up from Smith-Steeb in the morning and we drove downtown to the Roosevelt coffeehouse. There are two locations of this coffee house downtown and while we thought we were going to the location we had been to before, we ended up at the one we had not seen before. This was exciting, because we all got to check this place our for the first time together! It was in a beautiful area, despite all of the construction going on around the building. This coffee shop was so nice and took Covid precautions very seriously. While we were sitting in there, we noticed that once a person got up, an employee immediately jumped to disinfect their table. They also validated parking in a garage, which was very nice since it was downtown and parking is sometimes unpredictable!. Getting to this location was fairly difficult, because they were re-doing the road that it was located on. Nevertheless, we made it to the coffee shop. We were greeted by a friendly employee and all of us took a moment to try to decide what we wanted to try. Dayna got an iced coffee with Almondmilk and a bagel and I got an iced latte with almond milk and homemade pumpkin sauce. We both enjoyed our drinks very much! We hung out at a table and talked individually and as a group for quite some time. We talked about how our years have been going, and Ryeligh and I shared some of our pre-Covid and post-Covid college experiences! We stayed at the coffee shop for about two hours chatting. When we got up to leave, we realized that Ryleigh had accidentally crumpled our parking ticket that we needed to get validated and put it inside her empty iced mocha cup. This was very funny, because we needed that ticket to exit the parking garage. Ryleigh had to go into the bathroom and use the blow dryer to try to dry the ticket. It was a beautiful day and we walked back to the car. We were all very thankful when the ticket was scanned and we were free to leave, because we were nervous it would not work. We then headed back to Smith-Steeb to drop Eliza and Dayna back off to start their day of classes! We would definitely go back and recommend it to a friend! We agreed that the atmosphere was great, the coffee was great, and the tables were very spaced out! We would recommend it to a friend because it is the great atmosphere to chat with friends, but it is also a good space to get some homework done! The only thing that I would not recommend about this coffee shop is that it is a little difficult for first-years to get to, since it is downtown. However, if you have a car it is the perfect place to go since they validate parking for up to 3 hours!

From this experience, I learned that driving in downtown Columbus is somewhat difficult, and there is a lot of construction in the city. It was fun exploring a new city, especially fun for Ryleigh and I since we finally have our cars this year. I’m glad that we were able to take our mentees off campus and downtown for a change of scenery, especially in a time where there are very limited places open for inside seating. I would recommend that someone completes this same experience but makes sure to keep their parking ticket on hand. The Roosevelt coffee house is definitely a place to check out in the city!

Mentee First Semester Interview

First Semester Interview Assignment:


My mentee is Dayna Snow and we did our first semester interview and explore Columbus assignment at the same time. Dayna’s major was early childhood education, but she is switching to political science. The questions that I chose to ask Dayna are as follows:


How do you like to study? Have you found a good place to study on campus?

I learned that Dayna likes to study at Thompson Library. I shared a couple of my favorite study spots and I hope that she is able to visit some of them next semester. She did mention that with the pandemic it is hard to find new places that are open to study at the moment. Dayna also mentioned that she normally studies by reviewing her notes, reading her textbooks, and filling out study guides. I’m hoping that I will be able to mentor her by sharing some new study spots and study tips as we approach second semester!


What has been your most challenging class so far and why?

Dayna explained to me that her hardest class so far has been Math 1125, which is math for early childhood education. She said that this class involves the use of basic math, but there is a lot of expectations for one specific correct explanation of how she got to her answers. I shared with her the names of a couple of our peers in ACES that have taken this class, but I also shared that I had heard that this was a difficult class as well. I made sure to inform her that many people struggle in this class and it is very difficult. I hope to follow up with her at the end of this course and see how the rest of the semester went!


What do you plan to do with your major after graduation? Graduate or Professional school?

Since Dayna is in the middle of switching majors, she is not yet completely sure with what she wants to do with her major after graduation. I made sure to affirm that this is completely normal and that she does not have to know what she wants to do during first semester of freshman year. She did share with me that she is thinking about possibly approaching law school. She discussed that she is passionate about wanting to live in a city after graduation, specifically New York City, Chicago, or DC. She emphasized that she is definitely open to different options of career choice as she approaches beginning this major in the spring semester. I plan on using this information to continue to help her in any decision that she may need to make or helping advise her in the direction of her goals. I also made sure to affirm and encourage her towards this career path!


What Is one of the most important things you have learned so far at Ohio State?

Dayna talked about how, especially this semester; she learned the importance of community. This semester has been difficult for most freshman at Ohio State, but she was lucky to find good community and some good people that she enjoyed hanging around. She also highlighted that this year she began hanging out with people that were from her high school but were not necessarily her friends in high school. I shared that I also noticed that with myself during my freshman year, and that going away to college, but still keeping friends around from home is a nice way to combat homesickness. She also shared that she has made friends on her floor, despite not living on the fifth floor of Smith-Steeb with the other ACES. She recognizes now the importance of leaning on friends in the midst of difficult times and that everyone at Ohio State seems very nice and welcoming.



What has surprised you about Ohio State since arriving on campus?

One thing that surprised Dana about Ohio State is how small of a community it is and how easy it is to navigate campus. She notices herself often running into the same people and it is so nice to recognize these people and connect with them. She has been surprised by how many people she has met during this year. Knowing this, I hope to be a good mentor by reaching out as much as I can and continue to check to make sure that she is still feeling at home at Ohio State.


Artifact #1: ACES Pillars Film Project

This artifact is a group project that I completed in my first semester of my first year with a group of people in my scholars program for the scholars course. The goal of this assignment was to reflect on the concepts exemplified in the ACES Seminar course and apply them to a film review. It was created throughout the semester and presented in class in the last week of class. We applied the ACES pillars: positive social change, advocacy, community, and service to the film How to Dance in Ohio. We created this project to educate the public about important issues impacting communities. I selected this artifact because it was a great way to connect a film to the pillars we were learning about in scholars seminar, and also connect them to real situations happening in our area. How to Dance in Ohio also took place in Columbus, Ohio, so the film presented a unique opportunity for the group to learn about things going on in the area. I also selected this artifact because it demonstrates successful group collaboration. In order to complete this assignment we had to get together as a group of five to watch the movie and complete the assignment. This required time management and cooperation. Through this assignment I learned about a great local program for people with developmental disabilities. I also learned how to connect this film with our pillars. The collaboration, cooperation, application, Time management, and group work skills that I learned through this assignment will help me in the future as I approach education and work situations.

Artifact #2:Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Essay

This artifact is an essay that I wrote for my ESPHE 3206: School and Society course this semester. I really enjoyed this course and felt I learned a lot from it, especially about the topic of culturally responsive pedagogy. I worked on researching and creating this essay over the span of three weeks. During this three week span, we also had a guest speaker, Dr. J. Rawls, come in and talk about the subject of pedagogy. I felt that I learned so much from this guest speaker and was truly influenced by him. Dr. J Rawls is an American hip-hop musician, producer, educator, and speaker. He came to speak to our class about Youth Culture Pedagogy and how he relates that to Hip-Hop in the classroom. I selected this artifact because I feel it combines one of the most influential things I have learned in this course, and the material that I learned from the guest speaker. This is significant because this was my first time learning about culturally responsive pedagogy and youth culture pedagogy. I felt that this topic was truly influential and researching this topic made me realize my true passion for education. From learning about this topic, I will take it into my future career as an educator/school counselor.