Updated 19 May 2020

Papers presented (Abstracts of papers presented to the Acoustical Society of America and to the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association were published in conference proceedings.)

  • Jacewicz, E., Green, G. D., Fox, R. A., and Arzbecker, L. J. (2020). Brain-to-brain synchrony in assessing listening effort. Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL, May. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
  • Arzbecker, L. J., Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R. A. (2020). Developmental and regional influences on the production of stop closure voicing in late childhood. Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL, May. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
  • Holt, Y, Jacewicz, J. and Fox, R.A. (2019). Sociocultural influences on fundamental frequency in vowels: The case of African American English. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, J. (2019). Perceptual separation of spectrally overlapping vowels. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2019.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, J. (2019).  Socially conditioned change in voiced stop consonants in Appalachian Children. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
  • Lee, J., Fox, R. A., and Jacewicz, E. (2019). Effects of vocoding on dialect and gender perception of Korean-English bilinguals. Annual Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Columbus, OH, March.
  • Fox, R. A., Jacewicz, E., Long, G., and Smith, Z. (2019). Dyslexia impedes the processing of vocoded speech. Acoustical Society of America, Louisville, KY, May. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145 (3), 1826.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R. A., and Lee, J. (2019). Non-native perception of noise-vocoded speech. Acoustical Society of America, Louisville, KY, May. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E. and McClurg, M. (2018).  Regional dialect and talker sex information in high-frequency region.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144 (3), 1803.
  • Kim, S., Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R.A. (2018).  Nonnative perception of regional dialects in 2-talker babble. Annual Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Columbus, OH, March 24, 2018
  • Fox, R.A. (2017). Teaching an online phonetic course: One approach. Special session “Teaching Phonetics and Speech Science in the New Millennium: Challenges and Opportunities.” Acoustical Society of America, New Orleans, LA, December. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, [invited lecture].
  • Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R.A. (2017). The emergence of a new pronunciation variant in a culturally changing Appalachian community. Special session “The Southern states: Social factors and language variation.” Acoustical Society of America, New Orleans, LA, December. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, [invited lecture].
  • Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R. A. (2017). Speech perception in late childhood. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Eye & Ear Institute, September 27.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2017). Dialect perception by older children. Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2017).  Stockholm, Sweden, 20-24 August 2017.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R. A. (2017). Assessing vowel space area metrics in the context of dialect variation. Acoustical Society of America, Boston, MA, June 25-29. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
  • Fox, R. A., Jacewicz, E., and Long, G. (2017). Dyslexia limits listener responsiveness to indexical cues in speech. Acoustical Society of America, Boston, MA, June 25-29. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
  • Jacewicz, E., R.A., and Long, G. (2016). Dyslexia limits the ability to categorize regional dialects.  Presented at the 2016 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, November 17-19, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Lundine, J., Harnish, S., Zezinka, A., Blackett, D.S., Fox, R.A., and McCauley, R. (2016). Expository discourse performance in adolescents with TBI: How task complexity may modulate performance. Presented at the 2016 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, November 17-19, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Lundine, J., Harnish, S., Zezinka, A., Blackett, D.S., Fox, R.A., and McCauley, R. (2016). How adolescents summarize two types of expository discourse: Type of exposition matters. Presented at the 2016 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, November 17-19, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., and Smith, Z.T. (2016). Effects of low-pass filtering on dialect and gender perception. Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah, 23-27 May 2016, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(4), 2122.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A., and Deatherage, J.M. (2016). Stylistic variation in children’s vowel production. Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah, 23-27 May 2016, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(4), 2123.
  • Yang, J. and Fox, R.A. (2016). Durational features of /s/+stop consonant clusters produced by bilingual Mandarin-English children and adults.  Presented at New Sounds 2016, 8th International Conference on Second-Language Speech, 20-12 June 2016, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Fox, R.A. (2015).  Multicultural variation, immigration and patient care.  Presentation to Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus OH, November 11, 2015. [Invited talk]
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2015). Eliciting soiophonetic variation in vowel duration. 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences, Glasgow, U.K., 10-14 August 2015.
  • Fox, R. A., and Jacewicz, E. (2015). Reconceptualizing the vowel space in analyzing regional variation. Special session: Advancing methods for analyzing dialect variation. Acoustical Society of America, Jacksonville, FL, November 05. [invited talk]
  • Holt, Y.F., Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2015). Ethnically based variation in Southern American English.  12th Annual Martin Luther King Day Linguistics Symposium:  Germanic Historical Linguistics/Historical Germanic Linguistics, The Ohio State University, 17 January 2015. [Invited talk]
  • Fox, R. A., and Jacewicz, E. (2015). Hot topics in speech communication: Acoustics of regionally accented speech. Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA, May 20.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(4): 2337. [Invited talk]
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A. and Ortega, H. (2015). Source versus spectral cues in the perception of indexical features in speech.  Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA, May 21. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(4): 2417.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2015). Eliciting sociophonetic variation in vowel duration.  To be presented to the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow, Scotland, 10-14 August 2015.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., and Hardjono, F. (2014). Non-native perception of regionally accented speech in a multitalker context. Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2014), Singapore, Indonesia, 14-19 September, 2014.
  • Secord, W., Towey, M., Fox, R.A. and Wiig, E. (2014). School-based clinical leadership excellence:  A top-10 list.  2014 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago IL, 20-22 November, 2014.
  • Yang, Jing and Fox, R.A. (2014). Acoustic properties of shared vowels in Mandarin-English Bilinguals.  Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2014), Singapore, Indonesia, 14-19 September, 2014.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A., Stojanovik, V., and Setter, J. (2014). Vowel development in children with Down and Williams syndromes.  Acoustical Society of American, Indianapolis IN, 27-31 October, 2014. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136(4): 2312.
  • Fox, R.A., Beam, Gayle, and Jacewicz, E. (2014). Identification of dialect cues by dyslexic and non-dyslexic listeners.  Acoustical Society of American, Indianapolis IN, 27-31 October, 2014. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136(4): 2313.
  • Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R.A. (2014). The interaction of linguistic and indexical knowledge in the perception of typically developing 9-12 years old children. LSCD 2014: Workshop on Late Stages in Speech and Communication Development, University College London, London, UK, April 3-4.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2014). Reconceptualizing the vowel space. Methods in Dialectology XV Conference, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, August 11-15, 2014. [invited talk]
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2014). Nuclear pitch accent in American English dialects: Truncation and compression.  Acoustical Society of America, Providence RI, 5-9 May, 2014. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(4): 2291.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2014). Intrinsic F0 in American English vowels is affected by regional variation.  Acoustical Society of America, Providence RI, 5-9 May, 2014. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(4): 2290.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2013). Perceptual sensitivity to dialectal and generational variations in vowels in children. Presented at 2013 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, IL, November 15, 2013.
  • Secord, W., Towey, M., Fox, R.A. and Wiig, E. (2013). Language and Learning in School-Age Children and Adolescents. Presented at 2013 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, IL, November 15, 2013.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2013). Regional variation in American English: Differences in production and perceptual response. Ohio University, Athens, Communication Sciences and Disorders, February 15.
  • Yang, J., & Fox, R.A. (2013). Acoustic properties of vowels in 5-7 years old bilingual Mandarin-English and monolingual children. International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech (New Sounds 2013), Montreal, Canada, May 17-19.
  • Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R.A. (2013). Regional accents affect speech intelligibility in a multitalker environment. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2013), Lyon, France.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., and Hart, J. (2013). Pitch pattern variations in three regional varieties of American English. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2013), Lyon, France.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2012). Dialectal and age-related acoustic variation in vowels in spontaneous speech. Acoustical Society of America, Kansas City MO, October 22-25. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,132(3): 2002.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2012). Cross-dialectal and cross-generational changes in point-vowel locations in English. Acoustical Society of America, Kansas City MO, October 22-25. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(3): 2002.
  • Hardjono, F. and Fox, R.A. (2012). Stop Consonant Production of Indonesian Bilingual Children & Adults.  Presented to the 2012 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA, November 22-24.
  • Secord, W., Towey, M., Wiig, E., Fox, R.A., Petit-Clair, Griffin, S., Grammer, T., Erwin-Davison, L., Bright, K., Staskowske, M. (2012). Leadership & Clinical Excellence:  Up Close & Personal.  To be presented to the 2012 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA, November 22-24.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2012). The effects of talker variability on children’s vowel perception.  Presented to the 2012 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA, November 22-24.
  • Yang, J. and Fox, R.A. (2012). Development of English vowels by a native Mandarin child:  A longitudinal study.  International Child Phonology Conference, Minneapolis, MN June 4-6.
  • Yang, J., Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2012). Cross-dialect and cross-language differences in perception of vowels: A multidimensional scaling study. Acoustical Society of America, Hong-Kong, China, May 14. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131(4): 3273.
  • Yang, Jing and Fox, R.A. (2011). A longitudinal study on vowel development of Mandarin-English bilingual children.   12th International Congress for the study of Child Language, July 19-23, 2011, Montreal, Canada.
  • Yang, Jing and Fox, R.A. (2011). Monolingual and bilingual listeners’ perception of English vowels.  23rd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-23), June 17-19, 2011, Eugene OR.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2011). Perceptual sensitivity to dialectal and generational variations in vowels. Interspeech 2011: Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Florence, Italy, August 28-31.
  • Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R.A. (2011). Perceptual distinctiveness of vowels in relation to dialectal sound change. Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, WA, May 23. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(4): 2421.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2011). Vowel density differences among regional dialects of American English. Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, WA, May 24. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(4): 2452.
  • Fox, R.A. (2011). Speech and Hearing CSI:  Forensic Phonetics.  Presented to the April Meeting of the Ohio Chapter of NSLHA, Columbus OH.
  • Fox, R.A. (2011). Research Doctoral Curricula:  What are the Best Approaches? Annual Meeting of Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders,  Petersburg Beach, FL, March 23-26, 2011; .ppt at
  • Albustanji, J., Milman, L. and Fox, R.A. (2010). Agrammatism in Jordanian-Arabic Speakers.   Academy of Aphasia, Athens, Greece, October 24-26, 2010.
  • Wallen, S. and Fox, R.A. (2010). Vowel spaces of bilingual Haitian American Kindergartners, American Speech, Language and Hearing Association, 2010 Convention, Philadelphia, PA, November 18-20, 2010.
  • Wallen, S. and Fox, R.A. (2010). Vowel production in Haitian children.  Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching 2010 Conference, Iowa City, IA, September 10-11, 2010.
  • Jacewicz, E, Fox, R.A., and Salmons, J. (2010). Regional variation in vowel acoustics in children. Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, Mexico, November 15-19. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128(4): 2352.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E, and Salmons, J. (2010).Cross-generational vowel change in Southern English Children. Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, Mexico, November 15-19. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128(4): 2353.
  • Jacewicz, E., Salmons, J., and Fox, R.A. (2010). Cross-generational reorganization in the vowel space of Southern American English. Workshop on Sound Change, University of Barcelona and Institute for Catalans Studies, Barcelona, Spain, October 21-22.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2010). Dialect and generational differences in vowel space areas. International Speech Communication Association, Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Athens, Greece, August 25-27.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E, and Chang, C.Y. (2010). Speech intelligibility in cross-dialectal multi-talker babble. Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore, MD, April 21. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127:
  • Chang, Chiang-Yun and Fox, R.A. (2010). Production and perception of lexical tones in Beijing and Taiwan Mandarin.  Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 19-23 April, 2010.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127:
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2010). Variation in vowel space across dialects and generations. Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, March 11-13, Columbus, OH.
  • Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R.A. (2010). Between-speaker and within-speaker variation in speech tempo of American English. 3rd Annual Buckeye Language Network Symposium, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, January 29.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A., and Wei, L. (2009). “Multilevel modeling of speaker variation in cross-dialectal articulation rate.” Acoustical Society of America, San Antonio, TX, October 26. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(5): 2162.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., Eckman, F., Iverson, G., and Lee, S. (2009). “The effect of short-term training on production and perception of s/sh by Korean speakers.” Acoustical Society of America, San Antonio, TX, October 30. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(5): 2311.
  • Chang, C-Y. and Fox, R.A. (2009). Time-course of perception of Mandarin Chinese tones. 157th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland, OR.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(4): 2773.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2009). Cross-generational differences in dynamic formant patterns in vowels. 157th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland, OR. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(4): 2696.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2009). Generational and dialectal effects on children’s vowel identification. 157th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland, OR. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(4): 2696.
  • Eckman, F., Iverson, G., Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2009). Explicit training and implicit learning of L2 phonemic contrasts. Georgetown University Round Table (GURT), Washington, DC, March 14.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., O’Neill, C. and Salmons, J. (2008). Speech rate differences in regional variants of English. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A. and Lyle, S. (2008). Variation in stop consonant voicing in two regional varieties of American English. 156th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Miami, Fl. . Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124(4): 2559.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2008). Dialectal differences in dynamic formant patterns in vowels. 156th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Miami, Fl. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124(4): 2436.
  • Smitley, L., Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2008). Stylistic variation in the production of /ai/ by North Carolina girls. New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV), Houston, TX, November 6-9.
  • Holt, Y., Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2008). Evidence of Southern Vowel Shift in African American English in western North Carolina. New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV), Houston, TX.
  • Eckman, F., Fox, R.A., Iverson, G. K., Jacewicz, E. and Lee, S. (2008). Perception vs. production in the acquisition of L2 phonemic contrasts. 18th International Congress of Linguists. (Workshop on Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics), Seoul, Korea.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2008). Analysis of total vowel space areas in three regional dialects of American English. Special session on Measurement of Sociophonetic Variation in Speech, Acoustics’08: Joint meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, the European Acoustics Association and the French Acoustical Society, Paris, France. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(5): 3068.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2008). The temporal location of rms peak in coarticulated vowels. Acoustics’08: Joint meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, the European Acoustics Association and the French Acoustical Society, Paris, France. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(5): 3070.
  • Eckman, F., Fox, R.A., Iverson, G. K., Jacewicz, E. and Lee, S. (2008). Does production lead perception in L2 phonology? Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC.
  • Salmons, J., Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2008). Fast talkers vs. slow talkers: Speech rate across dialect, generation and gender. American Dialect Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Eckman, F., Fox, R.A., Iverson, G.K., Jacewicz, E. and S. Lee (2007). Perception vs. production in the acquisition of L2 phonemic contrasts. New Sounds 2007 Conference, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
  • Jones, R., Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2007). Linguistic and cognitive processing in adults who stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2007). Vowel duration differences in regional variants of English. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E. and Wackler, L. (2007). Spectral integration of virtual cues in speech perception. International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Spain, September 04.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2007). Auditory representation of spectral intensity variation in coarticulated vowels. International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Spain. September 04.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E. and C.-Y. Chang (2007). Vowel perception with virtual formants. The XVIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrucken, Germany, August 09.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A. and J. Salmons (2007). Vowel space areas across dialects and gender. The XVIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrucken, Germany, August 07.
  • Fox, R.A. (2007). Virtual formants and auditory spectral integration in vowel perception. Invited lecture to the Summer Institute in Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Iowa, Iowa City, June 21.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E. and Chang, C.-Y. (2007). Salience of dynamic virtual formants in diphthongs. 153rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT, June 07. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(5): 3189.
  • Holt, Y., Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2007). Are vowels in African American English affected by Southern Vowel Shift? 153rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(5): 3189 [First Prize:  Best Student Paper in Speech Communication.]
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2007). Dialectal variation and auditory mechanisms in speech perception: Research from the SPA Labs. 1st Annual Ohio State Language Network Spring Symposium.
  • Fox, R.A. (2007). Vowel systems and sound change in three regional dialects of American English. Invited talk, The Ohio State University, Dept. of Linguistics, February 28.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., Chang, Chiung-Yun and Fox, Jason D. (2006) Salience of Virtual Formants as a Function of the Frequency Separation Between Spectral Components.  152nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu, HI. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120(5): 3252.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A., Holt, Yolanda and Salmons, J. (2006). Acoustic Characteristics of Vowels in Three Regional Dialects of American English.  152nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu, HI.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120(5): 3294.
  • Jacewicz, E., Salmons, J. and Fox, R.A. (2006). Cross-dialectal Effects of Prosody on Vowels and Chain Shifting.  New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A. and Feth, Lawrence L. (2006). Dynamic Auditory Representations and Phonetic Processing: The Case of Virtual Diphthongs.  International Speech Communication Association’s Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Athens, Greece.
  • Fox, R.A., Smith, Marc and Jacewicz, E. (2006) Spectral Auditory Integration and Virtual Cues to Place-of-articulation in Stops. 151st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, RI.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(4): 3243.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2006) Listener Sensitivity to Intensity Variation in Vowels in Coarticulatory Context. 151st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, RI. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(4): 3243.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E. and Salmons, J. (2006) Systematic Effects of Prosodic Prominence on Vowel Quality: A Source of Language Change? Invited Presentation at the Case Western Reserve University Dept. of Communication Sciences, 31 March, 2006, Cleveland, OH.
  • Salmons, J., Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2006) How Chain Shifts Persevere: Is there a Structural Solution to the ‘Transmission Problem’? Invited presentation at the University of Minnesota, Dept. of Linguistics, 10 March, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., Hatcher, K. and Salmons, J. (2005). Perceptual Effects of Dialectal and Prosodic Variation in Vowels.  150th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, MN.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118(3): 2036.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2005). Intensity Variation in Vowels Across Acoustic and Auditory Spectra.  149th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Vancouver, Canada.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117(4): 2623.
  • Fox, R.A. and Smith, Marc. (2005). Spectral Integration in the Processing of Dynamic Place Cues for Stops. Invited talk, Special session on Current Issues in Auditory Spectral Integration.  149th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Vancouver, Canada. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117(4): 2423.
  • Salmons, J., Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R. (2004). Vowel Changes Underway in Wisconsin English: Prosody and the ‘Northern Cities Shift’. Presented at the Department of Linguistics, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI.
  • Jacewicz, E., Salmons, J. and Fox, R.A. (2004) Prosodic Condition, Vowel Dynamics and Sound Change. Conference on Variation and Change in Phonology and Phonetics, Potsdam, Germany.
  • Jacewicz, E., Salmons, J. and Fox, R.A. (2004). Prosodic Domain Effects and Vocalic Chain Shifts.  9th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2004). The Effect of Consonantal Context on Intensity Distribution in Vowels.  147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New York, NY. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115(5): 2540.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E. and Salmons, J. (2003). Prosodic Domain-initial Effects on the Acoustic Structure of Vowels.  146th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Austin, TX.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 114(4): 2396.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fujimura, Osamu and Fox, R.A. (2003). Dynamics in Diphthong Perception. 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Frieda, Elaina M. and Fox, R.A. (2003). The Effects of Regional Dialect on Vowel Intelligibility from a Cross-linguistic Perspective. 145th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Nashville, TN.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 113(4): 2255.
  • Fox, R.A. and Windsor, J. (2003). Doctoral Intensive Program Roundtable.  Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Albuquerque, NM.
  • Fox, R.A. (2002). Age-related Acoustic Changes in Voiceless Fricatives. Conference on Linguistics and Phonetics, University of Meikai, Chiba, Japan.
  • Rosenbauer, K., Obert, K. and Fox, R.A. (2002). Spectral Moments Analysis of Stops in Tracheoesophageal Speakers.  143rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111(5): 2480.
  • Fox, R.A., Feth, L. and Jacewicz, E. (2002). Virtual Glides in Duplex Perception. 143rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111(5): 2433.
  • Fox, R.A. (2002). Recruiting and Selecting Students for Admission to Your Graduate Program.  Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders,   Palm Springs, CA.
  • Jacewicz, E., Iyer, N., Fox, R.A. and Feth, L. (2001). Dynamic Center-of-gravity Effects in Consonant-vowel Transitions.  142nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110(5): 2667.
  • Frieda, E., and Fox, R.A. (2001). Cross-dialect Perception of English Vowels by Native Japanese Speakers.  142nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110(5): 2686.
  • Fox, R.A., Nissen, S. L., McGory, J. and Rosenbauer, K. (2001) Age-related Changes in the Acoustic Characteristics of Voiceless English Fricatives. 142nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110(5): 2704.
  • Edwards, J., Fox, R.A. and Isermann, (2001). Final Consonant Discrimination in Children with Phonological Disorders. 141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(5): 2504
  • Iyer, N., Jacewicz, E., Feth, L. and Fox, R.A. (2001). Center of Gravity Effects in the Perception of Virtual Formant Transitions.  141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(5): 2294.
  • McGory, J., Frieda, E., Nissen, S. and Fox, R.A. (2001). Acquisition of Dialectal Differences in English by Native Japanese Speakers.  141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(5): 2474.
  • Frieda, E., Nissen, S. L., McGory, J. and Fox, R.A. (2001). Developmental Changes in the Production of Obstruents II:  An Acoustic Analysis of Voiced Obstruents.  141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(5): 2447.
  • Nissen, S. L., Frieda, E., McGory, J. and Fox, R.A. (2001). Developmental Changes in the Production of Obstruents I:  An Acoustic Analysis of Voiceless Obstruents. 141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(5): 2447.
  • Fox, R.A. (2001). Elements of On-line Instruction in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Sarasota, FL.
  • Fox, R.A. and England, S. (1999). Contrast Effects with Sinewave Analog Anchors.  138th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Columbus OH.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106(4): 2274.
  • Edwards, J., Fox, R.A. and Rogers, C. L. (1999). Final Consonant Recognition in Young Children.  138th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Columbus OH.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106(4): 2244.
  • Fox, R.A. and Carahaly, L. (1998). Perceptual Magnet Effects in the Corner Vowels /u/ and /a/.  135th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 16th International Congress on Acoustics, Seattle, WA.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103(5): 2983.
  • Lynn, J., Creaghead, N., Fox, R.A., Conrad, B., Boley, G., Kapel, E., Deal, J., Fitzmaurice, P. and Allender, N. (1997). The Ohio Statewide Collaborative Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.
  • Edwards, J., Munson, B. and Fox, R.A. (1997). Dynamic Speech Perception in Children with Phonological Disorders.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.
  • Edwards, J., Munson, B. and Fox, R.A. (1997). Word recognition skills of children with phonological disorders.  133rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, State College, PA.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101(5): 3154.
  • Fox, R.A. (1997). Evidence for a Special Speech Processing Module. 33rd Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. and Bicknell, I. (1996). Perception of Waveform Envelope Cues in Speech and Speech-correlated Noise by Cochlear-implant Users.  132nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu, HI. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100(4): 2692.
  • Fox, R.A. and Tran, S. (1996). Vowel Discrimination in a Phonologically Neutralized Context. Presented at the 131st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99(4): 2590.
  • Munson, B., Edwards, Jan and Fox, R.A. (1996). Preschool Children’s Use of Dynamic Acoustic Information for Word Recognition.  Acoustical Society of America, Washington, DC. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99(4): 2591.
  • Edwards, Jan, Fox, R.A., Jannedy, S. and Cohen, K. B. (1995). Speech Perception in Children with Phonological Disorders.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Orlando, FL.
  • Fox, R.A. and McGory, J. (1995). Age Differences in the Uptake of Acoustic Cues in Spoken Word Recognition.  Acoustical Society of America, Washington, DC. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 97(5): 3242.
  • Maurer, M., Fox, R.A. and Trudeau, M. D. (1994). Jitter Ratio in Subjects with and without Alzheimer’s Disease. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Wall, L. G., Sreenivas, C. and Fox, R.A. (1994). P300 Latency, the SSW and the Scan-A:  A Comparison.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Fox, R.A., Balint, C, McGory, J. and Wall, L. G. (1994). Age-related Differences in Fixed vs. Roving AX Discriminations.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Keller, Y. and Fox, R.A. (1994). Acoustic Cues in Black English Vernacular.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Fox, R.A., Balint, C., McGory, J. and Wall, L. (1994). Age-related Difference in Fixed vs. Roving AX Discriminations.  127th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cambridge, MA.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 95(5): 3016.
  • Fox, R.A., Wood, A. and McGory, Julie. (1994). Perceptual Dimensions of Vowels and Correlated Nonspeech Sounds. 30th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Keller, Y. and Fox, R.A. (1994). Acoustic Cues in the Perception of Black English Vernacular.  48th  Annual Convention of the Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Cleveland, OH.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1993). Effect of Pitch Movement Timing on Perceived Duration and Prominence in Estonian and English Listeners.  ECSA Workshop on Prosody, Lund, Sweden.
  • Fox, R.A., Chaudry, F. and Wall, L. (1993). Age-related Differences in the Discrimination of Two-formant Transitions.  125th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Ottawa, Canada.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 93(4): 2372.
  • Wall, L. and Fox, R.A. (1993). Generating Event-related Potentials using Tones and Syllables: Age-related Effects.  Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Fox, R.A., Maurer, M., Koenigsknecht, R. and Wall, L. (1992). Recognition of Silent-center Vowels by Children and Adults. American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, San Antonio, TX.
  • Fox, R.A., Kausar, F., Koenigsknecht, R. and Wall, L. (1992). Age-related Differences in Formant Discrimination.  American Speech-Language Hearing Association, San Antonio, TX.
  • Fox, R.A. (1992). Identification of Initial Consonants using the Patterson-Holdsworth Auditory Model.  American Speech-Language Hearing Association, San Antonio, TX.
  • Fox, R.A., Gokcen, J. and Wall, L. (1992). Age-related Changes in Auditory Memory and Phonetic Processing during Consonant Identification. 124th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 91(4): 2361.
  • Feth, L. and Fox, R.A. and Bicknell, I. (1992). Stop Consonant Identification Using Auditory Images.  124th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 91(4): 2472.
  • Fox, R.A., Gokcen, J. and Wall, L. (1992). Age-related Changes in Auditory Memory and Phonetic Processing in Consonants.  Quality of Life Conference, sponsored by the National Institute on Aging, Washington, DC.
  • Wall, L., Fox, R.A. and Moenter, D. (1991). P300 Latency and Aging. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Moenter, D., Wall, L. and Fox, R.A. (1991). Effects of Age, Interstimulus Interval and Probability on the P300.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Fire, K. and Fox, R.A. (1991). Recognition Patterns of Synthetic CVs by Young and Elderly Listeners.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Fire, K. and Fox, R.A. (1991). Effects of Age and F0 on Identification of Synthetic CVs. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Gokcen, J., Fox, R.A., Wall, L. and Moenter, D. (1991). Age Effects, Attentional Demands and Memory Degradation in Consonant Discrimination.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Fox, R.A., Gokcen, J., Wall, L. and Moenter, D. (1991). Age Effects, Attentional Demands and Memory Degradation in Vowel Discrimination.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Fox, R.A. and Feth, L. (1991). Identification of Initial Stop Consonants Processed by the Patterson-Holdworth ASP Model.  9th International Symposium on Hearing:  Auditory Physiology and Perception, Carcens, France.
  • Lehiste, I. and Fox, R.A. (1991). Perception of Prominence in CV Sequences by Estonian and English Listeners.  121st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore MD. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 89(4B): 1936.
  • Fox, R.A., Wall, L. and Gokcen, J. (1991). Age Differences in the Processing of Dynamic Acoustic Information.  121st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore MD. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 89(4B): 1935.
  • Fox, R.A. (1991). Silent-center Vowels and Categorical Perception.   24th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Wall, L. and Fox, R.A. (1991). Tone and Linguistic Discriminations in an Elderly Population:  P300 Applications. 1991 International Collegium of Rehabilitative Audiology, Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Fox, R.A. and Wall, L. (1991). Effect of Aging on P300 Latencies During Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Discriminations.  ARO Convention, Tampa, FL.
  • Fox, R.A. (1990). Perception of Vowels in a Phonologically Neutralized Context.  Invited paper presented at the Workshop on Speech Production and Speech Perception, 1990, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Fire, K. and Fox, R.A. (1990). Recognition of Computer-generated Syllables by Young and Elderly Listeners.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle WA.
  • Fire, K. and Fox, R.A. (1990). Gated Speech Recognition in the Elderly:  A Preliminary Investigation.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle WA.
  • Fox, R.A., Koenigsknecht, R. and Rand, M. (1990). Stimulus factors in gated word recognition with adults and children. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle WA.
  • Wall, L. G. and Fox, R.A. (1990). Effect of Aging and Linguistic/Nonlinguistic Distinctions in P300 Latencies.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle WA.
  • Lehiste, I. and Fox, R.A. (1990). Contribution of Duration and Intensity to the Perception of Prominence.  119th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, State College PA. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 87(S1): S72.
  • Fox, R.A. (1990). Effect of Attentional Demands and Auditory Memory Degradation on Vowel Discrimination.  119th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, State College PA. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 87(S1): S158.
  • Fox, R.A. and Segura, J. (1990). Vowel perception in a phonologically neutralized context. Presented at the 26th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. and Koenigsknecht, R. (1989). The Effect of Cohort Size on Gated Word Recognition. Presented at the 1989 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, St. Louis MO.
  • Qi, Yingyong and Fox, R.A. (1989). Acoustical structure of nasals in CV and VC contexts.  117th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Syracuse, NY. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 85(S1): S56.
  • Fox, R.A. and Sarwark, S. (1988). A Cooperative Program to Improve Spoken English of Foreign GTAs. American Speech-Language-Hearing, Boston, MA.
  • McCracken, L. and Fox, R.A. (1988). Auditory/phonetic Processing Changes in Aging:  Vowel Discrimination. The American Speech-Language-Hearing, Boston, MA.
  • Fox, R.A. and McCracken, L. (1988). Auditory/phonetic Processing Changes in Aging:  Contextual Contrast.  American Speech-Language-Hearing, Boston, MA.
  • Abdelhamied, K. A., Waldron, M. B. and Fox, R.A. (1988). A pattern-recognition approach to identify deafness in speech.  Seventh Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Clemson, SC.
  • Nelson, L., Erhart, D., Kent, D. and Fox, R.A. (1987). Evaluating Constructive Processing in Language-impaired Children:  Word-monitoring Task. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Fornataro, L., Trudeau, M. and Fox, R.A. (1987). Tracheostoma Valve effects on Tracheoesophageal Contrastive Stress and Sentence Intonation. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Fox, R.A. and Trudeau, M. (1987). Dimensions in the Perception of Alaryngeal Vowels.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Fox, R.A. and Booth, J. (1987). Perceptual Features for Vowels and Auditory Representations. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Abdelhamied, K., Waldron, M. and Fox, R.A. (1987). The Use of the Vocal Tract Area Function to Study the Articulatory Movements in Deaf and Normal Hearing Speakers.  Ninth Annual Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Boston, MA.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1987). Discrimination of Duration Ratios in Estonian and English.  113th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 81(S1): S65.
  • Fox, R.A. and Trudeau, M. (1987). Perceptual Dimensions of Alaryngeal Vowels. 113th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 81(S1): S17.
  • Abdelhamied, K. A., Waldron, M. B. and Fox, R.A. (1987). A Knowledge-based Approach for Automatic Recognition of Deaf Speech.  International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), Cairo, Egypt.
  • Trudeau, M., Fox, R.A. and Fornataro, L. (1987). The Effect of the Tracheostoma Valve on the Marking of Sentence Intonation.  Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Trudeau, M., Fornataro, L. and Fox, R.A. (1987). The Effects of the Tracheostoma Valve on Marking Contrastive Stress of Tracheoesophageal Speech.  Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Erhart, D., Nelson, L. and Fox, R.A. (1987). Constructive Comprehension Processes in Normal and Language Impaired Children.  Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • O’Kelly, S., Wall, L. and Fox, R.A. (1987). Dichotic Digit Performance in Normal Adults for Both Acoustically and Perceptually Aligned Tokens. Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Wall, L., Davidson, S., Fox, R.A. and Kent, D. (1986). Presentation Level Determination Using a Computer-controlled Adaptive Procedure. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention,  Detroit, MI.
  • Trudeau, M., Fornataro, L. and Fox, R.A. (1986). Tracheoesophageal Contrastive Stress with and without Tracheostoma Valve.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Detroit, MI.
  • Sarwark, S., Gerdeman, B. and Fox, R.A. (1986). Round table discussion on improving the spoken English of international Teaching Associates.  National TA Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Shuster, L. and Fox, R.A. (1986). Perceptuomotor adaptation and the link between production and perception. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Detroit, MI.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1986). Affixation and Stress-beat Location.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Detroit, MI.
  • Fox, R.A. (1986). Interaural Perceptual Contrast.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Detroit, MI.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1986). The Effect of Unstressed Affixes on Stress-beat Location in English.  Symposium on Speech Recognition, as part of the International Congress of Acoustics, Montreal, Canada.
  • Fox, R.A. (1986). Interaural Contrast Effects in Vowel Perception. 111th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cleveland, OH. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 79(S1): S66.
  • Fox, R.A. (1986). Phonological Theory and the Assessment of Phonological Disorders in Children.  Central Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Fox, R.A. (1985). Computer Use in Speech Pathology:  A Panel Discussion.  Central Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Gerdeman, B., Trudeau, M. and Fox, R.A. (1985). Alaryngeal Speaker’s Preservation of Intelligibility in Competing Noise.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, DC.
  • Burnett, Jeanette, Trudeau, M. and Fox, R.A. (1985). Effects of Alaryngeal Voice and Noise Conditions on Phoneme Perception.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, DC.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1985). Syllable Structure and its Effects upon Stress-Beat Location. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, D.C.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste I. (1985). The Effect of Vowel Quality Variations Stress-beat location.  110th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Nashville, TN. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 78(S1): S20.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1985). The Effect of Vowel Quality Changes on Stress-beat Location.  Presented to the Department of Linguistics, The Ohio State University, 28 October, Columbus, OH.
  • Travers, J. and Fox, R.A. (1985). Assessment of Phonological Disorders:  A Comparison of Programmatic Versus Unrestricted Analytic Approaches. Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Akron, OH.
  • Wall, L., Smith, K. and Fox, R.A. (1985). An Adaptive Procedure for Use with Consonant-Vowel Stimuli. Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Akron, OH.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1985). The Effects of Final Consonant Structure on Syllable Onset Location.  109th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Austin TX. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 77(S1): S54.
  • Fox, R.A. (1984). Voice-Quality and Single-Formant Contrast in Vowel Identification. Linguistic Society of America, Baltimore, MD.
  • Fox, R.A. (1984). Multidimensional Scaling and Perceptual Features:  Reflections of Stimulus Processing on Long-Term Memory Prototypes.  107th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Norfolk, VA. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 75(S1): S85.
  • Fox, R.A. (1984). Perceptual Features: Reflections of Perceptual Processing on Long-Term Memory Prototypes.  56th Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. and Geis, M. (1984). Mental Logic and Human Sentence Comprehension.  20th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. (1983). The Influence of Phonetic Context on Vowel Perception.  Presented to the Communication Department of the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
  • Fox, R.A. (1983). Contextual Effects and Speaker Quality in Vowel Perception. 105th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cincinnati, OH. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 73(S1): S54.
  • Godby, J. and Fox, R.A. (1983). Association and Relatedness in Semantic Memory.  55th Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. (1983) Speaker Normalization and Vowel Perception. 55th Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. and Unkefer, J. (1983). The Effect of Lexical Status on the Perception of Tone American Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco, CA.
  • Fox, R.A. (1983). Phonetic Identification and Lexical Access: On the Interaction between Levels of Perceptual Processing.  Presented to the Linguistics Department, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
  • Fox, R.A. (1982). The Effect of Lexical Status on Identification of Ambiguous Speech Tokens.  54th Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Fox, R.A. (1982). Adaptation Level and Speaker Quality in Vowel Identification.  18th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. (1982). Influence of Lexical Status on Phonetic Categorization. 103rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 71(S1): S96.
  • Fox, R.A. (1982). Problems to be Solved in Performing Real-time Speech Recognition.  Presentation to Speech Recognition Group, Bell Laboratories, Columbus, OH Spring 1982.
  • Fox, R.A. (1981). Speech Perception at the Segmental Level: Is It a Bottom-up or Top-down Process?  Central Ohio Chapter of the Acoustical Society of America, September Meeting, 1981.
  • Fox, R.A. (1978). Individual Perceptual Variation and a Perception/Production Link in Vowels. 14th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago.
  • Terbeek, D. and Fox, R.A. (1975). INDSCAL Study of the Perceptual Space of American Diphthongs.  90th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 58(S1): S91.

Fox, R.A. and Terbeek, D. (1975).  Dental Flaps and Vowel Duration in English.  90th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 58(S1): S96.

  • Fox, R.A. (2017). Teaching an online phonetic course: One approach. Special session “Teaching Phonetics and Speech Science in the New Millennium: Challenges and Opportunities.” Acoustical Society of America, New Orleans, LA, December. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, [invited lecture].
  • Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R.A. (2017). The emergence of a new pronunciation variant in a culturally changing Appalachian community. Special session “The Southern states: Social factors and language variation.” Acoustical Society of America, New Orleans, LA, December. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, [invited lecture].
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2017). Dialect perception by older children. Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2017).  Stockholm, Sweden, 20-24 August 2017.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R. A. (2017). Assessing vowel space area metrics in the context of dialect variation. Acoustical Society of America, Boston, MA, June 25-29. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
  • Fox, R. A., Jacewicz, E., and Long, G. (2017). Dyslexia limits listener responsiveness to indexical cues in speech. Acoustical Society of America, Boston, MA, June 25-29. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox. R.A., and Long, G. (2016). Dyslexia limits the ability to categorize regional dialects.  Presented at the 2016 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, November 17-19, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Lundine, J., Harnish, S., Zezinka, A., Blackett, D.S., Fox, R.A., and McCauley, R. (2016). Expository discourse performance in adolescents with TBI: How task complexity may modulate performance. Presented at the 2016 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, November 17-19, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Lundine, J., Harnish, S., Zezinka, A., Blackett, D.S., Fox, R.A., and McCauley, R. (2016). How adolescents summarize two types of expository discourse: Type of exposition matters. Presented at the 2016 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, November 17-19, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., and Smith, Z.T. (2016). Effects of low-pass filtering on dialect and gender perception. Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah, 23-27 May 2016, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(4), 2122.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A., and Deatherage, J.M. (2016). Stylistic variation in children’s vowel production. Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah, 23-27 May 2016, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(4), 2123.
  • Yang, J. and Fox, R.A. (2016). Durational features of /s/+stop consonant clusters produced by bilingual Mandarin-English children and adults.  Presented at New Sounds 2016, 8th International Conference on Second-Language Speech, 20-12 June 2016, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Fox, R.A. (2015).  Multicultural variation, immigration and patient care.  Presentation to Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus OH, November 11, 2015. [Invited talk]
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2015). Eliciting soiophonetic variation in vowel duration. 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences, Glasgow, U.K., 10-14 August 2015.
  • Fox, R. A., and Jacewicz, E. (2015). Reconceptualizing the vowel space in analyzing regional variation. Special session: Advancing methods for analyzing dialect variation. Acoustical Society of America, Jacksonville, FL, November 05. [invited talk]
  • Holt, Y.F., Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2015). Ethnically based variation in Southern American English.  12th Annual Martin Luther King Day Linguistics Symposium:  Germanic Historical Linguistics/Historical Germanic Linguistics, The Ohio State University, 17 January 2015. [Invited talk]
  • Fox, R. A., and Jacewicz, E. (2015). Hot topics in speech communication: Acoustics of regionally accented speech. Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA, May 20.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(4): 2337. [Invited talk]
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A. and Ortega, H. (2015). Source versus spectral cues in the perception of indexical features in speech.  Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA, May 21. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(4): 2417.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2015). Eliciting sociophonetic variation in vowel duration.  To be presented to the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow, Scotland, 10-14 August 2015.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., and Hardjono, F. (2014). Non-native perception of regionally accented speech in a multitalker context. Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2014), Singapore, Indonesia, 14-19 September, 2014.
  • Secord, W., Towey, M., Fox, R.A. and Wiig, E. (2014). School-based clinical leadership excellence:  A top-10 list.  2014 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago IL, 20-22 November, 2014.
  • Yang, Jing and Fox, R.A. (2014). Acoustic properties of shared vowels in Mandarin-English Bilinguals.  Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2014), Singapore, Indonesia, 14-19 September, 2014.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A., Stojanovik, V., and Setter, J. (2014). Vowel development in children with Down and Williams syndromes.  Acoustical Society of American, Indianapolis IN, 27-31 October, 2014. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136(4): 2312.
  • Fox, R.A., Beam, Gayle, and Jacewicz, E. (2014). Identification of dialect cues by dyslexic and non-dyslexic listeners.  Acoustical Society of American, Indianapolis IN, 27-31 October, 2014. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136(4): 2313.
  • Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R.A. (2014). The interaction of linguistic and indexical knowledge in the perception of typically developing 9-12 years old children. LSCD 2014: Workshop on Late Stages in Speech and Communication Development, University College London, London, UK, April 3-4.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2014). Reconceptualizing the vowel space. Methods in Dialectology XV Conference, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, August 11-15, 2014. [invited talk]
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2014). Nuclear pitch accent in American English dialects: Truncation and compression.  Acoustical Society of America, Providence RI, 5-9 May, 2014. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(4): 2291.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2014). Intrinsic F0 in American English vowels is affected by regional variation.  Acoustical Society of America, Providence RI, 5-9 May, 2014. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(4): 2290.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2013). Perceptual sensitivity to dialectal and generational variations in vowels in children. Presented at 2013 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, IL, November 15, 2013.
  • Secord, W., Towey, M., Fox, R.A. and Wiig, E. (2013). Language and Learning in School-Age Children and Adolescents. Presented at 2013 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Chicago, IL, November 15, 2013.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2013). Regional variation in American English: Differences in production and perceptual response. Ohio University, Athens, Communication Sciences and Disorders, February 15.
  • Yang, J., & Fox, R.A. (2013). Acoustic properties of vowels in 5-7 years old bilingual Mandarin-English and monolingual children. International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech (New Sounds 2013), Montreal, Canada, May 17-19.
  • Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R.A. (2013). Regional accents affect speech intelligibility in a multitalker environment. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2013), Lyon, France.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., and Hart, J. (2013). Pitch pattern variations in three regional varieties of American English. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2013), Lyon, France.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2012). Dialectal and age-related acoustic variation in vowels in spontaneous speech. Acoustical Society of America, Kansas City MO, October 22-25. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,132(3): 2002.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2012). Cross-dialectal and cross-generational changes in point-vowel locations in English. Acoustical Society of America, Kansas City MO, October 22-25. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(3): 2002.
  • Hardjono, F. and Fox, R.A. (2012). Stop Consonant Production of Indonesian Bilingual Children & Adults.  Presented to the 2012 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA, November 22-24.
  • Secord, W., Towey, M., Wiig, E., Fox, R.A., Petit-Clair, Griffin, S., Grammer, T., Erwin-Davison, L., Bright, K., Staskowske, M. (2012). Leadership & Clinical Excellence:  Up Close & Personal.  To be presented to the 2012 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA, November 22-24.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2012). The effects of talker variability on children’s vowel perception.  Presented to the 2012 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA, November 22-24.
  • Yang, J. and Fox, R.A. (2012). Development of English vowels by a native Mandarin child:  A longitudinal study.  International Child Phonology Conference, Minneapolis, MN June 4-6.
  • Yang, J., Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2012). Cross-dialect and cross-language differences in perception of vowels: A multidimensional scaling study. Acoustical Society of America, Hong-Kong, China, May 14. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131(4): 3273.
  • Yang, Jing and Fox, R.A. (2011). A longitudinal study on vowel development of Mandarin-English bilingual children.   12th International Congress for the study of Child Language, July 19-23, 2011, Montreal, Canada.
  • Yang, Jing and Fox, R.A. (2011). Monolingual and bilingual listeners’ perception of English vowels.  23rd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-23), June 17-19, 2011, Eugene OR.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2011). Perceptual sensitivity to dialectal and generational variations in vowels. Interspeech 2011: Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Florence, Italy, August 28-31.
  • Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R.A. (2011). Perceptual distinctiveness of vowels in relation to dialectal sound change. Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, WA, May 23. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(4): 2421.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2011). Vowel density differences among regional dialects of American English. Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, WA, May 24. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(4): 2452.
  • Fox, R.A. (2011). Speech and Hearing CSI:  Forensic Phonetics.  Presented to the April Meeting of the Ohio Chapter of NSLHA, Columbus OH.
  • Fox, R.A. (2011). Research Doctoral Curricula:  What are the Best Approaches? Annual Meeting of Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders,  Petersburg Beach, FL, March 23-26, 2011; .ppt at
  • Albustanji, J., Milman, L. and Fox, R.A. (2010). Agrammatism in Jordanian-Arabic Speakers.   Academy of Aphasia, Athens, Greece, October 24-26, 2010.
  • Wallen, S. and Fox, R.A. (2010). Vowel spaces of bilingual Haitian American Kindergartners, American Speech, Language and Hearing Association, 2010 Convention, Philadelphia, PA, November 18-20, 2010.
  • Wallen, S. and Fox, R.A. (2010). Vowel production in Haitian children.  Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching 2010 Conference, Iowa City, IA, September 10-11, 2010.
  • Jacewicz, E, Fox, R.A., and Salmons, J. (2010). Regional variation in vowel acoustics in children. Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, Mexico, November 15-19. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128(4): 2352.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E, and Salmons, J. (2010).Cross-generational vowel change in Southern English Children. Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, Mexico, November 15-19. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128(4): 2353.
  • Jacewicz, E., Salmons, J., and Fox, R.A. (2010). Cross-generational reorganization in the vowel space of Southern American English. Workshop on Sound Change, University of Barcelona and Institute for Catalans Studies, Barcelona, Spain, October 21-22.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2010). Dialect and generational differences in vowel space areas. International Speech Communication Association, Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Athens, Greece, August 25-27.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E, and Chang, C.Y. (2010). Speech intelligibility in cross-dialectal multi-talker babble. Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore, MD, April 21. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127: 1903.
  • Chang, Chiang-Yun and Fox, R.A. (2010). Production and perception of lexical tones in Beijing and Taiwan Mandarin.  Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore, MD, 19-23 April, 2010.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127: 2023.
  • Fox, R.A., and Jacewicz, E. (2010). Variation in vowel space across dialects and generations. Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, March 11-13, Columbus, OH.
  • Jacewicz, E., and Fox, R.A. (2010). Between-speaker and within-speaker variation in speech tempo of American English. 3rd Annual Buckeye Language Network Symposium, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, January 29.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A., and Wei, L. (2009). “Multilevel modeling of speaker variation in cross-dialectal articulation rate.” Acoustical Society of America, San Antonio, TX, October 26. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(5): 2162.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., Eckman, F., Iverson, G., and Lee, S. (2009). “The effect of short-term training on production and perception of s/sh by Korean speakers.” Acoustical Society of America, San Antonio, TX, October 30. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(5): 2311.
  • Chang, C-Y. and Fox, R.A. (2009). Time-course of perception of Mandarin Chinese tones. 157th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland, OR.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(4): 2773.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2009). Cross-generational differences in dynamic formant patterns in vowels. 157th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland, OR. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(4): 2696.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2009). Generational and dialectal effects on children’s vowel identification. 157th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Portland, OR. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(4): 2696.
  • Eckman, F., Iverson, G., Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2009). Explicit training and implicit learning of L2 phonemic contrasts. Georgetown University Round Table (GURT), Washington, DC, March 14.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., O’Neill, C. and Salmons, J. (2008). Speech rate differences in regional variants of English. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A. and Lyle, S. (2008). Variation in stop consonant voicing in two regional varieties of American English. 156th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Miami, Fl. . Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124(4): 2559.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2008). Dialectal differences in dynamic formant patterns in vowels. 156th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Miami, Fl. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124(4): 2436.
  • Smitley, L., Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2008). Stylistic variation in the production of /ai/ by North Carolina girls. New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV), Houston, TX, November 6-9.
  • Holt, Y., Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2008). Evidence of Southern Vowel Shift in African American English in western North Carolina. New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV), Houston, TX.
  • Eckman, F., Fox, R.A., Iverson, G. K., Jacewicz, E. and Lee, S. (2008). Perception vs. production in the acquisition of L2 phonemic contrasts. 18th International Congress of Linguists. (Workshop on Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics), Seoul, Korea.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2008). Analysis of total vowel space areas in three regional dialects of American English. Special session on Measurement of Sociophonetic Variation in Speech, Acoustics’08: Joint meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, the European Acoustics Association and the French Acoustical Society, Paris, France. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(5): 3068.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2008). The temporal location of rms peak in coarticulated vowels. Acoustics’08: Joint meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, the European Acoustics Association and the French Acoustical Society, Paris, France. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(5): 3070.
  • Eckman, F., Fox, R.A., Iverson, G. K., Jacewicz, E. and Lee, S. (2008). Does production lead perception in L2 phonology? Annual Conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC.
  • Salmons, J., Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2008). Fast talkers vs. slow talkers: Speech rate across dialect, generation and gender. American Dialect Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Eckman, F., Fox, R.A., Iverson, G.K., Jacewicz, E. and S. Lee (2007). Perception vs. production in the acquisition of L2 phonemic contrasts. New Sounds 2007 Conference, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
  • Jones, R., Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2007). Linguistic and cognitive processing in adults who stutter. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston.
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2007). Vowel duration differences in regional variants of English. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E. and Wackler, L. (2007). Spectral integration of virtual cues in speech perception. International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Spain, September 04.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2007). Auditory representation of spectral intensity variation in coarticulated vowels. International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Spain. September 04.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E. and C.-Y. Chang (2007). Vowel perception with virtual formants. The XVIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrucken, Germany, August 09.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A. and J. Salmons (2007). Vowel space areas across dialects and gender. The XVIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrucken, Germany, August 07.
  • Fox, R.A. (2007). Virtual formants and auditory spectral integration in vowel perception. Invited lecture to the Summer Institute in Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Iowa, Iowa City, June 21.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E. and Chang, C.-Y. (2007). Salience of dynamic virtual formants in diphthongs. 153rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT, June 07. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(5): 3189.
  • Holt, Y., Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2007). Are vowels in African American English affected by Southern Vowel Shift? 153rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(5): 3189 [First Prize:  Best Student Paper in Speech Communication.]
  • Fox, R.A. and Jacewicz, E. (2007). Dialectal variation and auditory mechanisms in speech perception: Research from the SPA Labs. 1st Annual Ohio State Language Network Spring Symposium.
  • Fox, R.A. (2007). Vowel systems and sound change in three regional dialects of American English. Invited talk, The Ohio State University, Dept. of Linguistics, February 28.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., Chang, Chiung-Yun and Fox, Jason D. (2006) Salience of Virtual Formants as a Function of the Frequency Separation Between Spectral Components.  152nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu, HI. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120(5): 3252.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A., Holt, Yolanda and Salmons, J. (2006). Acoustic Characteristics of Vowels in Three Regional Dialects of American English.  152nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu, HI.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120(5): 3294.
  • Jacewicz, E., Salmons, J. and Fox, R.A. (2006). Cross-dialectal Effects of Prosody on Vowels and Chain Shifting.  New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fox, R.A. and Feth, Lawrence L. (2006). Dynamic Auditory Representations and Phonetic Processing: The Case of Virtual Diphthongs.  International Speech Communication Association’s Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Athens, Greece.
  • Fox, R.A., Smith, Marc and Jacewicz, E. (2006) Spectral Auditory Integration and Virtual Cues to Place-of-articulation in Stops. 151st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, RI.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(4): 3243.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2006) Listener Sensitivity to Intensity Variation in Vowels in Coarticulatory Context. 151st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, RI. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(4): 3243.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E. and Salmons, J. (2006) Systematic Effects of Prosodic Prominence on Vowel Quality: A Source of Language Change? Invited Presentation at the Case Western Reserve University Dept. of Communication Sciences, 31 March, 2006, Cleveland, OH.
  • Salmons, J., Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2006) How Chain Shifts Persevere: Is there a Structural Solution to the ‘Transmission Problem’? Invited presentation at the University of Minnesota, Dept. of Linguistics, 10 March, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E., Hatcher, K. and Salmons, J. (2005). Perceptual Effects of Dialectal and Prosodic Variation in Vowels.  150th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, MN.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118(3): 2036.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2005). Intensity Variation in Vowels Across Acoustic and Auditory Spectra.  149th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Vancouver, Canada.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117(4): 2623.
  • Fox, R.A. and Smith, Marc. (2005). Spectral Integration in the Processing of Dynamic Place Cues for Stops. Invited talk, Special session on Current Issues in Auditory Spectral Integration.  149th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Vancouver, Canada. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117(4): 2423.
  • Salmons, J., Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R. (2004). Vowel Changes Underway in Wisconsin English: Prosody and the ‘Northern Cities Shift’. Presented at the Department of Linguistics, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI.
  • Jacewicz, E., Salmons, J. and Fox, R.A. (2004) Prosodic Condition, Vowel Dynamics and Sound Change. Conference on Variation and Change in Phonology and Phonetics, Potsdam, Germany.
  • Jacewicz, E., Salmons, J. and Fox, R.A. (2004). Prosodic Domain Effects and Vocalic Chain Shifts.  9th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
  • Jacewicz, E. and Fox, R.A. (2004). The Effect of Consonantal Context on Intensity Distribution in Vowels.  147th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New York, NY. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115(5): 2540.
  • Fox, R.A., Jacewicz, E. and Salmons, J. (2003). Prosodic Domain-initial Effects on the Acoustic Structure of Vowels.  146th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Austin, TX.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 114(4): 2396.
  • Jacewicz, E., Fujimura, Osamu and Fox, R.A. (2003). Dynamics in Diphthong Perception. 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Frieda, Elaina M. and Fox, R.A. (2003). The Effects of Regional Dialect on Vowel Intelligibility from a Cross-linguistic Perspective. 145th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Nashville, TN.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 113(4): 2255.
  • Fox, R.A. and Windsor, J. (2003). Doctoral Intensive Program Roundtable.  Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Albuquerque, NM.
  • Fox, R.A. (2002). Age-related Acoustic Changes in Voiceless Fricatives. Conference on Linguistics and Phonetics, University of Meikai, Chiba, Japan.
  • Rosenbauer, K., Obert, K. and Fox, R.A. (2002). Spectral Moments Analysis of Stops in Tracheoesophageal Speakers.  143rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111(5): 2480.
  • Fox, R.A., Feth, L. and Jacewicz, E. (2002). Virtual Glides in Duplex Perception. 143rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111(5): 2433.
  • Fox, R.A. (2002). Recruiting and Selecting Students for Admission to Your Graduate Program.  Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders,   Palm Springs, CA.
  • Jacewicz, E., Iyer, N., Fox, R.A. and Feth, L. (2001). Dynamic Center-of-gravity Effects in Consonant-vowel Transitions.  142nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110(5): 2667.
  • Frieda, E., and Fox, R.A. (2001). Cross-dialect Perception of English Vowels by Native Japanese Speakers.  142nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110(5): 2686.
  • Fox, R.A., Nissen, S. L., McGory, J. and Rosenbauer, K. (2001) Age-related Changes in the Acoustic Characteristics of Voiceless English Fricatives. 142nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110(5): 2704.
  • Edwards, J., Fox, R.A. and Isermann, (2001). Final Consonant Discrimination in Children with Phonological Disorders. 141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(5): 2504
  • Iyer, N., Jacewicz, E., Feth, L. and Fox, R.A. (2001). Center of Gravity Effects in the Perception of Virtual Formant Transitions.  141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(5): 2294.
  • McGory, J., Frieda, E., Nissen, S. and Fox, R.A. (2001). Acquisition of Dialectal Differences in English by Native Japanese Speakers.  141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(5): 2474.
  • Frieda, E., Nissen, S. L., McGory, J. and Fox, R.A. (2001). Developmental Changes in the Production of Obstruents II:  An Acoustic Analysis of Voiced Obstruents.  141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(5): 2447.
  • Nissen, S. L., Frieda, E., McGory, J. and Fox, R.A. (2001). Developmental Changes in the Production of Obstruents I:  An Acoustic Analysis of Voiceless Obstruents. 141st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago, IL.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109(5): 2447.
  • Fox, R.A. (2001). Elements of On-line Instruction in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Sarasota, FL.
  • Fox, R.A. and England, S. (1999). Contrast Effects with Sinewave Analog Anchors.  138th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Columbus OH.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106(4): 2274.
  • Edwards, J., Fox, R.A. and Rogers, C. L. (1999). Final Consonant Recognition in Young Children.  138th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Columbus OH.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106(4): 2244.
  • Fox, R.A. and Carahaly, L. (1998). Perceptual Magnet Effects in the Corner Vowels /u/ and /a/.  135th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 16th International Congress on Acoustics, Seattle, WA.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103(5): 2983.
  • Lynn, J., Creaghead, N., Fox, R.A., Conrad, B., Boley, G., Kapel, E., Deal, J., Fitzmaurice, P. and Allender, N. (1997). The Ohio Statewide Collaborative Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.
  • Edwards, J., Munson, B. and Fox, R.A. (1997). Dynamic Speech Perception in Children with Phonological Disorders.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.
  • Edwards, J., Munson, B. and Fox, R.A. (1997). Word recognition skills of children with phonological disorders.  133rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, State College, PA.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101(5): 3154.
  • Fox, R.A. (1997). Evidence for a Special Speech Processing Module. 33rd Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. and Bicknell, I. (1996). Perception of Waveform Envelope Cues in Speech and Speech-correlated Noise by Cochlear-implant Users.  132nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu, HI. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 100(4): 2692.
  • Fox, R.A. and Tran, S. (1996). Vowel Discrimination in a Phonologically Neutralized Context. Presented at the 131st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99(4): 2590.
  • Munson, B., Edwards, Jan and Fox, R.A. (1996). Preschool Children’s Use of Dynamic Acoustic Information for Word Recognition.  Acoustical Society of America, Washington, DC. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99(4): 2591.
  • Edwards, Jan, Fox, R.A., Jannedy, S. and Cohen, K. B. (1995). Speech Perception in Children with Phonological Disorders.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Orlando, FL.
  • Fox, R.A. and McGory, J. (1995). Age Differences in the Uptake of Acoustic Cues in Spoken Word Recognition.  Acoustical Society of America, Washington, DC. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 97(5): 3242.
  • Maurer, M., Fox, R.A. and Trudeau, M. D. (1994). Jitter Ratio in Subjects with and without Alzheimer’s Disease. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Wall, L. G., Sreenivas, C. and Fox, R.A. (1994). P300 Latency, the SSW and the Scan-A:  A Comparison.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Fox, R.A., Balint, C, McGory, J. and Wall, L. G. (1994). Age-related Differences in Fixed vs. Roving AX Discriminations.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Keller, Y. and Fox, R.A. (1994). Acoustic Cues in Black English Vernacular.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Fox, R.A., Balint, C., McGory, J. and Wall, L. (1994). Age-related Difference in Fixed vs. Roving AX Discriminations.  127th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cambridge, MA.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 95(5): 3016.
  • Fox, R.A., Wood, A. and McGory, Julie. (1994). Perceptual Dimensions of Vowels and Correlated Nonspeech Sounds. 30th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Keller, Y. and Fox, R.A. (1994). Acoustic Cues in the Perception of Black English Vernacular.  48th  Annual Convention of the Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Cleveland, OH.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1993). Effect of Pitch Movement Timing on Perceived Duration and Prominence in Estonian and English Listeners.  ECSA Workshop on Prosody, Lund, Sweden.
  • Fox, R.A., Chaudry, F. and Wall, L. (1993). Age-related Differences in the Discrimination of Two-formant Transitions.  125th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Ottawa, Canada.  Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 93(4): 2372.
  • Wall, L. and Fox, R.A. (1993). Generating Event-related Potentials using Tones and Syllables: Age-related Effects.  Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Fox, R.A., Maurer, M., Koenigsknecht, R. and Wall, L. (1992). Recognition of Silent-center Vowels by Children and Adults. American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, San Antonio, TX.
  • Fox, R.A., Kausar, F., Koenigsknecht, R. and Wall, L. (1992). Age-related Differences in Formant Discrimination.  American Speech-Language Hearing Association, San Antonio, TX.
  • Fox, R.A. (1992). Identification of Initial Consonants using the Patterson-Holdsworth Auditory Model.  American Speech-Language Hearing Association, San Antonio, TX.
  • Fox, R.A., Gokcen, J. and Wall, L. (1992). Age-related Changes in Auditory Memory and Phonetic Processing during Consonant Identification. 124th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 91(4): 2361.
  • Feth, L. and Fox, R.A. and Bicknell, I. (1992). Stop Consonant Identification Using Auditory Images.  124th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 91(4): 2472.
  • Fox, R.A., Gokcen, J. and Wall, L. (1992). Age-related Changes in Auditory Memory and Phonetic Processing in Consonants.  Quality of Life Conference, sponsored by the National Institute on Aging, Washington, DC.
  • Wall, L., Fox, R.A. and Moenter, D. (1991). P300 Latency and Aging. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Moenter, D., Wall, L. and Fox, R.A. (1991). Effects of Age, Interstimulus Interval and Probability on the P300.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Fire, K. and Fox, R.A. (1991). Recognition Patterns of Synthetic CVs by Young and Elderly Listeners.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Fire, K. and Fox, R.A. (1991). Effects of Age and F0 on Identification of Synthetic CVs. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Gokcen, J., Fox, R.A., Wall, L. and Moenter, D. (1991). Age Effects, Attentional Demands and Memory Degradation in Consonant Discrimination.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Fox, R.A., Gokcen, J., Wall, L. and Moenter, D. (1991). Age Effects, Attentional Demands and Memory Degradation in Vowel Discrimination.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  • Fox, R.A. and Feth, L. (1991). Identification of Initial Stop Consonants Processed by the Patterson-Holdworth ASP Model.  9th International Symposium on Hearing:  Auditory Physiology and Perception, Carcens, France.
  • Lehiste, I. and Fox, R.A. (1991). Perception of Prominence in CV Sequences by Estonian and English Listeners.  121st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore MD. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 89(4B): 1936.
  • Fox, R.A., Wall, L. and Gokcen, J. (1991). Age Differences in the Processing of Dynamic Acoustic Information.  121st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore MD. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 89(4B): 1935.
  • Fox, R.A. (1991). Silent-center Vowels and Categorical Perception.   24th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Wall, L. and Fox, R.A. (1991). Tone and Linguistic Discriminations in an Elderly Population:  P300 Applications. 1991 International Collegium of Rehabilitative Audiology, Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Fox, R.A. and Wall, L. (1991). Effect of Aging on P300 Latencies During Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Discriminations.  ARO Convention, Tampa, FL.
  • Fox, R.A. (1990). Perception of Vowels in a Phonologically Neutralized Context.  Invited paper presented at the Workshop on Speech Production and Speech Perception, 1990, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Fire, K. and Fox, R.A. (1990). Recognition of Computer-generated Syllables by Young and Elderly Listeners.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle WA.
  • Fire, K. and Fox, R.A. (1990). Gated Speech Recognition in the Elderly:  A Preliminary Investigation.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle WA.
  • Fox, R.A., Koenigsknecht, R. and Rand, M. (1990). Stimulus factors in gated word recognition with adults and children. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle WA.
  • Wall, L. G. and Fox, R.A. (1990). Effect of Aging and Linguistic/Nonlinguistic Distinctions in P300 Latencies.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle WA.
  • Lehiste, I. and Fox, R.A. (1990). Contribution of Duration and Intensity to the Perception of Prominence.  119th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, State College PA. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 87(S1): S72.
  • Fox, R.A. (1990). Effect of Attentional Demands and Auditory Memory Degradation on Vowel Discrimination.  119th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, State College PA. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 87(S1): S158.
  • Fox, R.A. and Segura, J. (1990). Vowel perception in a phonologically neutralized context. Presented at the 26th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. and Koenigsknecht, R. (1989). The Effect of Cohort Size on Gated Word Recognition. Presented at the 1989 Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, St. Louis MO.
  • Qi, Yingyong and Fox, R.A. (1989). Acoustical structure of nasals in CV and VC contexts.  117th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Syracuse, NY. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 85(S1): S56.
  • Fox, R.A. and Sarwark, S. (1988). A Cooperative Program to Improve Spoken English of Foreign GTAs. American Speech-Language-Hearing, Boston, MA.
  • McCracken, L. and Fox, R.A. (1988). Auditory/phonetic Processing Changes in Aging:  Vowel Discrimination. The American Speech-Language-Hearing, Boston, MA.
  • Fox, R.A. and McCracken, L. (1988). Auditory/phonetic Processing Changes in Aging:  Contextual Contrast.  American Speech-Language-Hearing, Boston, MA.
  • Abdelhamied, K. A., Waldron, M. B. and Fox, R.A. (1988). A pattern-recognition approach to identify deafness in speech.  Seventh Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Clemson, SC.
  • Nelson, L., Erhart, D., Kent, D. and Fox, R.A. (1987). Evaluating Constructive Processing in Language-impaired Children:  Word-monitoring Task. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Fornataro, L., Trudeau, M. and Fox, R.A. (1987). Tracheostoma Valve effects on Tracheoesophageal Contrastive Stress and Sentence Intonation. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Fox, R.A. and Trudeau, M. (1987). Dimensions in the Perception of Alaryngeal Vowels.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Fox, R.A. and Booth, J. (1987). Perceptual Features for Vowels and Auditory Representations. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Abdelhamied, K., Waldron, M. and Fox, R.A. (1987). The Use of the Vocal Tract Area Function to Study the Articulatory Movements in Deaf and Normal Hearing Speakers.  Ninth Annual Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Boston, MA.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1987). Discrimination of Duration Ratios in Estonian and English.  113th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 81(S1): S65.
  • Fox, R.A. and Trudeau, M. (1987). Perceptual Dimensions of Alaryngeal Vowels. 113th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 81(S1): S17.
  • Abdelhamied, K. A., Waldron, M. B. and Fox, R.A. (1987). A Knowledge-based Approach for Automatic Recognition of Deaf Speech.  International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), Cairo, Egypt.
  • Trudeau, M., Fox, R.A. and Fornataro, L. (1987). The Effect of the Tracheostoma Valve on the Marking of Sentence Intonation.  Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Trudeau, M., Fornataro, L. and Fox, R.A. (1987). The Effects of the Tracheostoma Valve on Marking Contrastive Stress of Tracheoesophageal Speech.  Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Erhart, D., Nelson, L. and Fox, R.A. (1987). Constructive Comprehension Processes in Normal and Language Impaired Children.  Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • O’Kelly, S., Wall, L. and Fox, R.A. (1987). Dichotic Digit Performance in Normal Adults for Both Acoustically and Perceptually Aligned Tokens. Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Wall, L., Davidson, S., Fox, R.A. and Kent, D. (1986). Presentation Level Determination Using a Computer-controlled Adaptive Procedure. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention,  Detroit, MI.
  • Trudeau, M., Fornataro, L. and Fox, R.A. (1986). Tracheoesophageal Contrastive Stress with and without Tracheostoma Valve.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Detroit, MI.
  • Sarwark, S., Gerdeman, B. and Fox, R.A. (1986). Round table discussion on improving the spoken English of international Teaching Associates.  National TA Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Shuster, L. and Fox, R.A. (1986). Perceptuomotor adaptation and the link between production and perception. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Detroit, MI.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1986). Affixation and Stress-beat Location.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Detroit, MI.
  • Fox, R.A. (1986). Interaural Perceptual Contrast.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Detroit, MI.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1986). The Effect of Unstressed Affixes on Stress-beat Location in English.  Symposium on Speech Recognition, as part of the International Congress of Acoustics, Montreal, Canada.
  • Fox, R.A. (1986). Interaural Contrast Effects in Vowel Perception. 111th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cleveland, OH. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 79(S1): S66.
  • Fox, R.A. (1986). Phonological Theory and the Assessment of Phonological Disorders in Children.  Central Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Fox, R.A. (1985). Computer Use in Speech Pathology:  A Panel Discussion.  Central Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Gerdeman, B., Trudeau, M. and Fox, R.A. (1985). Alaryngeal Speaker’s Preservation of Intelligibility in Competing Noise.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, DC.
  • Burnett, Jeanette, Trudeau, M. and Fox, R.A. (1985). Effects of Alaryngeal Voice and Noise Conditions on Phoneme Perception.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, DC.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1985). Syllable Structure and its Effects upon Stress-Beat Location. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, D.C.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste I. (1985). The Effect of Vowel Quality Variations Stress-beat location.  110th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Nashville, TN. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 78(S1): S20.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1985). The Effect of Vowel Quality Changes on Stress-beat Location.  Presented to the Department of Linguistics, The Ohio State University, 28 October, Columbus, OH.
  • Travers, J. and Fox, R.A. (1985). Assessment of Phonological Disorders:  A Comparison of Programmatic Versus Unrestricted Analytic Approaches. Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Akron, OH.
  • Wall, L., Smith, K. and Fox, R.A. (1985). An Adaptive Procedure for Use with Consonant-Vowel Stimuli. Ohio Speech and Hearing Association, Akron, OH.
  • Fox, R.A. and Lehiste, I. (1985). The Effects of Final Consonant Structure on Syllable Onset Location.  109th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Austin TX. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 77(S1): S54.
  • Fox, R.A. (1984). Voice-Quality and Single-Formant Contrast in Vowel Identification. Linguistic Society of America, Baltimore, MD.
  • Fox, R.A. (1984). Multidimensional Scaling and Perceptual Features:  Reflections of Stimulus Processing on Long-Term Memory Prototypes.  107th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Norfolk, VA. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 75(S1): S85.
  • Fox, R.A. (1984). Perceptual Features: Reflections of Perceptual Processing on Long-Term Memory Prototypes.  56th Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. and Geis, M. (1984). Mental Logic and Human Sentence Comprehension.  20th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. (1983). The Influence of Phonetic Context on Vowel Perception.  Presented to the Communication Department of the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
  • Fox, R.A. (1983). Contextual Effects and Speaker Quality in Vowel Perception. 105th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cincinnati, OH. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 73(S1): S54.
  • Godby, J. and Fox, R.A. (1983). Association and Relatedness in Semantic Memory.  55th Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. (1983) Speaker Normalization and Vowel Perception. 55th Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. and Unkefer, J. (1983). The Effect of Lexical Status on the Perception of Tone American Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco, CA.
  • Fox, R.A. (1983). Phonetic Identification and Lexical Access: On the Interaction between Levels of Perceptual Processing.  Presented to the Linguistics Department, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
  • Fox, R.A. (1982). The Effect of Lexical Status on Identification of Ambiguous Speech Tokens.  54th Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Fox, R.A. (1982). Adaptation Level and Speaker Quality in Vowel Identification.  18th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.
  • Fox, R.A. (1982). Influence of Lexical Status on Phonetic Categorization. 103rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Chicago. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 71(S1): S96.
  • Fox, R.A. (1982). Problems to be Solved in Performing Real-time Speech Recognition.  Presentation to Speech Recognition Group, Bell Laboratories, Columbus, OH Spring 1982.
  • Fox, R.A. (1981). Speech Perception at the Segmental Level: Is It a Bottom-up or Top-down Process?  Central Ohio Chapter of the Acoustical Society of America, September Meeting, 1981.
  • Fox, R.A. (1978). Individual Perceptual Variation and a Perception/Production Link in Vowels. 14th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago.
  • Terbeek, D. and Fox, R.A. (1975). INDSCAL Study of the Perceptual Space of American Diphthongs.  90th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 58(S1): S91.
  • Fox, R.A. and Terbeek, D. (1975).  Dental Flaps and Vowel Duration in English.  90th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 58(S1): S96.