Module 5

Overall module 5 had a theme of making sure you take notes correctly and efficiently, they show you how to do this buy giving you different strategies to take notes such as: cornell, or bulletin points which I personally thought were the best methods for myself. As well as giving the audience new note taking methods it gives you ways to improve your overall learning in the classroom while taking notes this is what they call active listening. Active listening begins with taking good notes and as you take these notes you want to begin to find the main points of the class or lecture for the day, while finding the main points you also should try to predict or anticipate what the professor will say next. From this module I hope I start using the note taking methods that I learned and incorporate them into my everyday learning, this also was one of the most useful things that I had learned, before this module I had already knew about active listening and bullet point style note taking I feel that the cornell style notes that was shown in the video will be one of the most important things that I can use in the future.

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