
Over my time at OSU so far there have been a few events that I feel have furthered me as a person. One of these events that has occurred so far was the Corn Maze trip. This event allowed me to have many new experiences. One of these experiences was the corn cannon where you had the option to shoot at D. Trump or H. Clinton. One could easily tell where the local support was by simply looking to see how damaged each was. Another such experience was the corn maze itself because it allowed me and my friends to get to know each other better while trying not to get lost in a corn maze.

On the topic of friends there were many things that occurred on this trip. First off I made many new friends through this trip. Not only in STEM scholars but with the other two scholars that went on the trip. So far these new friendships have been strong and I expect them to last quite a while. There were so many fun activities to do at the corn maze with my friends and every one helped to make my friendships even stronger. I’m so glad that I ended up going.



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