Module 3 – Efficiency In the Digital Age

One thing that I struggle with the most if getting distracted by all types of technology. As I’m writing this post I have the TV on in front of me and my phone sitting right next to me which is just about as bad as it can get. Every time my phone lights up I go check it and that diverts my attention and causes assignments to take longer than they should. It is a huge problem, however I think I have a plan of attack that will help me overcome this and could help other students in the future too.

In Jordan Bates’ article about time management he writes about devoting your entire attention to the task at hand which is what I think I need to work on the most. I essentially need to isolate myself from the outside world, especially my phone, while working on assignments. I think it would really help everyone in our digital age to just put the phone away while working or studying. That way there is nothing lighting up taking your attention away from the task at hand. I think this tip will help me be more efficient and waste less time playing around on silly apps that are not going to better me.

Link to article:

One thought on “Module 3 – Efficiency In the Digital Age

  1. I need to work on focusing on the task at hand as well. I usually have my phone out in front of me and if a notification pops up I drop what I’m doing and check it. This is something I need to work on as well and probably what most students who have grown up in the digital age struggle with.

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