As we prepare for yet another bout of winter weather coming our way, this Tips for Teens video will ensure that you are prepared for traveling in winter conditions and have your vehicle stocked and ready for whatever you may encounter.
This Tips for Teens video on Winter Travel Tips features Huron County 4-H Educator, Haley Evans. When traveling in the winter, even if it is not far away, it is good to ensure that you and your vehicle have what it takes to endure whatever conditions mother nature throws at us. This video will take you through some essential items that can be placed in your vehicle to help you in times of need along with how to read and check your tire pressure. You can view and share this video on the OSU Extension Professionals YouTube page at Winter Travel Tips.
In addition, all videos can be found on the Ohio 4-H website here:
Huron County 4-H Educator, Haley Evans –