



“Keep every receipt from every purchase you make and put them in order from lowest price to highest price.”

This was actually pretty hard for me to do. I don’t usually save my receipts unless I buy something expensive.  My mother would be proud of the person who gave me these instructions.  The least I spent was $1.79, and the most I spent was $12.15.  I think that’s pretty good in my opinion.  (Let’s just forget I spent hundreds of dollars the week before on books and supplies XD)  Only two of these receipts are for things other than food.  I think I need to spend less on food.  Or drop a couple friends.

From Fluxus, with Love.

What is this?

Fluxus was a pretty crazy art movement from the 60’s. One of the great things that this group did was to write and send each other instructions which they called scores. These little activities ranged from being light-hearted to pretty bizarre. In that spirit, I have made you all contributors to this page, so that you can engage in a similar activity. Every Wednesday in class you will randomly receive a partner and write them a small set of instructions. Before class the next Wednesday you will post on the blog the instructions you received and documentation of what you did, what it made you think, how people responded (if there were witnesses), and any other information or documentation that is appropriate.

This is intended to be fun, engaging and not overly time-consuming, so please keep this in mind while coming up with scores for your classmates.

If you need some inspiration check out the Fluxus workbook.

From Fluxus, with love.